WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

37 Twin Peaks Characters We Will See Again After 25 Years (Or Not)

Who's returning to Twin Peaks after 25 years? Here are the 37 original cast members who will reappear in 2017, including pictures to refresh your memory!

Rumors and speculation are finally over!

David Lynch and Mark Frost released a list of 217 confirmed cast members for the new season of Twin Peaks. Filtered out below are all 37 original cast members returning to Twin Peaks after 25 years… unless, of course, they’re still keeping a handful of cameos secret*.

Welcome to Twin Peaks learned that Mike Malone is playing a new character. Sheryl Lee could return as Laura, and/or Maddy, and/or a new character. And thanks to Josh Eisenstadt, actors Matt Battaglia and Brian T. Finney (who were mistakenly not asterisked in the official cast list) have been added. Their roles were minor, so they might be playing new characters too.

While 39 original cast members have filmed, the number of recurring characters could be something between 35 and 40. And that’s excluding likely recasts.

*UPDATE: According to costume designer Nancy Steiner, there are 238 speaking parts in the new series.

Mädchen Amick (Shelly Johnson) and Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs)

Leo? No!

And please let the woman in the back —a regular at the RR Diner— return as an extra.

Bobby Briggs and Shelly Johnson

Phoebe Augustine (Ronette Pulaski)

David Lynch always loved the Ronette character and seems to have found a way to involve her again.

Ronette Pulaski

Richard Beymer (Benjamin Horne) and David Patrick Kelly (Jerry Horne)

This duo is probably still up to no good.

Ben and Jerry Horne

Sherilyn Fenn (Audrey Horne)

Triple cherry time!

Audrey Horne

Jan D’Arcy (Sylvia Horne)

Wheeeeeeeeere’s Johnny?

Jan D'Arcy as Sylvia Horne

Catherine E. Coulson (Margaret Lanterman aka The Log Lady)

Catherine’s last gift to the world of Twin Peaks. Rest in peace.

Catherine E. Coulson aka The Log Lady at Antwerp Expo

Julee Cruise (The Roadhouse singer)

The original voice of Twin Peaks. One of the voices in 2017.

Julee Cruise to work with David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti again

David Duchovny (Dennis Denise Bryson)

Duchovny had a feeling. Turns out he was right.

David Duchovny on the return of Denise Bryson

Miguel Ferrer (FBI Special Agent Albert Rosenfield) and Warren Frost (Doc Hayward)

Mark Frost’s dad and one of the best TV dads ever, Doc Hayward, as well as fan favorite, Albert Rosenfield! Rumor has it Miguel Ferrer gets tons of screen time in the new series and wouldn’t that just be ACES?

Doc Hayward and Albert Rosenfield

Harry Goaz (Deputy Andy Brennan) and Kimmy Robertson (Lucy Moran)

Michael Cera as their kid?


Andrea Hays (Heidi)

Too busy jump-starting the old man… again!

Amanda Hays - Heidi

Gary Hershberger (Mike “Snake” Nelson)

Is Mike still the man?

Mike Nelson

Michael Horse (Deputy Tommy “Hawk” Hill)

Michael Horse previously talked about returning to Twin Peaks and appearing in the teaser:

To all those people out there wondering if the new series is gonna be good: YES!

Deputy Hawk

Sheryl Lee (Laura Palmer/Maddy Ferguson – both deceased)

Did David Lynch and Mark Frost come up with a third character for her to play?

Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer and Maddy Ferguson

Peggy Lipton (Norma Jennings)

But no mention of Chris Mulkey, who played her husband, Hank Jennings. Good for Norma, I guess.

Peggy Lipton - Norma Jennings

Bellina Martin Logan (Louie “Birdsong” Budway)

Props to Brad Dukes for remembering this ambitious character’s full name. Has she climbed up to become The Great Northern’s new hotel manager?

Louie "Birdsong" Budway

David Lynch (FBI Regional Bureau Chief Gordon Cole) and Kyle MacLachlan (FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper)

No surprise here, but a reunion of these two characters is something incredible to look forward to!

Gordon Cole and Dale Cooper

Mike Malone (FBI)

Mike Malone was a crew member who ended up being an extra FBI Agent in the opening scene of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. He’s the one pointing a gun at the bus driver in the still below.

“Malone” is part of the cast again, but will not be reprising his previous role. He’s also the show’s on-set dresser, which in typical David Lynch fashion could mean he’ll end up playing Killer BOB.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me school bus & prostitutes

James Marshall (James Hurley)

Hardcore James fans rejoice! No mention of Lara Flynn Boyle or Moira Kelly though. New Donna or no Donna?


Walter Olkewicz (Jacques Renault – deceased)

Wait. Another Renault brother?

Jacques Renault - Walter Olkewicz

Wendy Robie (Nadine Hurley) and Everett McGill (“Big” Ed Hurley)

Twenty-five years. Probably a lot of new inventions.

Ed and Nadine Hurley

Marvin “Marv” Rosand (Cook at the Double R Diner)

As seen in The Missing Pieces.

UPDATEMarv passed away shortly after shooting his scenes. May he rest in peace.

Marvin Rosand in Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces

Carlton Lee Russell (Jumping Man)

He lived above a convenience store.

Jumping Man - Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

Harry Dean Stanton (Carl Rodd)

I’ve already gone places.

But will we find out where he’s been before ending up at the Fat Trout Trailer Park?

Harry Dean Stanton as Carl Rodd

Charlotte Stewart (Betty Briggs)

Without her beloved husband, Major Briggs. R.I.P. Don S. Davis!

Charlotte Stewart as Betty Briggs

Al Strobel (Philip “Mike” Gerard aka The One-Armed Man)

I’ve been retired for 20 years […] and when I retired, I said: ‘I really don’t want to work again… unless David Lynch gives me a call.’ And so… here I am!
—Al Strobel

Al Strobel, One Armed Man on Twin Peaks

Carel Struycken (The Giant)

Will Cooper’s tall friend appear again? UPDATE: Maybe he was merely avoiding a confirmation, but the actor hinted he’s playing another mythical character this time.


Russ Tamblyn (Dr. Jacoby)

Jacoby isn’t retired in Hawaii. Michael Ontkean (unfortunately) is.

Russ Tamblyn as Dr. Lawrence Jacoby

Ray Wise (Leland Palmer – deceased)

Now that Jimmy Scott has passed, the Black Lodge needs a new singer. I know just the man.

Ray Wise as Leland Palmer

Alicia Witt (Gersten Hayward)

Jamming away at the Roadhouse every Saturday night?

Alicia Witt as Gersten Hayward

Grace Zabriskie (Sarah Palmer)

Poor Sarah, all alone in that big house on the hill.

Grace Zabriskie as Sarah Palmer

UPDATE: Brian T. Finney (trucker)

Hey, wait. Uh… I thought Leo said this was my party.

Laura partied with this unknown trucker in a deleted scene from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.

Brian T. Finney in Twin Peaks

UPDATE: Matt Battaglia (Frank)

J… A… G… W…     Car!

It is unlikely that Matt Battaglia, who recently appeared in several episodes of True Detective, will reprise his role of the cop who couldn’t spell “Jaguar.” But you never know.Matt Battaglia in the original Twin Peaks

That’s all we know for now. Which characters are you looking forward to seeing again and which surprise cameos are you hoping for?


Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. V2David says:

    Well I believe the only hope for Bowie is if they edit in some of the deleted scenes from FWWM. He is a time traveler, and therefore it would make sense. I would be absolutely shocked & amazed if Bowie filmed something before his death.

  2. Misty says:

    I cant wait! But I’m a little saddened to not see Harry Truman or Josie..I know she passed, but so did others that are coming back! I loved their love story, so tragic and beautiful at the same time.

    • Matt says:

      Harry Truman is going to be in the series, but he’s being played by Robert Forster now.

      • AC Volcker says:

        Never confirmed and probably not true. He’s playing a new sheriff. He has a different badge number and Forster is a very different sort of actor than Ontkean was.

        • Joel Bocko says:

          I hope that Forster is not Ontkean’s replacement, since I’d rather see him play a new character alogether. But a lot of people on dugpa and elsewhere who seem to be pretty much in the know and have been right about a lot of things have sworn up and down that it is 100% true that Truman has been recast as Forster. And didn’t Candy Clark tweet a picture of him and say “the new Truman” or something like that? At this point, I’ll be *shocked* if it isn’t the case (albeit also a bit relieved).

          • robf3 says:

            I’m guessing he will be playing Harry’s brother Frank, who according to the Secret History of Twin Peaks is Harry’s older brother, who was sheriff before Harry but moved to another town. Good way to keep some familiarity without trampling on Ontkean’s legacy.

      • Dave says:

        I don’t think we know that for sure?

  3. Gabe says:

    I’m most gutted about Piper Laurie not being there. Cranky old Catherine Martell would’ve been very, VERY welcome, but I guess they didn’t want her back. That’s disappointing, but the amount of people coming back is great, and some of the new cast members are stunning. Meg Foster? I’ll forgive them even for leaving out Piper Laurie for that!

  4. Douglas says:

    Excellent post. Such a pity we won’t be seeing Piper Laurie, Heather Graham, Lara Flynn Boyle and Michael Ontkean though.

  5. Shannon Nutt says:

    No Eric DaRae. I was hoping Lynch would surprise us and make Leo Johnson the current Mayor or a minister or something upright like that.

  6. Keith says:

    None from the Packard/Martel/Eckhardt subplot return. Probably for the better, but I wanted to see Josie again.

  7. wyldebill says:

    I’m too happy about the returns of Doc Jacoby and Agent Bryson to be bummed about anything else! Surprised about Leo, though.

    Hopefully there will be still more Peaks to come, and perhaps we’ll see Leo and Annie then.

    Harry Dean Stanton and Warren Frost are both around 90. Kudos to them!

  8. Eric isbell says:

    No Michael Anderson? 🙁

    • Todd Detter says:

      He said on facebook that Showtime lowballed him really badly money wise.

  9. Wayne Elmore says:

    why no Michael J Anderson or Piper Laurie…..too many great characters missing as well as Leo Johnson

  10. Mary-Jeanne Smith says:

    Thank you so much for featuring my Dad on here, Marvin Rosand. He would have loved seeing himself featured like this. He enjoyed the filming on the new series so much. He didn’t tell any of us what he was filming at the time, we found out after he died on 9/21/16. I can’t tell you how much it means to me seeing him featured on here. He was an actor all his life, but usually played little bit parts. The crew made him feel so special when he was filming with them this time, and he said the director made him feel like a king. I can’t wait to see him in an episode. I miss hearing his voice so much. He was an incredible man, loved by many. Thank you again.

    • Thank you for sharing that story. It was very touching. I’m sorry for your loss.

    • Nikolay Yeriomin says:

      My condolences, it’s a sad thing to hear! It’s great that they featured his character from “The Missing Pieces”.

    • Joel Bocko says:

      Wow. It’s got to be very poignant seeing several people who have passed away in this series. So glad you dad got a chance to work with Lynch again.

    • CL Coyne says:

      Seeing Marvin Rosand in the missing pieces was wonderful and I’m so glad we’ll get to see him again in the new series. I’m so sorry for your loss, Mary-Jeanne, and I’m grateful to you for sharing your thoughts and memories with us.

      • CL Coyne says:

        Seeing Marvin Rosand in the missing pieces was wonderful and I’m so glad we’ll get to see him again in the new series. I’m so sorry for your loss, Mary-Jeanne, and I’m grateful to you for sharing your thoughts and memories with us.

  11. A. J. says:

    I have a theory that Ashley Judd is going to take over the Donna Hayward role…

    • Rob B. says:

      Oooh, that would be a fun choice. She’s too good for James, though…

  12. JBassoon says:

    Eddie Vedder is going to be in Twin Peaks? Incredible.

  13. I can’t even begin to describe all the feelings I have right now. WOW, BOB, WOW!

    For those disappointed about certain actors/characters not on the list, I have this to say: Do you really think Lynch would reveal absolutely everyone, including every single guest star, before the show even begins airing? No other series that I know of does that, so why should we expect that here? I know it’s an already HUGE list, but I would be very surprised if Lynch let them reveal everyone they have up their sleeves.

    Not only that, but don’t forget the rumour that they’ve shot TWO new seasons worth of material. Maybe there’s a fairly clear delineation between the two. If so, this could be the cast list for season 3, but not 4. I don’t think they would reveal any characters whom they know aren’t going to appear until season 4.

    All that being said, we will just have to wait and see! 🙂

  14. Rob B. says:

    No Judge Clinton Sternwood. Of course, the actor died in 1994, but still… 🙁

  15. Charlotte says:

    Im glad to see quite a few mentioning Leo….I would have loved for him to come back, but even if David did ask him i have a suspecion that he would have said no. Nice to see so many old faces thou. Quite a few suprises on the castlist aswell….Richard Chamberlain ??..Do they mean the guy from “The Thornbirds”?. Like you all said…guess we will have to wait and see…and also read what happend to the rest of the cast in october 🙂

  16. Taylor says:

    WHY is PIPER LAURIE not there? How can they possibly make a new Twin Peaks series without the great Piper Laurie in it? That is not only strange, but also a big loss!

    • Rob B. says:

      I’m not surprised. With the death (at least in theory) of her brother Andrew Packard, Catherine Martell would have little power to pursue the Ghostwood project. Plus, with Pete gone, Catherine’s no real fun at all…

    • Heather Nightingale says:

      I agree I love her. She’s such a bitch but I live it.

      • Billiam says:

        Remember how she went missing at the beginning of Season Two, only to be incognito as Mr. Tojimura, for the big reveal several episodes in? Granted, there wasnt really anything leading into such a disappearance this time, her role sort of fizzled out a wee bit, but then again, who knows? Probably too much to hope for, however. (Great Catherine Martell line: “I can’t understand a word you’re saying, you have a THING in your mouth!”)

  17. Francesco says:

    Anima Gemini is right! We have just to be patient, the Man from another place will appear, be sure of that 🙂

  18. Nate says:

    It’s hard to imagine how difficult it must be for Showtime and David Lynch to keep things under wraps these days. I have a feeling we’re all going to gain a lot of weight from all the red herring we’ll be eating over the coming months!!

    • Rob B. says:

      It will make the main course all the sweeter, though… 🙂

  19. Heather Nightingale says:

    Was so hoping for CHRIS Isaac and Billy Zane also but I guess we will see!

    • Voltaire says:

      Agree as to Chris Isaac…he played that role perfectly.

    • MORPHINE says:

      I hated Billy Zane in Twin Peaks,I hope he doesn’t come back because his character was so boring,plus Audrey must be with Cooper.I am so dissapointed that we will not have the chance to see Catherine and Leo again,and in what concerns the ”Bob” chaaracter I was hoping that David would use CGI echnology to bring Frank back to life because honestly to me Frank is irreplaceable in that role.

  20. Voltaire says:

    It is a real shame that there will be no man from another place. The Black Lodge simply won’t be the same without him. I am a little surprised/disappointed that he let money prevent him from reprising this iconic character.

    • Gabe says:

      I think you have that backwards. It’s unlikely he would’ve asked for a ridiculous amount of money, but if they didn’t offer him a respectable sum, then he should decline. Why should anyone work for less than they’re worth, whatever the job?

      • Voltaire says:

        With all due respect to Mr. Anderson I doubt that he is in much of a bargaining position. You do not see him working that much nowadays. At least not in large productions like this one. Reprising this role was an opportunity to boost his profile. I fear he overplayed his hand/value.

        • SasquatchFever says:

          But he’s retired so I doubt he cares about boosting his profile.

  21. David B says:

    Really amazing job reporting on the new cast. We are lucky to have WTTP!

  22. Eric DaRe and Alicia Witt were the two actors I was most looking forward to seeing in their earlier roles twenty five years later. I had already surmised from her public statement that Witt was in (she said she wasn’t permitted to say,) but I’m not surprised at DaRe’s absence since he appears to have stopped performing long ago. I’m sure, given his mom’s production history with Lynch and the importance of her involvement in this project that he could have been in it if he had wanted.

  23. Ben says:

    I share some small sadness with others here about certain conspicuous absences (and as one of the minority who was more enamoured of FWWM than the series I would’ve loved to see Agents Jeffries, Desmond and Stanley, though it’s great to see Harry Dean Stanton on the list). That being said it’s a tremendous overall turnout of old faces and I’m so happy that Catherine Coulson will appear.
    Also v. enthusiastic about certain new additions. Fischler, Cera Watts, Hudson and Leigh in TP all sound like a great fit.

  24. shaz says:

    Would be awesome if Truman was secretly coming back

  25. Tom Burke says:

    Why does everyone have an avatar of the evil BOB?

    • Rob B. says:

      Because BOB is everywhere! 🙂

      Seriously, I think it’s the default setting here. In any event, I don’t know how to change it.

  26. Greg Lynch says:

    What about Fumio Yamaguchi? Or (seriously) someone hiding behind a Fumio Yamaguchi-like “cast member”?

    • Rob B. says:

      That’s what I’ve been thinking about Piper Laurie. Maybe Catherine and Mr. Lynch are pulling another switcheroo on us…

  27. ROBERT says:

    I would love to have seen the return of Windom Earle as well.

    • MORPHINE says:

      Exactly he was my fav bad character after Bob and Leland.Maybe David will talk to Kenneth once again to bring him back,Kenneth is an amazing actor.

  28. jon says:

    i like the fact that theres gonna be elements or characeters from FWWM
    so this will be interesting to see how the story plays out
    are we gonna see what happened to everyone over the last 25 yrs, will it just jump to 25 yrs later, the new cast list being over 200 people
    seems to be there may be more than just one season in store.

  29. Brian G says:

    The one non-return I am really surprised about is Hank Jennings. I figured that was a lock. Surprised that has;t been mentioned here. Chris Mulkey still acts quite a bit…Disappointed in no Leo, but that one is not a surprise given his lack of recent acting activity. Overall, so psyched!

    Some fun unexpected returns too…I had to laugh about the German waitress. Julee Cruise…nice.

    What about Toad???

  30. S.P. says:

    My guess is Steven James Tingus will replace Michael Anderson.

    • S.P. says:

      Or maybe not.

    • MORPHINE says:

      Exactly he was my fav bad character after Bob and Leland.Maybe David will talk to Kenneth once again to bring him back,Kenneth is an amazing actor.

    • MORPHINE says:

      I think Peter Dinklage would be great as TMFAP if M J Anderson doesn’t come back.

      • robf3 says:

        If Michael J Anderson turned down the role because Showtime wouldn’t pay enough, I’ll bet Dinklage would laugh at them for the pittance they would offer compared to GoT.

  31. Rasmus says:

    What happend with Hank Jennings he should comeback and make revenge on Norma, Nadine and Ed because he s a very good character and I think with he’s story could make the season interesting.

  32. Rasmus says:

    I hope we will see BOB again I know that Frank Silva is dead but he is the horror character who make Twin peaks scary they must use him maybe there are material left from season 3 they can use him or hope they find a actor who looks scary. If hav

  33. Rasmus says:

    David Lynch should ask one to be in Twin peaks season 3 Sid Haig he looks very scary and with him you could use him to be a horrible character. Just my advice.

  34. Dario says:

    I’m really disappointed for the missing of the Man from another place! He was a basic character in the series, due to all his metaphysical implications in the Black Lodge.
    I still don’t understand why he’s been deleted from this 3rd series, while we have the Jumping man. This last one has had a bit of space just in the movie (Fire walk with me), while Michael J. Anderson character has been very popular in the 1st ad 2nd series, being very intriguing and mysterious while he was dancing in the red room.
    In the third trailer of the new series, we see the Man from another place dancing in the red room. Maybe a clue for the real presence of M.J. Anderson in the new series?

  35. Kevin K. says:

    Great to see so many great characters (and a couple not so greats) returning.

  36. Irina K says:

    The GIANT is back!! It is so great! The scen?s with him are breathtaking, Carel Struycken is awesome!

    I hope, new Twin Peaks will be good. Only thing that we, fans, know about this is “It is happening again”!….

  37. Stewart McConnell says:

    Surely Ben Horne died!

  38. David says:

    I would also love to see Windom Earle again

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