WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Is It Happening Again? Twin Peaks Creators Mark Frost And David Lynch Tweet Simultaneously About That Gum You Like Going To Come Back In Style!

Twin Peaks creators David Lynch and Mark Frost tweeted simultaneously that “the gum you like is going to come back in style.” #damngoodcoffee Thoughts?

Are David Lynch and Mark Frost returning to Twin Peaks?

“When two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry we must always pay strict attention!”
—Special Agent Dale Cooper

UPDATE (10/5/2014): Is Twin Peaks coming to Showtime?

UPDATE (10/6/2014): Damn right, it is! Twin Peaks is coming back!

On October 3rd 2014 at 11:30 AM (EST), this happened on Twitter:

David Lynch Mark Frost Tweets

Dear Twitter Friends: That gum you like is going to come back in style. #damngoodcoffee

Yes, those are “Twin Tweets” by David Lynch and Mark Frost. Published at 11:30 AM, which is the same time Dale Cooper enters the town of Twin Peaks for the very first time (hat tip to James B. for noticing).


The Entire Mystery Blu-ray release happened just a few months ago, so that’s not what they’re tweeting about today. Now with David Lynch recently hinting at a return to Twin Peaks (“Just wait and see!” ) and rekindling with Everett “Big Ed” McGill, could a revival finally be fact instead of rumor?

Let’s reprise what Ray Wise said earlier this year about returning to Twin Peaks 25 years later:

They wouldn’t remake it. If anything was done, it would be 25 years later. It would never be a remake of anything we already did. Maybe you just didn’t mean to use that word, I don’t know. A remake, no, but it would be something new and fresh. David always said the town of “Twin Peaks” is still there; it’s still going on whether we watch it or not. So, who knows what’ll happen in the future? It would be 25 years later, not anything remade. Does that answer your question?

UPDATE (8:18 PM): In a Facebook comment to Reflections author Brad Dukes, Twin Peaks co-producer and writer Harley Peyton said “you will not get let down again” regarding today’s big news and the long history of debunked revival rumors.

Are we going to see a third season (on Netflix perhaps?) or will there be a sequel (or another prequel) to the Twin Peaks movie? What are your thoughts?

Here’s David Lynch answering a “tricky” question about a Twin Peaks continuation just a few days ago at the Lucca Film Festival.


BONUS: Have David Lynch and Twin Peaks lead Kyle MacLachlan been snacking on some local mushrooms lately?

And here are their original tweets:


Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Andrea says:

    I’ll see you again in 25 years. Meanwhile.

  2. john says:

    I dearly love Twin Peaks, but worry that without Jack Nance, Frank Silva, and Don Davis this continuation will be bittersweet.

    • David says:

      you worry about something nobody knows yet? Meanwhile.. I just wanna feel the taste of that gum again. In style.

      • John says:

        good point. i guess i should clarify that i’ll just miss their presence as they were so integral to the show — with many assumptions at this point that its a continuation & not animated.

        • Aaron says:

          I think that with all the sentiment that David Lynch has for his friend Jack that they would be sure to include a mantle portrait of Pete Martell. As for Frank they could either cast a look-alike or keep his role respectfully unfilled and use doppelgangers. Finally the same goes for Don Davis. It would see if Bobby Briggs grew up to heed the advice his father gave him.

  3. Paul Worthington says:

    I worry about how they’d handle a continuation of the story. I do not think either would want to reboot it or start with a new cast – but using the original cast, with a story set 25 years later, implies either:
    1. Coop possessed by Bob for 25 years. No. Just no.
    2. Obliquely referring to how that issue was solved offscreen two decades earlier… hard to pull off.

    I would like to see a movie that had, *as it’s prime mystery,* how Coop beat Bob *right after* the season 2 cliff hanger — while simultaneously dealing with what price for that victory he has to pay now, 25 years later, when he re-enters the lodges.

    • Jacoby says:

      I’m guessing that, if you don’t write it *for* them, you won’t be satisfied with anything they might come up with. The trick will be in telling your own stories and allowing others to do the same.

  4. Jason says:

    This is pretty much confirmation it’s coming back !! I’m beyond excited. I understand your skepticism John, but with Lynch and Frost both onboard there’s no reason to worry. This could very well turn out to be the best reunion type of show / event thats ever been done in television history.

  5. Jason says:

    @PAUL WORTHINGTON – Your third idea is brilliant! Would love to see that! 🙂

  6. Stephen Marino says:

    I was such a crazy fan as a teenager when Twin Peaks aired in Australia I think I penned a new season and called it, Return to Twin Peaks. It was utter garbage but at 15 and so pissed that the series ended on a cliffhanger I didn’t really care. Lol.


  8. Vlad says:

    Been waiting for this forever, and now can’t simply believe, it’s happening again….

  9. Lesley Huckstepp says:

    Please don’t misunderstand me but even though I honestly believe Twin Peaks was one of the top ten greatest tv events ever (and still is compared to 95% what’s on offer today) it really was all over story wise once Leland died wasn’t it? Go on, admit it, none of the back story lines were strong enough to carry it, and some were down right puerile. Lucy and Andy’s nonsense was just insulting and most unworthy of association with Mr Lynch’s work.

    Sorry if I offend, but re watching twenty years later it’s just not as great as I remembered it being. Having said all that, had to sleep with light on for a while, as I’d forgotten just how terrifying Bob is.

  10. Joshua John Puchalski says:

    I mentioned this once before in the thread addressing TP rumors for Ray Wise, but one great way around the tragic loss of Mr. Frank Silva would be, well, in TP spirit, use his doppelganger, the man from the Black Hole Sun Video. He looked so much like Mr. Silva that many were confrontationally sure it was him. Despite the fact that he had ready transitioned.

  11. Jerk Jerks says:


    • bob parker says:

      Still cant quite believe this ‘it is happening again’? Ive pondered like many TP fans about just how David could ‘revisit’ the scene. I have always presumed it to be a ‘proper prequel’ as FWWM was a ‘Prequel/Sequel’. Could it be that the History of Bob and Dale could be quarried from the pages of Dale Cooper’s Diary and the Chalfont/Robertson Trailer Park mystery/history? Then theres Chester Desmond and The Long Lost Philip Jeffries. There are a lot of mysteries yet to be properly explored!!!

  12. Dusty_Screams says:

    I knew the concert in Lucca was going to melt David’s heart!

  13. Joel Bocko says:

    If this really does mean a new collaboration, it will be fascinating to see how it works. Lynch has been moving further and further from narrative conventions since Fire Walk With Me, maybe even Wild at Heart (except for Straight Story, which he didn’t write). It seems like in ’89 their sensibilities had more overlap so it will be interesting to see them split he difference in 2014.

  14. Magicbat says:

    Is this why he was looking for Big Ed? I kinda just hyperventilated guys, this is the stuff dreams are made of!! *takes off oxfords, puts on red shoes*

  15. Ronaldo Moon says:

    to be honest if it were a just series of interviews like the palmer family interview I would be happy with that.

    there are many things you could do in twin peaks 25 years later.

    How long was Bob in Leyland? Cooper/Bob could easily bide his time and wait 25 years to strike

  16. Calabam says:

    I need this to happen !

  17. Katie H. says:


  18. Raymond says:

    Storylines? They don’t matter! That kind of thinking is what got TP cancelled in the first place. Typical TV viewer: “But WHO killed Laura Palmer? Wrap it up!” Pff. TP was all about the journey – characters, atmosphere, music, sets, design, quirky dialogue, etc. Just let it all wash over you and enjoy the effect it makes you feel.

    • Joel Bocko says:

      But storyline does matter even when it is the means to the end. The mood and atmosphere of Twin Peaks were able to luxuriate and envelop us in part because an air of mystery, tragedy, and fascination was sustained by the narrative hook. And the best parts of season two and Fire Walk with Me prove that in Lynch’s world the destination can be just as powerful as the journey, perhaps even more so. It turned out to matter a great deal who killed Laura Palmer, more than even the most obsessive questioners could have imagined.

      I agree that PLOT is not the raison d’être of Twin Peaks (although Frost is pretty damn good at keeping those wheels spinning) but the new Peaks will need – and I believe will have a story and/or mystery we really care about.

      • Joel Bocko says:

        (Unless it ends up being something purely fragmentary – riffs on Twin Peaks rather than a central theme, online digital shorts perhaps. I’d be fine like that, frankly. But of the intention is to create another narrative film or ongoing series, I think the storyline will be given a great deal of thought. When it comes to his long-form work, Lynch is not a non-narrative filmmaker. For all his abstraction, his films always engage deeply with structure and narrative events).

  19. Eric says:

    I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.

  20. Doppelganger Wow Bob Wow says:

    There have been rises and falls in the after fan following since the first Twin Peaks Festival following Fire Walk with Me in Snowqualmie that even featured a half marathon. Not quite sure if anyone carried a log 12 miles, but cherry pie was certainly served after the finish…. The Twin Peaks fests always ran with a solid core group after this injection of film promotion money, to 100% fan supported reunions every year after, and its mind blowing to see what is now happening with this recent super resurgence. Every time I see these discussions with the newest fans discussing the in’s and outs with new insights, -I am amazed at the impact it has on the newest viewers, (rarely is it a boring repetition impression) and this proves this was a timeless emerald dimension- that anyone really interesting has to be a part of.

  21. Marc says:

    Everoyone just calm down.

    25 years ago, David Lynch and Mark Frost created a show that is pretty much the “Never Mind the Bullocks” of television. There were shows before, and there were shows after.

    At least for a couple years (witness the president of CBS’s calls a year ago), it’s been pretty obvious that if they wanted to, it would happen. But more to the damn fine point, maybe they actually have a good idea on what to do next?

  22. “Welcome to Ghostwood.”

    This is what I want to see, not a new “Twin Peaks” but a series set in Ghostwood, the community built on the site of the old Packard sawmill just outside of Twin Peaks. All new characters with occasional cameos from the original cast.

    • Jason says:

      That sounds interesting and would be a very cool movie idea. If they bring back TP in a serialized form though, it needs to be TP and a continuation of what we have. IMO.

  23. Alex says:

    Honestly I’m not worried about where it will go. I’m probably in the minority here but I actually liked season two. Some of the subplots were lame, and most were cut off short, but it gave the town of Twin Peaks itself more vibrancy and depth. I can imagine watching it week by week wouldn’t have been great, but I found it perfect for binge-watching. Also I liked FWWM. Yep.
    Basically anything with David Lynch on board is bound to be insane no matter what, so I have high hopes. As long as Frost/the network convinces Lynch not to film it on digital camera.

    • Marc says:

      No worries on the digital camera (I really hope)—- Lynch has given multiple interviews recently where he has fallen in love with film again.

      I would even hope that Frederick Elmes would do the cinematography— it would be hard to imagine anyone else at least there to set the tone on the first episode.

      Other than that, week to week Twin Peaks was really, really great (alt.tv.twin-peaks or whatever it was really started the internet and TV), agree completely with you.

  24. Tyrkia says:

    I can’t wait for new twin peaks content, Not really worried..
    This is going to be so EPIC!

  25. In your dreams, Fleischman says:

    I’m hoping the gum will be a BD set in decent packaging with the audio in sync or a completely new project that they’re working on together.

    TP was done in the 90’s. It was great and you can always watch it whenever you want. Let’s move on and do something new rather than milking the back catalogue.

  26. Dale says:

    Following the news, I wanted to refresh my memory by seing the clip form the Black Lodge. In the “wating room”, Laura Palmer actually says “I’ll see you again in 25 years”.


    Go to 4.22!

  27. Lynch frost fan says:

    David Lynch and mark frost are the drivers here ladies and gents. Why don’t we sit back and enjoy the ride and stop speculating as if it were something we wrote and directed ourselves. In the town of twin peaks the owls are not what they seem. Lynch frost fan

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