Rumors are rumors, but here you have it “straight from the horse’s mouth“, as Jennifer Lynch would say.
Welcome to Twin Peaks has obtained an exclusive video of David Lynch personally announcing the upcoming Twin Peaks Blu-ray and dismissing all Twin Peaks rumors once and for all.
After a screening of the David Lynch Foundation‘s Meditation, Creativity, Peace documentary at Tel Aviv Cinematique in Israel, David Lynch —on his own birthday!— participated in a Q&A session with the audience from his home in L.A. via Skype. When asked about a recent rumor regarding a Twin Peaks shoot that was mistaken for a “return to Twin Peaks” by news outlets worldwide, the director answered:
Rumors about a 3rd season of Twin Peaks or even a new Twin Peaks movie have been shot down several times in the past by people close to the director, including Mark Frost and Jennifer Lynch, but this is the first time David Lynch has dismissed them personally and publicly.
More excitingly, he continued by announcing one true fact: the future release of the Twin Peaks Blu-ray that will include the pilot, season one, season two and “some special things that haven’t been seen before“.
Is he referring to the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me deleted scenes or the new footage they recently shot with Ray Wise and other actors in L.A.? Or both? Also take note that did not mention the inclusion of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, although this has been confirmed by multiple reliable sources (UPDATE: including Ray Wise). No official release date and other specifics yet, but there’s been quite some speculation about those already.
Many thanks to Amir Vogel from Tel Aviv for sending in the footage! And Ido Rosen for asking the question in the first place. UPDATE: The film journalist asked the director: “Earlier this month, the Internet was filled with rumors about you working on a new Twin Peaks project. What can you tell us about that?” to which David Lynch replied: “These are rumors.” Ido, not satisfied with the short answer, continued: “So I shouldn’t believe it?” And then here’s the complete transcript of David Lynch’s response:
“No. Rumors are just that: rumors are rumors. There’s always been rumors about things and there’s no real truth to it. I don’t know where these rumors come from, but I think they were based on some misunderstandings of what’s going on. It’s true that there will be a new Blu-ray of Twin Peaks: the pilot, the first season, the second season and there will be some special things on that Blu-ray that haven’t been seen before. That’s about all I can say.”
If you’re excited about these unseen “special things”, then why don’t you snap your fingers for the Let’s Rock! project, a crowd-sourced music video for “Dance of the Dream Man”?
I`ve been telling that to my fellow Twin Peaks fans till this day and they kept posting numerous rumours about some “continuation” of Twin Peaks from different sources! Now they`ll get this, and the gossips and speculations will stop once and forever. Thank you for the statement from Maestro, guys!
A little concerned that there was no mention of FWWM.
Yeah, FWWM should be in this set too. Then it’s a no-brainer as to what BD set to buy to get all the TP you’ll ever need (and all the TP there’ll ever be – good to hear they won’t be trying to get blood out of a stone).
Well, it’s good that at least we know for sure that Twin Peaks will not be coming back. I was getting tired of getting my hopes high and low all the time… It’s a pity…
Slow down, there, Maria_Audrey_Horne! 🙂 The quote cited in this article does _not_ contain a clear denial of, well, anything et’all. It contains only a dismissal of “rumors”.
The rumors being Twin Peaks coming back I’m afraid, MB.
You’re perfectly entitled to your interpretation, but those words simply don’t occur in the man’s statement.
I’m with Major Briggs on this one.
I third this notion. Until I hear David specifically say “Twin Peaks is never coming back,” I will continue to hold hope. In fact, he could have said this years, months, even a few days ago when he was asked, but he has never ever done so. With all of the fake stories that have been concocted the past few years, I find it optimistically interesting that he has never dismissed the idea completely.
Major Briggs, I really hope you are right!
cari amici… come me imprigionati in TP… non posso arrendermi …. non posso accettare che TP finisca cosi… questo significa che anche il mondo di DLynch… si è esaurito…ovvero l’ultimo sognatore si è spento. cosa possiamo fare noi prigionieri? cosa possiamo fare per fargli cambiare idea… almeno un trifilmico conclusivo ce lo meritiamo…
Still no info on the release date yet !? 🙁
I was sorry to hear that the show wont be coming back. then again, after so many years, maybe its for the best. still, it would be nice if what was filmed is an ending for the show. after so many years of wondering, it would be nice to get closure.