WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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Twin Peaks Diner Owner Talks About David Lynch’s Visit, The Arson Fire, And Twede’s Upcoming Restoration (Video)

The owner of Twede's, aka the RR Diner from Twin Peaks, talks about David Lynch's visit and the upcoming restoration for new episodes in 2016.

Twede's Cafe

[bctt tweet=”“Peakies are out there, and there’s a lot of them.” —Kyle Twede of @TwedesCafe #RRDiner”]

A few days ago, Sherilyn Fenn confirmed an earlier rumor that Twede’s Cafe in North Bend, WA, will become the RR Diner from Twin Peaks again. All on Showtime‘s dime. “We haven’t got an official word yet, but that’s kind of what we’re hearing,” says owner Kyle Twede in an interview with pastry chef and Twin Peaks guide, David Introligator.

Kyle Twede, owner of Twede's Café aka the Twin Peaks RR Diner

In this 9-minute interview recorded yesterday, Kyle, who has owned the business for the past 17 years, talks about the history of the restaurant since its opening in 1941, the Twin Peaks days of the Mar-T-Cafe, the arson fire in 2000, and that moment David Lynch walked through the diner’s doors around Christmas 2014.

Will Twede’s look almost exactly like the Double R Diner from the pilot and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, or more like the reconstruction on the soundstage that we see in most episodes? Will the place be rundown? Will it thrive? Only David Lynch and Mark Frost know (and we’ll learn from Mark’s book later this year), but we’re just glad Kyle told them: “Whatever you do to it, do it permanently. Don’t just Hollywood it.

Bonus: KIRO’s coverage of the news


Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. tony T says:

    I certainly hope they utilize this place. Not just for the show, but for this guys bussiness and for historical purposes. It would be a good long-term investment for the longevity of the show after its done airing.

  2. Ash says:

    I went there this summer on an adventure and had a great meal and a great cup of coffee. The staff were all incredibly nice and I as soon as my wife and I left we made a note to return the next time we were in the area.

    I cannot wait to see what the new/old diner looks like.

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