A dozen Twin Peaks cast members today recorded an emotional video montage to voice support for their beloved director David Lynch in his presumably still ongoing negotiations with Showtime. Without further ado…
“Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like…” #SaveTwinPeaks
UPDATE: Watch all #SaveTwinPeaks fan videos uploaded so far.
Recognize everyone?
Chronologically, here are the cast members who contributed to the support video along with their quotes.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a girl without a secret.
—Sheryl Lee (Laura Palmer)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a dog without a bark.
—Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like eyes without the brows.
—Sherilyn Fenn (Audrey Horne)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a waitress without a uniform.
—Mädchen Amick (Shelly Johnson)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a pie without cherries.
—Peggy Lipton (Norma Jennings)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a motorcycle without its rider.
—James Marshall (James Hurley)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a sheriff’s station without donuts.
—Kimmy Robertson (Lucy Moran)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a letterman’s jacket without the letter.
—Gary Hershberger (Mike Nelson)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch would be like the log without its bark.
—Catherine E. Coulson (Margaret Lanterman aka The Log Lady)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like drape runners without cotton balls.
—Wendy Robie (Nadine Hurley)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like the fire without the heat.
—Al Strobel (Philip Michael Gerard aka The One Armed Man aka MIKE)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a hole with no doughnut. No Twin Peaks with no David Lynch.
—Jennifer Lynch
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like sad without funny… or funny without sad.
—Grace Zabriskie (Sarah Palmer)
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Abbott without Costello, Bela without Lugosi… Franken without stein.
—Charlotte Stewart (Betty Briggs)
Ray Wise (Leland Palmer) later added his support via Twitter:
David @DAVID_LYNCH has my love and support #SaveTwinPeaks pic.twitter.com/T8QPDS8I3C
— Ray Wise (@therealraywise) April 8, 2015
We joined the actors in asking Twin Peaks fans to follow suit and here are some of the first #SaveTwinPeaks videos uploaded to Instagram! And if you haven’t done so, please sign the #SaveTwinPeaks petition.
Many more fan videos here.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like David Truman without Lucy.
Has Showtime seen this yet?
You bet!
Slightly off topic… but I would just like to reiterate the fact that the TP ladies are STILL stone cold foxes – even after 25 long years.
The guys have aged pretty well, too.
I believe Sherilyn Fenn’s was eyes without the brows
You’re right, Gordon!
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like The Man From Another Place without MIKE. #SaveTwinPeaks
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like The Jimi Hendrix Experience without Jimi Hendrix.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a percolator without a fish
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Columbia River without White Tail Falls…
The first season of “Twin Peaks” was a Lynch/Frost collaboration. “Fire Walk With Me” was Lynch without Frost. The second season of “Twin Peaks” was Frost, after Lynch walked away–returning to direct the finale. We know what “Twin Peaks” with all Frost and no Lynch will look like, because that’s what we got in Season 2. Though “Fire…” was also not without its detractors, between the film and the second season of the show, I’d take the movie ten times over. However the genius of the first season, with both Lynch and Frost fully engaged, seems to be everyone’s idea of “Twin Peaks” apex. I suppose with Lynch theoretically having already written the scripts, it will be better than, say, JJ Abrams take on it, but with such a unique opportunity to do something wonderful–why fuck it up Showtime?
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a forest. . . without . . . owls.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Showtime without viewers.
Best reply yet.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch? It’s like the Double R Diner without the coffee & cherry pie!
This is incredible we have to keep spreading this story and keep the pressure on showtime to make sure they get lynch back to direct all 9 episodes!! So proud of the greatest cast on television history for voicing their support!
Thanks for including me! I’m not much of a social media-er, but I made a twitter and instagram just for this! 🙂 I read your site everyday, thank you for everything you do to keep the fire burning! <3 We can do this.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Special Agent Dale Cooper without his coffee…*sob*
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Hicksville without the yokels. I love you.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Fire Walk With Me without deleted scenes.
Love that one about the grape in the desert. It could be a lake full of fish! hahaha
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like…Solar System without Jupiter and Saturn. Imagine in the film and scientific meaning.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a town without a welcome sign
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Bob without his killing istinct!
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like One Eye Jack without girls!
Twin peaks without David Lynch is like Ben Horne without a cigar.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a wood without sycamore trees
I’m not signing the petition.
Of course, it is difficult to say what has really happened. But according to some web sources Lynch got all creative freedom and resources to make season three. I understand that his decision to walk out his own project is purely personal.
Maybe he wanted to give his reward to his meditation center, and that money wasn’t enough, or whatever. As a matter of fact, Lynch has left his associates, business partners, Twin Peaks cast and fans in a very confusing situation. Think about how it must feel to be in Mark Frost’s or Kyle MacLachlan’s position at this very moment. And I bet that those who ever shook hands with Lynch at Showtime are regretting it. Did they want (or deserve) this bad publicity – think again!
Ding! Ding! Ding! It’s time to wake up.
I’m sorry I sound so negative but there’s every reason to. I’ve been waiting for season three as long as you have – since the early 90’s. And it seems it’s going to be a long, long wait…
I’m sorry, but you are mistaken about a few things. Lynch said straight up that showtime did not want to give him enough money to make the show the quality that he envisioned. He wanted to do right by the loyal fans who have waited 25 years.
By saying that he flat walked out on Frost and the returning cast is a total assumption on your part. Frost has made no comment that he left on bad terms. In truth, the fact that he personally called each of them to say that he would no longer be a part of something he didn’t think was being done right, shows that he does care. And that the cast is behind him and speaking out about shows this even further.
And this long, long wait you are talking about… it will be in 2016, regardless of Lynch’s involvement. Showtime has already stated that with or without Lynch, they have the scripts, and will be moving forward.
Frost and Lynch were the heart, soul, and vision of Twin Peaks (Great cast as well). Large companies buy projects, and then do not treat them correctly, usually ending in reboot after reboot and putting projects on the bottom shelf. I don’t want to see this ruined. But it very much looks that way.
But at least some people will get what they need for closure.
Twin peaks with David Lynch is like a wank without an orgasm.
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Peanut Butter with no Jelly
Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like a body without a soul and heart.