Each day brings a new beginning, and every hour holds the promise of an… invitation to love.
The sad news has reached Welcome to Twin Peaks today that Invitation to Love, the notorious show-within-a-show, has been axed during pre-production and will not return to the small screens of soap-loving Twin Peaks residents in 2017*.
Zoblotnick Broadcasting Company (ZBC) has decided not to revive its hit show due to unspecified complications. However, according to Mark Frost’s brother-in-law’s caddie’s therapist, the rumor goes that its director lost interest and moved on to work on more lucrative projects, such as a trilogy about the history of a Pacific Northwestern town. In a curious case of art mimicking art mimicking life, the cancellation comes almost exactly one year after the stand-off between David Lynch and Showtime, which has since been resolved.
Similarly, fans have already started to revolt and an Invitation to Love Facebook page created by uberfan Nicholas ‘Little Nicky’ Needleman will soon launch a worldwide petition to bring back the mediocre soap opera and #SaveInvitationToLove! At least one angry fan has been overheard screaming “No Invitation to Love, No Twin Peaks!” And make no mistake: Invitees will not accept a reboot. In fact, you will get pied in the face for even using the word.

According to its ratings for the 1st quarter of 1989, Invitation to Love had 5,120 viewers. At the height of its success, ITL was dubbed in at least eight languages, including Italian, even though there are no records that show it was ever distributed internationally.
Welcome to Twin Peaks has tried to reach out to its original cast members for a comment, but it appears they were all using aliases and are just impossible to track down.
*Year subject to change. It may even air in the past. Regardless the year, the premiere date is most certainly April 1st.
My log says Happy April Fool’s Day…
Nicely done, sir.
i think we all know that “twin peaks” was based on soap operas as an idea that lynch had when he was stuck with a broken leg and ZBC has nothing to do with the show, but instead as the network for “on the air”. it does make sense, however, that there might be a new soap opera and well, i’m more interested in what the new “game” will be rather than cards or chess.
The new season should show the reruns in syndication…
Invitation to Love was merely just a plot device to help people figure out wtf was going on in the show by mirroring character arcs in different ways. To say “No Invitation to Love means No Twin Peaks” is absolutely bonkers. Stop complaining about every little thing and let the masters that gave us this amazing show follow their vision.
Nicolaz, sorry for the confusion, but the article above was an April Fools’ joke.
I know the article was a joke lol, I just didn’t realize that people were so into Invitation to Love. I’m glad they stopped it as the show progressed. Cheers to all of us fans!