WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Twin Peaks Fest Photo Mission With Prizes

Twin Peaks Fest photo mission: snap a picture of yourself wearing one of our Twin Peaks t-shirts at the 2012 fest and win!

Are you attending the Twin Peaks Fest in a few weeks? You are one lucky fan!

And you can even get a little bit luckier, if you participate in our little Welcome to Twin Peaks photo mission.

Your mission is to snap a picture of yourself (or have someone take a photo of you) while you’re wearing one of our many Twin Peaks t-shirts at the fest.

Take a photo of yourself wearing “I pie Twin Peaks” in front of the Double R Diner, or the Mike & Bob & Giant & Dwarf t-shirt inside the Red Room. Massive bonus points if you’re rubbing shoulders with Michael Horse (especially while sporting the Bookhouse Boys or Sheriff’s Department t-shirts), Charlotte Stewart, Phoebe Augustine, or Jen Lynch! Then tweet the picture and add #tpfest, or upload it to our Facebook page before August 10th (but preferably still during the fest).

If you purchased one of our t-shirts in the past, I’m sure you were taking it to the fest anyway. If you don’t own one yet, make a purchase now and it will probably reach you in time if you live in the USA. If you live elsewhere, can you have it delivered to the hotel or motel where you’ll be staying. Just notify them in advance that you’re expecting a package. Remember, all of our Twin Peaks t-shirts t-shirts are currently $2 off especially for fest-goers, and you can get an additional 20% off with coupon code DRAGON20.

UPDATE (July 28, 2012): You can still have your order delivered in time if you ship it to your motel/hotel at the fest and choose priority (takes maximum 3-5 business days) or express shipping (takes 2-4 business days).

Now the good part is that I promise that everybody wins! Yes, all participants will receive an exclusive token of appreciation. But the 3 most creative/funny submissions will each receive a Great Northern Hotel keychain or Black Lodge pencil set (the choice is yours) in addition to the regular reward.

Here’s the short version of the instructions above:

1) Submit a picture of yourself wearing one of these Twin Peaks t-shirts (bonus points per included celebrity). Multiple submissions per person are allowed, but only one prize (or bundle) will be given.
2) Tweet your photo with hashtag #tpfest and/or upload it to our Wall before August 10th. Instagram users are welcome to participate, but a Facebook post or Tweet is required.

All photo mission entries will be published on this site and the top 3 will be announced mid-August! 

Twin Peaks Fest 2011 crew member wearing the I LOVE TP (Gold Necklace) t-shirt

 Twin Peaks Fest 2011 crew member wearing the I Love TP (Gold Necklace) t-shirt (photo by Lexi).

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.

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WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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