As a fan and admirer of Patricia Norris, Nancy Steiner was aware that she was “stepping into really big shoes” when she was hired to become the costume designer on the new Twin Peaks. Not that Nancy’s own career isn’t remarkable. She’s responsible for the costumes in The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, and Little Miss Sunshine, to name just a few titles. And let’s not forget Kurt Cobain’s iconic green grandpa sweater. So when she received a call from Twin Peaks producer Sabrina Sutherland, the only thing she had to say was ‘I’ll do it.’
I was so flattered to be on David’s team. I consider David Lynch a true artist. He’s not only a filmmaker, he’s a painter, he’s a musician, he draws. He thinks about the world in such an artistic way, and it’s not often that you get to work with someone that is a true artist in many realms. And he’s got his way. I’ll tell you this: I could never really get inside his head. It’s so unique to him—his taste. And I kept trying and trying and sometimes I’d hit it on the head and sometimes I wouldn’t and we’d have to try it again. We got to create some amazing characters.

Albeit a fan of the original series, Nancy had no idea how massive the love for Twin Peaks still is (…or is again).
[W]hen I was doing the series, I kept thinking that I really wanted it to be right, not only for David, but for the fans, because when I started on it, I realized how big of a cult following Twin Peaks has … I went online and I thought, Holy shit—this is huge. I was like, Oh, okay, I am entering a world that is beyond what I’ve ever worked on before. So I really was aware of that and it was in the back of my mind the whole time.
“We are really, literally, 25 years after the original show ended,” Nancy tells Fashion Unfiltered. So did the contemporary time frame affect the fashion sense of the town’s residents, or will we still see saddle shoes and vintage knitwear?
[T]his show is 25 years later … so we were interpreting that. But David Lynch’s taste runs from the ’30s through the ’50s, so that’s what that vibe is from—he loves those silhouettes, he loves the clothes from back then. I just incorporated some of that in my characters depending on who they were. There are 238 speaking parts in the new Twin Peaks. I thought about each character and their vibe. When I do a contemporary story, it doesn’t mean it’s just contemporary clothing. Because, as we all know, people wear vintage.
Two hundred thirty-eight speaking parts. Already a mammoth number, that’s even 21 more than there are names on the official cast list. You didn’t think David Lynch and Mark Frost showed all their cards yet, did you? If this is true, it confirms some surprise appearances or —this is David Lynch after all— multiple characters played by the same actor. Let the guessing game begin!
Source: Fashion Unfiltered.
He was here. Perhaps Special Agent Jefferies will have some more to talk about Judy.
It would be awesome if David Bowie filmed his scenes before his death !!
Although pretty mean of Harry Goaz to lie and say Bowie died before he could film anything, then. That would go beyond “secrecy” into something much more crass.
It does seem doubtful, but honestly if Bowie had filmed, Goaz might not have even known. There’s a lot of secrecy in filming even among the cast and crew. I think only Lynch (and maybe Frost) knows all there is to know.
I doubt Bowie will be in it. Peaks 3 shooting began in Sep 15, when Bowie was shooting the Blackstar and Lazarus videos. Later in the Autumn he was attending the Lazarus rehearsals when he was well enough. The only chance as I can see it is if Lynch did something with Bowie in Summer 15.
One of the extra people has got to be Piper Laurie (aka Fumio Yamaguchi)
I hope it will be: David Bowie, Chris Isaac, Michael J. Anderson, Eric DaRe and Michael Ontkean.