WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

David Lynch Gives 10-Second Life Advice To Fan On Instagram

When a fan asked David Lynch for a bit of life advice, he answered in true Twin Peaks Giant style and told him three things... Here's the video on Instagram.

During last weekend’s David Lynch Signature Cup Coffee event at the Whole Foods Market location in West Hollywood, CA, David Lynch fans were not only able to taste the director’s fairly traded line of organic coffee, but also meet and greet the man himself. One big fan and former filmmaker, Quark Henares, attended the launch event and appealed to the coffee-fetishizing artist for a bit of life advice.

In true Twin Peaks Giant style, David Lynch told him three things. Quark captured all of it in an Instagram movie.

David Lynch life advice on InstagramBe true to yourself.

Don’t take no for an answer.

And start your Transcendental Meditation.

Regarding his Signature Cup Coffee, be it the (Decaf) House Blend or Espresso Roast, David Lynch has only one advice: “Give it a try – and remember there’s an idea in every bag.” I already have but I will, Mr. Lynch, many, many more times.

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Buk says:

    I love David but he should stop whith this Transcdental Meditation stuff. No true meditation ‘guru’ will ask you for 2.500$ in order to ‘teach you how to be happy’.

    Has anybody seen the documentary David wants to fly, where Lynch is featured himself and all the TM crap is “discovered to the public”? Recommended.

    I wonder why doesn’t he finance his own movie by all the millions that he gets from the “Jaras”. They have a very nice house (mansion) in Holland with a few golden rolls royce limos…

    • Mahdeealoo says:

      The TM crap, if you look deeper, can not only make you happier but brings health on many levels. Know someone with PTSD? TM is effective as treatment where drugs and therapists fail. David is promoting TM as treatment because it works! Have high blood pressure? TM can bring it down. Before you bunk TM, talk to someone who has practiced it for a year, 5 years, 10 years or 45 years. You will see that the tune you are singing is flat.

      • Deanna says:

        Why should accessing happiness, health, drug therapy, lower blood pressure, etc.. cost over $1,000. Nice way to share the most awesome thing in the universe with everyone.
        I looked into it, and was totally turned off by cost and sales pitch. It sells like a bad diet fad.
        The whole time I looked at the website, I kept hearing Jonny Rotten’s voice saying “ever feel like you’ve been cheated?”
        I lost respect for David Lynch after seeing this.

        • Roger Pelizzari says:

          No one is ever turned away from learning TM for lack of money. The fee which is now $960 for adults and $360 for students is a deal for the lifetime of benefits you get.

          TM is taught by a non-profit educational group and the profits go towards teaching. You’re really not paying for yourself, you’re paying so others can learn. The TM organization teaches people in need, at risk youth, prisoners, veterans, Native Americans, people who have no way of paying.

          Our whole family learned in 1971 and it’s improved our lives in every way possible, and many ways impossible.

          Guarantee you that after you learn TM, your misplaced anger will vanish.

    • Roger Pelizzari says:

      Hey BUK, get real.
      Anyone who’s serious about getting spreading any knowledge to the world, needs an organization.

      TM is taught by a non-profit educational group and the profits go towards teaching. You’re really not paying for yourself, you’re paying so others can learn. The TM organization teaches people in need, at risk youth, prisoners, veterans, Native Americans, people who have no way of paying.

      The fee which is now $960 for adults and $360 for students is a deal for the lifetime of benefits you get.
      And no one is ever turned away from learning TM for lack of money. And scholarships are available at some centers.

      Our whole family learned in 1971 and it’s improved our lives in every way possible, and many ways impossible.

      Guarantee you that if you ever learn TM, your misplaced anger will vanish.

  2. Angel Highway says:

    I was there that day and got to see David,everyday at lunch on Twin Peaks, David would meditate, his trailer was right next to our Prop truck. So glad he’s still at it, who cares about that other stuff? what makes you happy in life is what he’s saying here, do what you like, and the answer is always with you, you just have to hear it….

  3. David is a heroe because he is investing all his time and energy into the transformation of the world of struggle, stress, crime and war into a world of more peace, justice, freedom, happyness, inner fullfilment.

    The costs for a TM-course (6 x 2 hours) in the US is between $ 750 and $ 1500 and it includes a lifelong, worldwide service of checking the correct practice, group meditation in TM centers and free lectures. If you cannot afford it, you can ask the David Lynch foundation for a scholarship to support you.
    The traditional procedure of “paying” highest knowledge (e.g. realizing Samadhi) you receive is by doing service in an ashram or for a guru for years and years!

    Look at the videos about the work of Padre Gabriel Mejía in Columbia on YouTube. He´s work is also supported by the millions, which are collected by David. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p_P6625P_4
    The Congress of Brazil has approved that Consciousness-Based Education can be introduced at 48,000 schools with about 45 million students and Transcendental Mediation Teachers trained – at least one for each school, to start with. These students only give a handfull of dollars.
    It might change the world´s consciousness towards peace if there are millions of scholars and students who realize transcendence. No war to no country anymore – it is within our reach in this generation!

  4. @ Buk and reply: by the way… I have been in Holland (Vlodorop) several times and there are no golden Rolls Royces, just a few private, ordinary old cars and some electric vehicles. You’re confusing that with Osho!

  5. David is investing all his time and energy since teh seventeis into the transformation of the world of struggle, stress, crime and war into a world of peace, justice, freedom, happyness and inner fullfilment.

    The costs for a TM-course (6 x 2 hours) in the US for students is 750 bucks and it includes a lifelong, worldwide service of checking the correct practice, group meditation in TM centers and free lectures. If you cannot afford it, you can ask the David Lynch foundation for a scholarship to support you.
    The traditional procedure of “paying” highest knowledge (e.g. realizing Samadhi) you receive is by doing service in an ashram or for a guru for years and years!

    Look at the videos about the work of Padre Gabriel Mejía in Columbia on YouTube. He´s work is also supported by the millions, which are collected by David.
    The Congress of Brazil has approved that Consciousness-Based Education can be introduced at 48,000 schools with about 45 million students and Transcendental Mediation Teachers trained – at least one for each school, to start with. These students only give a handfull of dollars.
    It might change the world´s consciousness towards peace if there are millions of scholars and students who realize transcendence. No war to no country anymore – it is within our reach in this generation!

  6. Paul Relf says:

    I learnt TM a year ago and its one of the best things I’ve ever done. It didn’t cost a fortune. I paid £300 for a four evening course and you have free check – ups and advice and group meditation for LIFE anywhere in the world. How is that a rip off? You pay to learn a language, you pay to learn to drive, so why wouldn’t you pay to learn to meditate? I occasionally practice other meditations too, like the types that are used in Buddhism to complement my TM. You can learn buddhist meditation for free at Buddhist centres and if you don’t like the idea of TM but like the idea of meditation I would suggest going to these. You can meditate on your own without instruction but believe me, from my own experience, you need to be taught by someone. Its amazing the difference it can make. Meditation in general has made my life better because it helped me myself to make my life better. PEACE AND LOVE.

  7. Joe says:

    Nice spam, “Sammy” and “Henning”.

    I think David has done things to transform the organization to be slightly less of a money cult and slightly more altruistic and genuine, but it’s still opaque, dishonest, and for profit, and I don’t know that he can fix that, or if he should even bother. I’d rather he promote meditation in some other organization or outside of an organization.

    Meditation is wonderful. Anyone interested should look into free (or dirt cheap) instruction from transparent people or organizations who do not have a structure of secret levels and information accessed only by money (much like $cientology).

    • Roger Pelizzari says:

      You are totally mistaken. TM is taught by a non-profit educational group and the profits go towards teaching. You’re really not paying for yourself, you’re paying so others can learn. The TM organization teaches people in need, at risk youth, prisoners, veterans, Native Americans, people who have no way of paying. Anyone who’s serious about spreading any knowledge to the world, needs an organization.

      The fee which is now $960 for adults and $360 for students is a deal for the lifetime of benefits you get.
      And no one is ever turned away from learning TM for lack of money. And scholarships are available at some centers.

      Also TM is unique in that it actually works! There are over 700 studies documenting the benefits. There’s no other technique that even comes close. You can’t learn it from a book or tape. It needs to be taught by a teach, one on one, just as it’s been taught for thousands of years.

      TM is the only meditation worthy of the name and the American Heart Association agrees.

      Our whole family learned in 1971 and it’s improved our lives in every way possible, and many ways impossible.

      Guarantee you that if you ever learn TM, your misplaced anger will vanish into thin air.

  8. dnk777 says:

    You people defending TM should just watch the “David wants to fly documentary, period.

    • Roger Pelizzari says:

      Your kidding!. That film is no documentary, it’s a calculated smear job, full of ignorance.

      Ah, but to each his own.

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