With a conga line, fatal arm wrestling and an endless boxing match, Twin Peaks: The Return Part 13 (“What story is that, Charlie?”) was one of the more action-filled hours of the new series. And even the most quiet scene, Big Ed enjoying a cup of soup, had some strange action going on…
Here’s an animated GIF recap to refresh your mind. Requests go in the comments!
Conga line at Lucky 7 Insurance

Bushnell Mullins is speechless

Anthony Sinclair: “Oh shhhhhit!”

Seventh Heaven

Muddy: “Imagine all the men who’ve tried. Many, many.”

Muddy: “Looking at you, I’d say you better leave.”

Mr. C: “What is this? Kindergarten?”

Nobody sucker punches Mr. C

Muddy: “You ready?”

Mr. C: “Starting positions.”

Ray Monroe: “TAKE HIM DOWN!”

Mr. C’s Single Punch KO

Richard Horne sees Mr. C

Ray Monroe’s Owl Cave Symbol ring


Dale Cooper: “Coffee!”

Dale Cooper finds cherry pie

Anthony’s dandruff

Man in Urinal: “That bad, huh?”

Double R Diner timelapse

Nadine Hurley: “Oh my god! I love your show so much!”

“Now it’s a boxing match again.”

Audrey Horne: “I’m not sure who I am, but I’m not me.”

Audrey Horne: “It’s like Ghostwood here.”

James Hurley’s “Just You” at the Roadhouse

Lonely Ed

BONUS: Big Ed’s odd reflection

I was waiting for this. Sweet.
Mr C. gives me the impression to feel and understand that Richard is seeing him.
What if we live inside a gif?