The Secret Diary Of Laura Palmer: Every Cover Of Every Edition
There are over 20 different editions and translations of the Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Jennifer Lynch. Here's an attempt to collect all their covers.
Written by David Lynch’s then 22-year-old daughter, Jennifer Lynch, the Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (Amazon) was published on September 15 in 1990 right before the second season premiere of Twin Peaks in the U.S. More than 20 different editions and translations were released since then. Here’s an attempt to collect all their covers.
All Existing Covers of The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer
If your copy’s cover is not listed below, or if you have a better quality scan available, please let me know in the comments.
The original 1990 edition.The 2011 edition with foreword by Mark Frost and David Lynch.
The 2011 reissue in the UK
A compact, paperback edition from the 90s.The 1992 edition featuring “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me” artwork.A German translation of the diary.A slightly different German version.A third German title, sent in by Jared!The cover of the French, softcover book.The hardcover as released in France, thanks to Jared.Il Diario Segreto di Laura Palmer. You got it, that’s Italian.Another Il Diario Segreto di Laura Palmer from ItalyThe secret diary as released in Belgium and The Netherlands. It’s the one I read in my early teens.O Diário Secreto De Laura Palmer… in Portuguese.A Japanese version. The show was a huge hit there.“Jurnalul Secret Al Laurei Palmer,” or how to pronounce “Laura Palmer” in Romanian.Tajný denník Laury Palmerovej by Jennifer Lynchová. That’s Slovak!Sekretny dziennik Laura Palmer. That’s Polish!Who killed Laura Palmer, reads this Hungarian version sent in by Gábor C.“Laura Palmerin salainen päiväkirja,” I believe, is Finnish.The Swedish diary is called Laura Palmers hemliga dagbok.Thanks to Konstantin, here’s the Russian version.Australian softcover, thanks to Jared!Georgi sent me this Bulgarian cover of the book.Diario Secreto de Laura Palmer via NicoleThe Greek edition thanks to FredThe Denmark edition of the bookAnd finally, a fan-made cover by Charles Ramsey.
You got the Finnish cover right! I’m from Finland and I’ve always wondered why the cover of “Laura Palmerin salainen päiväkirja” is green when on the tv show it was red (and the non-secret diary was green).
No Polish cover? 😉
There is one now 🙂 Thanks for the heads up.
You forgot the Norwegian cover…
Oh. Can you tell me what’s it called in Norwegian?
You got the Finnish cover right! I’m from Finland and I’ve always wondered why the cover of “Laura Palmerin salainen päiväkirja” is green when on the tv show it was red (and the non-secret diary was green).
It’s called “Laura Palmers Hemmelige Dagbok” in Norwegian, and was released by Tiden in 1991.
I have the original. The Bob told me where to find it.
From Spain:
Thank you very much, Nicole!
The Greek one is missing too!
Greek edition
Thanks, Fred! Added.
I had it before the summer, but lost it while I was out traveling, and im desperate to get a new one!
Please help!
Try Amazon:
Danish one is missing too…tried to look it up on google pics so i could link it but its a no-show…so guess it will be hard to find.
the french softcover one
I’ve got the Dutch version! Bought it two years ago secondhand since it isn’t available any other way but it made me understand Laura much better!
I assumed this was the cover all the 2011 editions had. Now I guess this the UK exclusive cover?
Was the book originally published in paperback or hardcover?