WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... 02:35 AM, March 14th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Twin Peaks Trending Worldwide: How Twitter Reacted To The Beautiful Nightmare That Was Part 8

David Lynch: “So, you’re hungry for updates about Audrey and Sheriff Truman? Here’s a cold sandwich of mystery nightmare meat for ya.”

This is the water. And this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

This is the water. And this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

This is the water. And this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

Sorry. Had to get that out of the way first.

Yes, #TwinPeaks was trending worldwide Sunday night and even if you only watched a few minutes of Part 8, you’ll know why. We witnessed what David Nevins previously described as “the pure heroin version of David Lynch,” and here are some knee-jerk reactions as found on Twitter. Please add your thoughts on Part 8 in the comments, or join the discussion!


Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. J says:

    It’s perfectly understandable. Meditation is clarity. TV is befuddlement

  2. RN says:

    Electric bell in The Observatory detects artificial neutrino emissions from Earth (Trinity test) and begins pinging. The Giant and Senoriota take measures.

  3. BCR says:

    I’m not sure it’s that unclear if the secret history is taken into account, as well as the general folklore of Whitesands and NM at that time. I.e., David Lynch does his vision of Roswell. Add in a twenty minute riff on 2001 space travel scene and your off to the races. The insect and it’s purpose is an intentional mystery left to be answered later or never. Otherwise, it mostly just served to provide evidence that the woodsman and the strange ashen folk are most likely Lynch’s version of the greys. Still, 7 & 8 were, by a considerable measure, my favorite episodes… well the only episodes I think had more positives than negatives (e.g., a reduction in offensive casting and directing/writing)…

  4. pebble says:

    ” (e.g., a reduction in offensive casting and directing/writing)… ”

    What the HELL are you talking about ?

  5. ICYHOT says:

    Just one thought:
    Many said they view the orb/Laura as being created as a counterpoint to Bob, his nemesis.

    My initial feeling was more that it/she was created as a prey or bait, something ultimately pure the ultimate evil would be drawn to and in its pursuit disclose itself.

  6. It’s funny how many of y’all are struggling to understand it, and Lynch is sitting back laughing at everyone who is popping up with theories and etc. It’s hilarious cuz most of Lynch’s work is purposely incoherent and even he himself doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I haven’t seen the new Twin Peaks, in truth i haven’t cared about the show since the last episode of Season 1, as far as I’m concerned that is where the show ended. Laura Palmer was being molested by her father too the point she became a drug addicted whore and he sicko dad found out what he created and he killed her. All the rest is useless dream interpretation, weirdness for sake of weirdness, bad writing and at times worse acting. I love Lynch at times and in small doses and I love his rebellions towards tv and what is exceptable and his careless fuck you to everyone but seriously is Twin Peaks really that good? Or is just cuz it’s so absurd and different that it’s bring admired for its aesthetics more than its actual whole.??

    • The conclusion to the Laura Palmer mystery came in the middle of season 2, not the end of season 1, so you must have enjoyed more of the show than you thought?

      Dream interpretation is not useless, especially to someone who enjoys exploring the imagination and subconscious.

      A film can be good AND absurd and aesthetic at the time time, if you know how to appreciate surreal art. If you can’t, and you haven’t even actually seen the new show, why are you here complaining?

    • Jon Pieterpater says:

      Hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts on something you haven’t watched!

    • What’s even more funny is us struggling to understand what made you even come here to disrupt a comment section by issuing a subjective opinion about stuff you haven’t even seen yet. Thanks kid, we got it from here.

    • Bandini says:

      If you really believe that Lynch is just throwing images on the screen without purpose or in relation to a plot line then you simply don’t understand his work.

    • HumpleDink_of_31stCentury says:

      Did you just have whole intrigue, art taste and quality drained out of your human existence when you were a kid or in adulthood? How generic and bland your existence must be. Though if you actually watched the show and read the books a lot of it does actually make sense. This episode was a masterpiece of visual poetry and with how Season 3 has developed they do actually have a structure in the background and it makes sense, sure you can never fully understand what the layout is but with how things have gone — Frost and Lynch most definitely know where they going. Too many lines, too many events all going to the movies and previous tv show. This episode was like a tale or pslam from the book of their mythology. They know what they doing most certainly.

  7. As soon as the show started with orbs, dopplegangers, aliens, giants, hotel waiters who are 100 years old and talk about warm milk why people are dying in front of them. It’s just too much strangeness to be enjoyed, a little weird goes along way but too much can bring stupidness. I enjoyed the first season, and the Fire Walk With Me film is easily my fav of Lynch’s films but that film is all that’s needed. As I said before, Laura’s dad is the killer straight up and down. Open and shut, and even Bob can be explained as just the face that Laura saw cuz her damaged and abused mind used Bob to try and trick herself into thinking it wasn’t her dad raping and abusing her. The whole ring, demon, and in Mark frosts book (the secret history of twin peaks, which I read and enjoyed) the aliens are all just cheap ways to make a story continue on even though there is no where else to go with story. Example, just look at every long running tv show or in twin peaks case, soap opera on television. The original idea is ruined by the greed of tv execs and fanatics who want more when there’s nothing left, but bologna. I’ve always liked Lynch but down deep have had issues with his style. I like the mystery and the ambiguity of his work, i.e. the viewer gets involved and sees their own things and what not. I like that style but with Lynch he sometimes makes his work so incoherent that it is not even worth it to try and sometimes in the end it just seems pointless.

    • Jason says:

      I don’t agree at all but understand where you’re coming from. It’s one way to see the show – black and white. And if you’re happy with that then great. But there IS more to Twin Peaks than that and for most people who love the show, thats what we’re getting and couldn’t be happier.
      If its to weird for you thats fine, Lynch and surrealism in general is an acquired taste and not for everyone.

    • Having just re-watched the original again, I have to agree for the most part.

      Once Leland killed himself and the original “mystery” was solved, the show didn’t get weird. It was a sad attempt to bring another storyline in with Windom Earle and Ms. Twin Peaks and Ben Horne going crazy…it was so fragmented and disjointed…just bad writing and some bad acting all around.

      The weirdness and strangeness (and genius) that is David Lynch finally came back around in the final episode, but even he seemed to have a hard time wrapping up and including all the garbage that was introduced over a nearly season’s worth of episodes by other writers and directors.

      I struggled with episode 8, but in a good way. I really felt like I was watching David Lynch. But even the new episodes seem to be stretching from the original vision of Twin Peaks which was a great combination of classic soap opera drama with Lynch’s weirdness mixed in. We are getting very little of the great storyline drama and more of the weirdness with these new episodes.

      I’m not saying I just want to see “normal” updates on old characters, but I’m struggling with how a lot of this is going to be wrapped up and explained.

  8. Jason says:

    The ash guy looked like Abe Lincoln to me. I would have thought that even if there were not s heads up penny in the episode.

    • Erika says:

      For good reason- every other credit listed on that actor’s IMDb page is Abraham Lincoln (save for one Amish character named Amos)!

  9. The Log says:

    Upon reading the poem “Hymn to God, My God, In My Sickness” by John Donne – there may be some relativity to what we are witnessing in regards to Twin Peaks. The poem supposedly was an inspiration for the naming of the Trinity test site for the atomic bomb. Some parallel imagery and ideas can be unearthed within.

  10. The Man Who Knew Too Much says:

    The Woodsman.
    And The Woodsmen.
    Floating garmonbozia
    Flowing birth from the mother.

    Eggs of golden light
    And eggs of darkened night.
    Hear the chant in the radio waves
    Hear the clues in the electrical waves
    Nuclear blast, and the EMP
    Fire, walk with me.

    Soon, there can only be one.
    Evil Coop is almost done.
    Dougie Jones, Santo & Johnny
    Wake up and sleep walk with me

    Episode nine, the numbers take shape
    Look for the symbol in the red drape
    The white lodge over purple seas
    The black lodge behind the trees

    All dark roads lead back to home
    Winding cars with shiny chrome
    Owls up above, and hawk down below
    The return is nigh and soon all will know

  11. Stuka says:

    Fácil y lógico: The first detonation of a nuclear weapon was conducted by the United States Army at 5:29 am on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project in White Sands, New Mexico… Die Geburt der Tragödie.

  12. Fede Jara says:

    We shouldn’t watch TP on tvs or computer screens. They should broadcast it on cinemas and we all go every week and pay our ticket to see these masterpieces. Saludos from Argentina.

  13. DJ Why says:

    Anyone else notice that the music under the first ‘woodsmen’ scene (immediately after Ray shoots Bob/Dale) is actually Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata (slowed down A LOT (about 300%))? Nice sound design.

  14. “The horse is the white of the eyes…” sounds like a reference to REM sleep and being transported by nightmares.. “and dark within”… whites of the eyes being blind… dream logic, “This is the water, this is the well, drink full and descend”… figures fall asleep involuntarily… The speaker (“got a light” guy) looks like Abraham Lincoln. President at the time of the nuclear drop on Hiroshima was Harry S. Truman (also name of Twin Peak’s sheriff)… Speculating that the government is hypnotizing us with delusions and dreams into living in a nuclear age of mass terror… Roswell (“the well”) is 133 miles from White Sands, etc… not so far. I see connections to be made. Lincoln had a reputation for being truthful, once walked ten miles to return a book… seems to connect with “True Man”. Today we also have a President who quashes the minds of the media (not saying there is anything wrong with that) like the oneiric phantom figure that walks in from the desert does to the radio station employees.

    • Arjan Hut says:

      It is a horse that is white like the white of the eyes, A white horse. Like the white horse that Dale Cooper and Sarah Palmer have seen.

    • Bruno Truman says:

      I was thinking the well refers to the circle of Glastonbury groves. The pebbles around it are white, and the water is dark inside.

  15. Arjan Hut says:

    the ocean alone
    watching that purple vastness
    is the perfect drug

  16. Paul says:

    I’m sure most people will probably have seen this somewhere else but posting here just in case you are reading and haven’t. The imagery in this beautiful episode could have been influenced by the photography of nuclear tests similar to that in the episode. Not sure if I can post a link here but will try, if not look up “rapatronic camera 3 shots roamaboutmike” for some images-


    Looks like the eggs/bubbles etc…

  17. Link exchange is nothing else except it is only placing the other person’s blog link on your page at suitable place and other person will
    also do similar for you.

  18. I don’t think Bob was “sent” by The Experiment…We already know he has the ability to enter entities with ease l, he is an inhabiting spirit, so this is his forte. Something about the bomb going off, and the general theme of worlds tearing apart, these sudden BREAKS! in sound and tone, and the bomb itself, SPLITTING of the atom, and how the bomb forever exploded into existed a new world where men are now the destroyer of world’s. Seeing BOB being vomited out like that made me think he was not wanted. If you think about it, BOB is somewhat like a virus, bacteria. He gets inside you, he is unwanted, sickening, he changes you into something diseased… Perhaps when the Experiment came into contact with the radiation she was able to literally vomit the disease out.

    But think about how this fits into the plot. What does Boop want? He held up a card before killing Daria upon which was painted a black face which looked like the X with its arms back in the nuclear Void. It also looks somewhat like the Owl Cave ring symbol, but at this point I’m thinking they are one in the same.

    Also, we know Coop is involved with or had something to do with creating the glass box. And who appeared in there in ep 2? That’s right… The Mother of Anominations herself…aka “the Whore of Babylon” Mama Vomit, The Experiment…Is it possible he wants to capture it/ her? I have thoughts…

    We know The X broke out, but something was strange about her being unable to be captured fully by camera’s which leads me to believe that our world is not “right” for her yet to fully sustain in for a long period of time outside of wherever dimension she followed Coop from.

    Good thing Twin Peaks is going to hell lately right???

    But anyway, my theory is that Bob was once an inhabitant of this powerful extra dimensional creature of pure perfect evil, until he was expelled. So perhaps he is hatching a plan to go back in like he wanted in Laura…after all, she was pretty fucked up and twisted. Bob likes that.

    The box is clearly some cage/ trap. We know Twin Peaks is becoming diseased and more messed up so the conditions are good.

    But Bob’s M.O. Is always to find someone to enter and create pain and suffering, and he said it himself, “this is what I want.” If The X is powerful, then he will have NO problems getting rid of Dougie Coop, the Black Lodge, even the White Lodge.

    He could even set off another nuke for all we know.


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