The Missing Pieces premiere in L.A. was attended by more than a dozen of Twin Peaks cast members, including Russ Tamblyn, Ray Wise, Catherine E. Coulson, Grace Zabriskie, Miguel Ferrer, Lenny Von Dohlen, Peggy Lipton, Mädchen Amick, James Marshall and Mary Jo Deschanel. briefly interviewed these great folks on the zig zag carpet in front of the Vista theater about the legacy of Twin Peaks and the release of the Blu-ray.
UPDATE: Check out Paramount‘s own video report of the event at the bottom of this page (via Twin Peaks Festival UK).
Russ Tamblyn (Dr. Lawrence Jacoby)
“David Lynch was hot and this was his television debut. It was just fabulous. Everybody felt that they were part of something really special.”
Ray Wise (Leland Palmer)
“I love [David Lynch’s] imagination. He’s a regular guy, but so talented in so many areas and a true artist.”
“I think my favorite memory is my relationship with Sheryl Lee who played my daughter, and with Grace Zabriskie who played me wife. For a particular moment of the show I think my dying scene [is] my favorite scene.”
Peggy Lipton (Norma Jennings)
“It was most fun acting job I’ve ever done.”
Miguel Ferrer (Albert Rosenfield)
“Everyone got along really, really well and everyone wanted to be there. Everybody was happy to come to work.”
“In terms of a Twin Peaks reunion, I hope that never happens. I’m sure it won’t.”
Mary Jo Deschanel (Eileen Hayward)
“This is on the pilot and they were running out of time and [David Lynch] ripped out pages without looking at what pages they were. It was like he was so confident that in a way everything was there, no matter what you did, it was there.”
“Knowing more isn’t going to take away the mystery. I think it’s just gonna add another layer of enjoyment of the mystery.”
Mädchen Amick (Shelly Johnson)
“[David Lynch] just went around the world to put this together.”
Lenny Von Dohlen (Harold Smith)
“I knew I would be entering into this very unique world where I could work on a tightrope and know that Mr. Lynch would be the safety net.”
James Marshall (James Hurley)
“David Lynch is very open to everybody giving a little bit of input, which is very rare.”
Grace Zabriskie (Sarah Palmer)
“[Twin Peaks] has completely opened things up. First we had all the people copying it and all of those were abject failures. Some of them interesting failures. But now we have a whole generation of writers who grew up with Twin Peaks and they’re not copying it. It’s their heritage. It’s their birthright. (…) We are in the aftermath of Twin Peaks now.”
Catherine E. Coulson (Margaret Lanterman aka The Log Lady)
“I certainly have a lot of love for the log.”
“[David Lynch] is really gifted and I feel like we’ve all been handmaidens to genius.”
Arrival of Ray Wise, Catherine E. Coulson, Ron Garcia, Angelo Badalamenti, Grace Zabriskie, Miguel Ferrer, Lenny Von Dohlen, Russ and Amber Tamblyn, Mädchen Amick, David Lynch and others
GREAT VIDEOS and good time =Twin peaks Forever