WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

David Lynch To Ray Wise: “It Is Possible That We Could Revisit Twin Peaks”

David Lynch told Ray Wise they could revisit Twin Peaks and maybe bring back Leland Palmer.

Uh-oh. Just when you thought a continuation of Twin Peaks was officially out of the question, it’s time to spin the rumor mill again.

At the Orange County Museum of Modern Arts’ annual “Art of Dining” gala on May 17 2013, David Lynch was honored for his important impact on the art world. Twin Peaks cast members Mädchen Amick and Lara Flynn Boyle attended the gala, and Ray Wise sat down with the director for several hours talking about “everything under the sun“. Including, yes, the possibility of a sequel to Twin Peaks. Here are David Lynch’s words on the topic, as paraphrased by Ray Wise:

Well, Ray, you know, the town is still there. And I suppose it’s possible that we could revisit it. Of course, you’re already dead (…) but we could maybe work around that.“—David Lynch.

David Lynch & Ray Wise talk Twin Peaks sequel

Ray Wise shared a similar quote at USC’s Twin Peaks Retrospective early May (“You know, Ray, the town is still there. But YOU are not of course.“) without the workaround bit. He might have added it to the anecdote for entertainment value, but we all know David Lynch is not averse to bringing back a dead character. After all, he did have an idea for Sheryl Lee to return to Twin Peaks for a third time. As a redhead, by the way.

Here’s the entire interview on The Ron Purtee Show. Skip to 8:00 for Ray Wise’s David Lynch impression:

A few photos from the OCMA gala, by Ryan Miller for Capture Imaging via C Social Front:

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Stevan says:

    I think it would be great if they cold make a few episodes in the Lodges both Black and White.

    • em says:

      I like that idea. A lot.
      But I do not like what LFB did to her face. So sad.
      Everyone else looks fabulous!

      • merp says:

        Ray Wise looks amazing, it’s like he doesn’t age. I’m really, really okay without Lara in a new project. Dislike her “involvement” on tweaking plot lines, and to be frank, she looks NOTHING like she did 20 years ago.

        Seeing Sherilyn Fenn again, now that’d be awesome.

        • 3ndless Karma says:

          Agreed. Ray and Madchen look fantastic but Lara looks…bizarre.

  2. Bob says:

    Twin Peaks is probably comming back, in what form is another question. In some way I don’t want it back as a continuation of the series. The series is done, it is the way it’s supposed to be. Twin Peaks is David’s Twin Peaks. He said he didn’t wanna make a 3rd season because then it wouldnt be his series, it would be what everybody else wanted it to be. So I don’t think this is going to be of any relevance to the series “story”.
    But David has someting in mind for a cast regarding Twin Peaks, I think!
    Mark Frost said it on the twin peaks retrospective january 2013. David has also said, on a phone conversation from paris, that he was writing a cast reagarding someting dark/mysterious and something he thought people would recognize.

    Sorry for my lack of english grammar.

  3. HST says:

    It’ll be back in some form. There’s been too much talk of late for it to amount to nothing. Something is afoot.

  4. timothyemerson says:

    Weak. Leave it alone. Do a new TV show instead. I’m sure DL and MF have got more decent ideas that they could turn into a TV series or a movie. There’s no need to keep mining the back catalogue. Unless they’re short of cash in which case, they just need to release the series on Blu-ray. We’d all buy it again. That’s easy and it keeps the TP legacy intact.

  5. Jed says:

    Twin Peaks was unfinished, and botched for a big part of the last season. It didn’t leave a flawless legacy. There are always people who will say something (like a good continuation) can’t be done, but I’m with Kyle MacLachlan, who recently said that “It would be cool if it happens. I think we can all agree on that”. Twin Peaks was meant to be a much longer story. The show was meant to continue. FWWM was intended to be the first installment in a series of films. Everything in Twin Peaks was *designed* with the intent of continuing the story for much longer. I have great faith in Lynch, Frost, Engels, and the other important people involved in TP. David and Mark both learned that a creator needs to stay hands-on in long-form storytelling, and I’d like to see the fruit of that knowledge.

    That said, I don’t see any sign of it returning…right now. Jen Lynch has twice this year stated that the show is not returning. David Lynch hasn’t said anything to counter that. When asked about it at the first USC Twin Peaks event in 2013, Mark Frost made an exciting comment; “All I can say is this – Twin Peaks is a continuing story”, attributing that statement to both David Lynch and himself. Nevertheless, Lynch has used the same phrase as long ago as 2000, saying “It’s part of a continuing story. The problem is the continuing story is in my head and in Mark’s head…”

    In any case, hope springs eternal.

  6. JoszkoBroda says:

    Season 3? Never! Spin-off in the same universe? Why not?

    • Em says:

      It would be excellent if they could do something like AHS–every time a different story (could be in the same universe)–but with the same cavalcade of actors. It’d be great to see a lot of these folks working together again.

  7. Special Agent Dale Cooper says:

    I honestly think a well made video game would be a good way to perpetuate the legacy. There have been tens of thousands from the newer generations who found Twin Peaks or have been exposed to some of it through the Deadly Premonitions video game, which was basically a tribute.

    With a video game, the original actors could provide voice-acting for all the original characters without having to deal with the issues of age or physical stress. Games are the modern cinema, more money is spent on them than all other forms of entertainment combined.

  8. m1KKa3L says:

    Continuation of Twin Peaks? Good idea, I think. But only with Lynch/Frost/Badalamenti. There are so many possibilities… Twin Peaks 25 years after – “good Dale” arriving from The Black Lodge? Cooper’s Doppelganger in mental hospital? Or maybe history of “Bookhouse Boys” a years before action from both seasons? What about Phillip Jeffries, Chester Desmond?

  9. cheryl says:

    I love the idea. But it has to meet or surpass the first season, which in cases of sequels, isnt often accomplished. But with Lynch and Frost and that genius Badalamenti, never say never. Twin Peaks was brilliant…and as Disney said ” You cant top pigs with pigs”..this is a famous quote of Disneys when his first big screen cartoon was so well recieved. Every one yelled ” Most three little pigs!!” When you done your best the first time, its hard to improve on perfection. I missed Laura being in the second season. I would be hard to do a ” pre” now because the cast are twenty years older. So it would have to be a ” 20 years later” type thing. But you got to go with what made you…and that was ” laura Palmer”. How to do that? havent a clue.

  10. Mihai says:

    In the last episode, Laura tells Cooper ‘See you in 25 years’. Right before that she snaps her fingers down, the same way she did in ‘Fire, Walk with Me’ when she was out partying with Donna, inviting a guy ‘under the table’. 25 years is soon.

  11. Bring it on! The possibilities to carry it forward are rich and multitudinous. There is much to harvest from the existing plot-lines.

    It must continue though with the original film makers, writers, cast & main crew. And NOT be re-made. They can always bring in new, younger folks, interacting with the originals to give it freshness.

    So the actor who played Bob is, sadly, gone. But someone like Jurgen Prochnow as the Woodsman, Lodge-damned, Windom Earle, or even Leland Palmer, can usurp the dark powers to menace the lands from the mysterious nether realms of the Black Lodge.

    But most poignantly, people generally don’t realize that the show was set primarily in 1989, (though it aired in early ’90’s.) And in Dale’s dream-vision, (as stated above,) is identified as “25 Years later.”
    This means 2014 folks!! When poor old Agent Cooper had wasted away for 2 & a half decades, while a bad version lurked amongst the world.
    It’s time for Coop to fly the coop!

  12. Weschains says:

    I see a possibility for a sequel to the film. In Cooper’s first dream he is old, meaning he could play as an older agent cooper. Also in the last episode Laura says to cooper “I’ll see you again in 25 years” It’s nearly that from the series so they could follow the series on in recent times. The black lodge doesn’t follow time so it easily skip 25 yrs into the future and carry on.

  13. Shaun Fontaine says:

    @BOB, it should be a continuation, it certainly was not “done” as a series. You may recall it was suppose to be much longer and the studio pushed for the murderer to be revealed way to early and the show ended very abruptly on a cliff hanger with the real dale trapped in the lodge. We never got closure, for years I’ve wanted to see Dale get out of that lodge. If they do continue the show, they should start with getting dale the hell out of there.

    • Robert says:

      definitely agree with that. especially with weschains reminder of Laura
      s comments that 25 years later she would see him again. that would see a sort of explanation of the fates of Philip jeffries and Chester Desmond. maybe they could bring back Chris Issac has Chester.

  14. Nata says:

    Please, please do it, Mr Lynch. – There are so many possibilities to make a worthy sequel or spiritual successor of Twin Peaks

  15. Robert says:

    that’s really interesting. i would like to see that but maybe david was right about leaving cooper’s fate to our imagination. perhaps they should tell a new story but who knows. if cooper returned i just hope they would do it right. maybe he could be like agent Phillip Jeffries. maybe he disapeared after that night and comes back suddenly. Jeffries and Chester Desmond disapeared and seems to have a connection to the red room, but who knows? all these things they could explore if cooper then disapears too.

  16. Starryi says:

    I recently finished watching the series for the first time on Netflix. Wow – I now know what the big deal is about. I personally believe that the second half of the second season was much more interesting than the Laura Palmer investigation (although I truly enjoyed that as well!). It just feels that the story was just “getting its true North” as it ended. Because of the pure perfection of it all, I’ve gone back and forth, and wondered if a third season would ruin how I feel about it. The answer I’ve come up with is “No way!” A third season would be so original to come back now, as Laura says, 25 years later. So many interesting ways to proceed – I need closure! As a gal from Missoula Montana, please David Lynch, bring Twin Peaks back!

  17. Chris says:

    I recently talked to a good friend about how original it would be to bring on a third season 25 years after the end of season 2. Then suddenly I read about that casting for a clip. All I can say is: Pleas Mr. Lynch us this third season. Let us look deeper into the story of the lodges and bring back those fantastic characters. Your true fans always supported TP throughout those years.

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