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The World Spins By Julee Cruise: Live Versions, Covers And More

The World Spins is the song we hear right after we find out who killed Laura Palmer. Here are live versions, covers, a fan video and a Robert Altman scene.

Julee Cruise - The World Spins

Julee Cruise‘s The World Spins, composed by Angelo Badalamenti and written by David Lynch, is arguably one of the most emotional songs on the Twin Peaks soundtrack and will forever send shivers down the spine of every fan, simply because it’s the song that plays right after that scene.

That scene in season two’s Episode 14 (“Lonely Souls”) where “it is happening again…” and we find out who killed Laura Palmer. The giant disappears, leaving Dale Cooper —much like everyone who just witnessed the previous scene— completely floored. The elderly room service waiter from The Great Northern walks up to Coop and says…

I’m so sorry.

That episode aired for the first time 24 years ago tonight, so let’s watch its final minutes again. Without the horror.


Who Killed Laura Palmer - Matthew Skiff
Back to Missoula by Matthew Skiff

The World Spins in David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti’s Industrial Symphony No. 1

Fan-made video for The World Spins using Twin Peaks footage

Julee Cruise performing The World Spins live at the Twin Peaks UK Festival in 2010

Rebella – The World Spins

Aseptic Void – The World Spins (The Other Twin Peaks)

The World Spins was also used in Robert Altman’s The Company (2003)

The World Spins (Lyrics by David Lynch)

Moving near the edge at night
Dust is dancing in the space
A dog and bird are far away
The sun comes up and down each day
Light and shadow change the walls
Halley’s comet’s come and gone
The things I touch are made of stone
Falling through this night alone

Don’t go away
Come back this way
Come back and stay
Forever and ever

Please stay

Dust is dancing in the space
A dog and bird are far away
The sun comes up and down each day
The river flows out to the sea

Don’t go away
Come back this way
Come back and stay
Forever and ever

The world spins.

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. I luv Julee Cruise ! Her voice is seductive, haunting and gentle.

  2. Ohohoh says:

    Hi. Good article, as always. But The Company is a 2003 film, not 2013! Bye!

  3. Pawel says:

    Lonely Souls was episode 7, not 14, right?

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