WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Leland Palmer Sings Mairzy Doats In The Sims

After creating machinima versions of the Twin Peaks season finales, tattooedgirl001 is back with another The Sims 3 remake of a notorious Twin Peaks scene: Mairzy Doats.

Leland Palmer sings Mairzy Doats in another Twin Peaks Sims remake

After creating machinima versions of the Twin Peaks season finales, tattooedgirl001 is back with another The Sims 3 remake of a notorious Twin Peaks scene: Mairzy Doats. Don’t worry, it’s the real song, and not a Simlish remix. Although… “Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey” sure sounds Simlish, right?

Starring Sims versions of Sarah Palmer, Leland Palmer, Madeleine  Ferguson, Benjamin Horne, Jerry Horne, Shelly Johnson and Norma Jennings, the intro and outro take place in The Double R Diner, while the actual scenes happen inside the Palmer residence and Ben’s office.

I’m Back! Back and Ready!

I’d say the first few minutes of the pilot, but which scene do you think tattooedgirl001 should she remake next?

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Lili says:

    This is brilliant !! Really impressive work on the characters and places, looks so Peaks-ish ! Love it.

    Oh yeah, the opening scene of the Pilot would be great ! “She’s dead… Wrapped in plastic.” – I would love to hear Sims-Pete say that. I’d also like to see Audrey’s dance & dialogue with Donna at the Double R Diner, or Leland/BOB’s interrogation from episode 16, or Maddy’s murder + Roadhouse scene from episode 14, or the second season’s opening with Coop, the Giant & Senor Droolcup… So many great scenes to remake !

  2. tattooedgirl001 says:

    Thank you ….., really nice. !!!
    Soon a new section as follows: By popular demand, “Audrey’s Dance “Hehehe
    And….,yes ….!! there’s plenty of good episodes, and scenes that you’ll do, but unfortunately does not go faster ..

  3. Brett says:

    This is hilarious. Well done! I’m so glad you went through the effort to get Ben onto the desk! I bet that was hard.

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