In the early ’80s, George Lucas wanted David Lynch to direct Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. But Lynch had —in his own words— “next door to zero interest” (watch the video further below for his entire rejection story). Even though he went on to direct another epic science-fiction movie, Dune, many fans have wondered exactly how a David Lynch directed Yoda would talk, or how even more monstrous the mind behind Eraserhead would make Jabba the hut.
But that was until Samuel C. Spitale and his crew created this trailer for David Lynch’s Return of the Jedi. Can you identify all the references to other works of David Lynch, including The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, and Twin Peaks?
David Lynch’s Return of the Jedi
From the mind of David Lynch, comes the final chapter in the Star Wars Trilogy.
So surreal.
So hypnotic.
So confounding.
It’s unlike anything in this galaxy.
Hat tip to Pete Vilmur!
David Lynch meets Star Wars
In the same vein, Davide Di Lorenzo and Dario Romaniello made a few David Lynch versus Star Wars mashups.
Darth Vader is Lost Highway’s Mystery Man
Yoda from Another Place
Millennium Falcon on Lost Highway
Rabbits versus Stormtroopers
David Lynch Meets George Lucas
Now if you’ve never seen this before, definitely watch this video of David Lynch recounting his headache-inducing meeting with George Lucas.
“[George Lucas] took me upstairs and he showed me these things called Wookiees, and now this headache is getting stronger.”
—David Lynch
Or watch the animated version of David Lynch’s story created by Sascha Ciezata.
Bonus: Yoda Dancing In The Red Room