For a while, I felt a single GIF summed up Part 14 perfectly. In fact, it sums up Twin Peaks entirely! I’m talking, of course, about Special Agent Randall Headley’s…
“This is what we do in the FBI!”
But how could I ignore “COFFEE TIME!” and Sarah Palmer showing the inside of her head? So better late than never, here are the animated GIFs for “We are like the dreamer.” which aired on August 13, 2017.
Gordon Cole on the phone with Lucy Brennan
Lucy Brennan on the phone with Gordon Cole
Albert Rosenfield: “I am like the blue rose.”
Gordon Cole: “COFFEE TIME!”
Wicked Window Washer
Gordon Cole turning the hearing aid dial
Diane Evans: “Deputy Diane reporting.”
“We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives inside the dream.”
“But… who is the dreamer?”
Gordon Cole: “DAMN!”
Deputy Chad: “You’re making a BIG mistake!”
Into Ghostwood
Deputy Briggs: “Jack Rabbit’s Palace.”
Sheriff Frank Truman: “It’s 2:53, fellas!”
Ghostwood vortex in the sky
Andy Brennan visits The Fireman
“Although I can’t comment on this information, I want you to know I really appreciate it!”