WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Let’s Give #SaveTwinPeaks A Second Peak With A Social Media Thunderstorm

Let's give #SaveTwinPeaks a second peak and get it trending on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr by sending massive, massive quantities of updates simultaneously on Monday, April 20 at 11:30 AM PST. Yes, that's Dale-Cooper-enters-Twin Peaks time!


It’s been 10 days since David Lynch publicly halted his involvement in the Twin Peaks continuation on Showtime, causing a thunderstorm among devoted fans. His ‘surprise’ departure got a lot of media coverage, gave birth to the #SaveTwinPeaks petition and even got the original cast to venture into the world social media to voice support for their beloved director.

A week and a half later, the show’s passionate fans are still commiserating and discussing the future of Twin Peaks, but the rest of the world seems to have moved on. Even though Showtime is ‘still trying’David Lynch and Mark Frost‘s silence is excruciating. Many of us are feeling helpless…

WEATHER UPDATE: THUMBS UP for your MASSIVE support, everyone!

The original #SaveTwinPeaks message was posted to more than 2,200 Facebook and 1,400 Twitter profiles simultaneously at 11:30 AM PT, good for 1.5 million social reach. On Twitter, the storm kept going for several hours generating 12,000 (re)tweets and reaching who knows how many millions of people.

Save Twin Peaks Thunderstorm Tweets

It’s not easy to become trending, but achievement is its own reward and YOU DEFINITELY MADE IT THUNDER! Thank you!

As you know, birds sing after a storm… Let’s hope it’s a pretty song!


It’s time to create our own thunderstorm!

Let’s reach Twin Peaks fans beyond our current communities.

Let’s set David, Mark and Showtime’s socks on fire and show them we absolutely want to see the Twin Peaks continuation they intend to make.

Let’s give #SaveTwinPeaks a second peak and get it trending on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr by sending massive, massive quantities of simultaneous updates on Monday, April 20 at 11:30 AM PST (convert to your timezone). Yes, that’s Dale-Cooper-enters-Twin Peaks time!

Don’t worry about being online at that time, because we made it very easy for you.

We created a so-called Thunderclap and when you add your support, the following message will be automatically posted to your social media account(s) at the specified time:

Let David Lynch and Mark Frost brew damn good coffee for Twin Peaks together. Showtime, please #SaveTwinPeaks!

Note: Though the message is directed to Showtime —the ball appears to be in their court— it’s also a plea to David Lynch to keep talking and find a way back to Twin Peaks.

Make some noise and join the Thunderclap!

It’s 100% safe and it just takes a few clicks to join. Please use all social media channels available to you, and rest assured: they will only be used for this single purpose. You can check their FAQ if you have any questions, or post them in the comments.

If you want to do more, you can!

  • Share the Thunderclap right now and get other people to join.
  • Change your profile picture.
  • Change your name (not your @username) on Twitter to #SaveTwinPeaks.
  • You have already signed the petition, right?
  • Manually post tons of #SaveTwinPeaks tweets and updates on Monday, April 20 around 11:30 AM PST.
  • Do you follow any Facebook pages that are fans of, or report on Twin Peaks, David Lynch, or related subjects? Ask them to schedule a post on Monday, April 20 at 11:30 AM PST (timezone) with the petition link and #SaveTwinPeaks.
  • Follow any Twitter users that are fans of, or report on Twin Peaks, David Lynch, or related subjects? Please tell them about this event.
  • Get a glass of water, sweetheart, because your socks will be on fire!
Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Shay says:

    thats the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! i mean come on! its not a life or death situation here! the script is complete, the crew is on board, so what’s the problem?! i love twin peaks, and I’ve been waiting for 25 years to see where it would go, but you people just sour it all up with you idiotic behavior! get a life! its just a tv show, and even without david lynch it would be great. so move on, or go outside and discover the sun! cause most likely, there are people in the showtime offices that loughing at you as i type.

    • Avatar photo Twin Pie says:

      Thanks for taking your time to comment, Shay. I’ve said this before, but in the original scripts, there was no Red Room, no Giant, no “How’s Annie” and not even a Killer BOB. The list of iconic things David Lynch added to Twin Peaks on the fly goes on.

      But let’s say the scripts are brilliant and there’s no need for ‘happy accidents’. The reason David Lynch backed out was because Showtime wouldn’t give them the budget these finished scripts require. Don’t you think the creators should be given the artistic freedom to tell the story they envisioned, with the cast and the sets they need?

      Not every fan agrees with this, but if there’s still a way to see more of Twin Peaks with the full approval and involvement of both creators, I think we should keep fighting for it.

      Oh, and in case you’re worried about anyone’s tan: it’ll take 10 seconds to sign up for this Thunderclap and you can be on the beach in the sun sipping Black Yukon Sucker Punch when all of this is happening.

      • Peter says:

        In all due fairness, we know what has been reported, and what Lynch has said publicly. That does not necessarily make it fact. Perhaps they offered him the additional money to shoot the series on film but indicated that the cost of that would have to come out of his back end percentage? What if this has nothing to do with the budget for the show at all? I mean, hey I would love to believe David Lynch at his word, but who really knows? Ultimately this all reeks of manipulation. On both their parts. We are all pawns in their game, for about a month now, and I tire of it. I am tired of people insisting that either Dabid Lynch directs every single episode of this thing, or it will be absolute garbage. That’s an insane suggestion to me, because I watched every episode, and over 20 of them weren’t directed by David Lynch, and at least half of them were good to great, and, once again, these new episodes are written by Mark Frost and David Lynch. You know what the track record of Mark Frost writing an episode of Twin Peaks is? 100%. But no, let’s all band together and tell Showtime to either pay David Lynch whatever he wants, or cancel Twin Peaks. Just kill it forever. We don’t need to find out what happened to everyone at the end of Season 2! Screw it! Let’s go watch the return of Full House and Coach! Because those get to exist! But not Twin Peaks Season 3, because we had a chance to have it but we all collectively threw it away! Awesome!

  2. Mo says:

    Twin Peaks was a living breathing entity in David’s head. The music and the lyrics he wrote with Angelo Badalamenti. He add so much. The scripts are OK but it’s still not the SAME Twin Peaks… and you can make a bad movie from a great book.

  3. Ahmad S. Al-Hamily says:

    Well, this is all tiring and hectic, but the BIG question is. What’s happening now at the negotiation table? Is there any “real” talks?!

    We could all be hopeful and all; however, I think most of the fans are frustrated because we don’t exactly know what’s happening anyway.

    The fans want Twin Peaks either way and if that doesn’t happen we kinda wanna know about it as well.

  4. Paula Silvennoinen says:

    Dear Twin Pie (and others), thank you for your efforts! Although I wrote earlier in a critical way about Mr. Lynch’s actions, I really appreciate this and hope that things will be worked out the best possible way.

    And I’m glad that Mr. Frost is recognized in your appeal, too.

    I’ll be there with you, in spirit.

  5. Condalmo says:

    Should the tweet/update also have #showtime as a hashtag, along with #savetwinpeaks – ?

    • Avatar photo Twin Pie says:

      Thanks for your suggestion!

      Instead of diluting, I think it’s important to focus on one explicit (and already familiar) hashtag.

      That said, Showtime can trend even if it’s not a hashtag. Before anyone asks, Twitter advises against mentioning @usernames because it could potentially consider it spam and block the message.

  6. This is awesome. Thank you for doing this. I’ve signed up and will share with my blog’s followers as well.

  7. NotBob says:

    While I would love to see Lynch at the helm of this thing, he is one of two people involved with the creation of this show and one of thousands in a sea of directors, many of whom are incredibly gifted. Lynch is not the end all, be all of this show. If the defense for keeping him on is “he created the red room and the giant” then we have a problem. Those things are now part of the lore as are all the other quirks, oddities, characters and dark secrets of the town. They now exist in the present. Meaning, all Lynch can do now is either make new things up (which if you saw Fire Walk With Me, THAT was his full attention on Twin Peaks which was clearly not anything remotely like the show) or do what any other passionate director would do- work with what is already there. The show was green lit. The scripts were given the go ahead. Suddenly, he drops out over money? This has nothing to do with the inability to budget nine episodes. Showtime could do that blindfolded, and if they couldn’t, they would never had agreed to this before getting to the final contracts. I think this is more of a case of he asked for more (probably to pay his friends extra since most of them no longer act and would have been paid something laughable to a sitcom co-star), they said no, he complained the integrity of his artistic vision would be compromised without an extra $10 million dollars, they said “we gave you $60 million, you need more? Pay for it yourself.” He walked away and his friends quit with him, destroying any chance this show had for a revival and now fans are leaping by the twos to literally beg a company to cave to the whims of one man whose original series was cancelled due to terrible ratings and a flimsy storyline post Laura. They didn’t have to agree to bring this show back at all. Its a huge financial risk and they agreed for the fans. Showtime did something for the shows fans. Lynch walked away. Be mad at him.

  8. Washington says:

    If you don’t want to see Lynch direct twin peaks why would you be adamant twin peaks come back at all? Just watch some other show because you clearly don’t want twin peaks you want something else.

    Than again most of you would probably eat up bad twin peaks fan fiction trying hard to be “weird” which is all this is going to be directed by anyone else.

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WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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