The highly anticipated official Twin Peaks VR experience by Collider Games in collaboration with Showtime and David Lynch will be available before the end of 2019 and you can watch the official launch trailer right here, right now!
UPDATE #1: The official release date of Twin Peaks VR is, what else, Friday the 13th (12/13/2019).
UPDATE #2: Twin Peaks VR is now available on Steam.
UPDATE #3: Twin Peaks VR is also available on Oculus.
Enter the world of Twin Peaks like never before. Explore iconic locations. Discover hidden secrets. Collect Easter Eggs. Immerse yourself.
Twin Peaks VR Official Trailer
In the trailer, the player starts near Ghostwood’s Glastonbury Grove and dives into the Red Room to observe the revelation of the white horse. What follows are glimpses of The Fireman’s Home by the Sea, the purple room, the Sheriff’s Department and Sheriff Truman’s office (where later in the trailer the player faces the Killer BOB orb), a log cabin (is it the Log Lady’s or Jacques Renault’s?), the Evolution of the Arm, the glass box in New York, Naido’s place, and the train car where Laura Palmer was murdered and Dale Cooper discovers half of the golden heart necklace. The virtual reality experience definitely covers all three seasons. How much of the original score will be used in the game is unsure, but Adam Galloway’s cue in this trailer definitely elicits that Twin Peaks vibe. Major gripe too though: a black-and-white chevron in the Red Room instead of dark brown and cream?
UPDATE: An updated trailer reflects an update in the coloring of the floor. Thanks for listening to the fans, Collider!
The updated Twin Peaks VR trailer has the correct colors for the Red Room's chevron floor! Let's hope they got rid of its ceiling too. More: #TwinPeaks #TwinPeaksVR
— Welcome to Twin Peaks (@ThatsOurWaldo) December 12, 2019
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on what the official Twin Peaks VR trailer reveals so far!
“The 3-dimensional world of Twin Peaks VR gives rise to a 10-dimensional experience.”
—David Lynch
Twin Peaks VR will be available for $9.99 on Steam for Oculus Rift, Oculus Rift-S, Windows Mixed Reality, Valve Index, HTC Vive, and HTC Vive Cosmos later in December 2019 on December 13, 2019.
Oculus Quest and PlayStationVR (PSVR) versions are coming soon!
Crafted with countless references to the series and its 30 year history, TWIN PEAKS VR combines the supernatural, adventure, and escape room genres, challenging players to solve puzzles and discover Easter Eggs as they explore detailed and authentic environments.
Players can explore several iconic locations including the Red Room, Glastonbury Grove, Sheriff’s Department, Glass Box Observation and more, as they embark on a first-person journey through the mysterious world crafted by David Lynch and Mark Frost.
Twin Peaks VR: First Official Screenshots

What VR platform or hardware would you recommend for someone to experience this to the utmost.
This game requires an HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, or Valve Index. Minimum system requirements are a 64-bit processor with Windows 10 (64-bit), an Intel Core i5-4590, 8 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 and 10gb of available hard drive space.
Beautiful! Can’t wait to get this game!
And Oculus too : D Because Twin Peaks and Half Life : D
It’s strange that even though this is an official game, the zigzag measurements are not as in Eraserhead, Twin Peaks (1,2, FWWM, 3) and it’s black and white, rather than the usual light and dark brown. Also the Ring is shown opposite of how we always see it worn. Strange!
Did David Lynch not sit with the designer to make sure it was the same as the world, or did he just say “Ok, whatever, go for it!”.He might have otherwise paid attention to these consistent details throughout the world
Really hoping to see support for Windows Mixed Reality sets….
It should be compatible if on Steam VR!
So excited! Although the score doesn’t do it for me… Sounds fan-made.
Shame it’s yet another short tie-in with little content that’ll be forgotten after an hour. VR industry really needs bigger stuff!
Didn’t like the music at all. Sounded like Kontakt samplers trying to ape Lynch drones and failing bigtime.
Hmmm. For an official licensed product that advertises collaboration with Lynch, this effort doesn’t look or sound nearly as dialed in as I would expect. The soundtrack in particular is way, way off the mark. I think I’m going to skip this one unless the reviews are better than it seems like they could be on the basis of this lackluster trailer.
Collider Games is the equivalent of hiring a grade school student who’s never programmed anything before.
Is there a date for the ps4 release? Thanks! 🙂
Wish they’d release a version of this for the PSVR. It would make the purchase of one worthwhile…
They should, this looks well within its capabilities and it would reach a bunch of people. Not everything can be on PSVR but this can.
I feel like the Red Room shouldn’t have a ceiling.
I’ll ask one of the eight people
In the world that own a VR headset if I can borrow one to check it out !!
It’s in the millions now, probably like 10 million, not including PSVR.
It looks cool! And as a VR enthusiast, I love how this experience will drive even more people in getting interested in VR
This looks very very basic, like from 2016, but hopefully it’s still immersive and enjoyable for fans. Alyx is going to do wonders for raising standards and expectations.
From the original youtube video’s description…
“This has been such a dream come true. Ever since I first saw Twin Peaks over 20 years ago I had wished someone would make a video game based on the TV Show. Four months ago I decided it was time for me to learn how to make video games. I present to all the fans and video game lovers alike Twin Peaks: A Virtual Reality Experience. I hope to make this a full fledged VR title deserving of the name Twin Peaks. It is just a fan tribute and by no means is it affiliated with any official Twin Peaks franchise. It started as a school project and now I just want to make it available for anyone who has an Oculus or HTC Vive headset.”
The trailer in this post is for an officially licensed Twin Peaks VR product.
Are you perhaps referring to a fan project called The Archivist VR?
Twin peaks deserves a better game. This looks horrendous. Showtime, you should’ve known better – and choose a proper AAA developer to do this.
For anyone who is curious, this is a very basic VR experience. Like what VR looked like several years ago. That’s fine and you’ll still get something out of it, but just know that VR has come a long way and looks much better and feels more natural to play and control. So if they ever make a full game or interactive movie of Twin Peaks in VR it would blow your freaking mind if this was the only experience you had with VR.
I recommend using a headset like a Rift S for something like this (an index would work too obviously) because it has a sharp LCD screen which would make the amount of reading and looking at drawings this seems to feature easier and more comfortable. A quest, Vive, or rift would also work but those have less clear (but more vivid) screens. The Vive’s controllers are terrible but the tracking is great so walking around will feel good but the interactions will feel like you’re using salad tongs.
Come on! I’ve just bought an Oculus Go for Christmas and you showed up with this news that TP is for Oculus Rift? Is there a chance it could be released for Oculus Go as well? Please!!!!
Any news about a PSVR release? Tried the game at a friends house with Oculus and the game has really good Twin Peaks vibes. Really enjoyed the 30 minutes I had and it’s definitely instabuy when (if?) it hits PS Store
PSVR version when?
Any update as to when we’ll have the Quest version???
Ugh! I was hoping that some of the criticisms of this VR experience were just from salty people. It’s not a good experience, I tried it for around thirty minutes and realised that the purchase was a mistake. It sure looks nice (mostly) but gets bogged down with awful controls which, if you’re not careful, will have you accidentally switching between teleport and locomotion every thirty seconds. This isn’t good UI. There are noticeable graphics issues, such as low poly tree trunks which haven’t been aligned with the ground that the trees stand on, which just looks poor. I had to laugh as there was an owl that was meant to be flying appeared to get stuck in the ground geometry so that only its wing was flapping. The red room ceiling is just wrong. Twin Peaks VR deserved better than this. AVOID!