WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

First 8 Parts Of The New Twin Peaks Now All Have Brief Yet Intriguing Descriptions

The next four installments of the new Twin Peaks were given descriptions. Although meager, they will capture your imagination anyhow.

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Showtime recently added vague descriptions for Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 1 through 4 to their website. Here’s a refresher:

Part 1: My log has a message for you. 
Part 2: The stars turn and a time presents itself.
Part 3: Call for help.
Part 4: …brings back some memories.

As we all know, the first two hours will air on May 21st, with parts 3 and 4 immediately available on-demand for those who can’t get enough. If you need some time to digest the two-part premiere, 3 and 4 will also air back-to-back on May 28th.

Today, the next four installments were given descriptions. Although meager —some are just two words long— it’s enough to capture your imagination anyhow.

Part 5: Case files.
Part 6: Don’t die.
Part 7: There’s a body all right.
Part 8: Gotta light?

These parts air respectively June 4, 11, 18, and 25.

Will we see the first body, wrapped in plastic, in Part 7 or earlier? And whose quote is that? Who’s the smoker in part 8? Your thoughts? 

Grace Zabriskie as Sarah Palmer
Grace Zabriskie as Sarah Palmer
Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Rob B. says:

    I’ll bet we see the first body in Episode 4. After all, the murder of Laura Palmer is the defining moment for the show, so what better way to “bring back some memories?”

  2. joethetimelord says:

    Liking that a lot of these titles are probably quotes from the characters. Lets you know that it won’t be completely off the rails 100% of the time.

  3. Seattle Swede says:

    Sarah’s in the liquor aisle again. It hasn’t been an easy 25 years, methinks.

  4. The Man Who Knew Too Much says:

    I think the titles and the recent short trailers indicate that when Special Agent Dale Cooper returns from the black lodge it’s a different timeline. Laura was never killed 25 years ago, but will be killed later in her life this timeline.

    The effects of Cooper’s return will trigger dormant memories of the other timeline in the residents of Twin Peaks.

    Basically, we have two timelines beginning to intermesh with wonderful and strange results.

    • Flimmervielfalt says:

      Sorry, but I would be disappointed if your idea was right. Everything has to be happened. It would be too easy, just to negate everything whats happened before. Imagine a solution where Cooper just dreamed the last scene of Season 2. You could do this in “Dynasty” but not in “Twin Peaks”. And your alternate Universe-Timeline would be to conventional and too much Science-Fiction for “Twin Peaks”.

      Sorry for being so honest.

      • Marco says:

        Remember David Bowie in FWWM 😉

        • Flimmervielfalt says:

          Yeah, but he saw exactly Coopers Future, not an alternate Timeline where he just could have been possessed by Bob. Thats a difference for me. The Time Travel-aspect was still spiritual, and I think it will stay like this. Telling the story in a pragmatic way with too many scientific explamations would deconstruct the Series also as it would deconstruct David Lynchs typical storytelling.

      • Rob B. says:

        Honesty is good, Flimmervielfalt! Like you, I would be very disappointed if they “rewound” things like they did with Bobby’s death in *Dallas*. Still, a “revised’ timeline would help to explain the discrepancies we see between the *Secret History* and the original series.

    • Louis Puff says:

      This basically sounds crap.

      • Louis Puff says:

        Meant that in jest. I just don’t think the idea would work for an 18 episode third season. The story continues…

  5. The Man Who Knew Too Much says:

    I could be wrong (and most probably am). That’s the beauty of Twin Peaks. Fans such as ourselves can think of the strangest theories and bounce them off each other for points and counterpoints, and anyone one of us could be right, wrong, or in certain aspects both.

  6. Meanwhile... says:

    “Who’s the smoker in part 8? Your thoughts?”

    Well, if I remember correctly, the biggest smokers on the series are Laura, Donna, Audrey and Ben. But Ben would never ask that typical feminine blasé question (“Gotta a light”), so it must have to do with one of those girls.

    • Louis Puff says:

      Is Donna in the new series? It could be anyone really, but I’d put my money on Audrey.

  7. Marc A says:

    The alternate timeline theory would be 100% consistent with David Lynch’s work since 1997 (Lost Highway, Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive) I hope you’re right!

    • Meanwhile... says:

      Yes, still, in Lynch, the characters never seemed to realise that they actually were in a different world.

      • Louis Puff says:

        I don’t see any reason to think this. There are numerous instances where characters are shown as being conscious of being in a different world.

  8. michelle says:

    I’m so excited to have Twin Peaks in this time of internet wonder. I used to crave discussions about it in the 90’s and so few of the people I knew actually watched it.
    I’ve no theories, just going to enjoy it for what it is, good or bad. You won’t (hopefully) hear me complain 🙂

  9. The Man Who Knew Too Much says:

    As of this posting timeline it is now 3 days and 21 hours until “The Return” of daily life within the town of Twin Peaks (population: 51,201) is shown to us once again on Showtime.

    A traffic light is shown in close-up. The sounds of the electrically charged OHM (named after German physicist Georg Simon Ohm) can be heard in the background… as ominous a sound as it is natural when come upon near such lines.

    The woods. Yes, those woods. The dark empty that holds a circle of thin trees, and owls that watch from above as if they were sentinels to the black & white spaces beyond.

    A flicker of light from above. A man comes forth… no, wait – it’s two men! Not twins physically, but in spirit. The first man seems to fade away, but the other can be seen more clearly as the focus changes.

    The faded man’s words can be faintly heard by the man now in clear view as he states “come…I will show you all that is left of moments, persons and places.”

    It is happening again. But not the way it was, but how it was supposed to be.

  10. Quiz: who do you all think will be dying in 3.06 (‘Don’t die’)? I have a suggestion…

  11. William de Bruijn says:

    Reply to myself: it is even worse as 3.06 proves. ‘Don’t die’ is what OAM wishes AmnesiaCoop to do.

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WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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