WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Ultimate Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me TV Party In New York

Secret Formula and Nitehawk Cinema are throwing a Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me party full of campy mystery and TP influenced ridiculousness, including a third season improv episode, burlesque, a costume contest, a scavenger hunt for Laura Palmer's body, and lots more!

Secret Formula, known for their themed TV parties including two Twin Peaks editions, are throwing a big Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me party tomorrow and Saturday at Nitehawk Cinema in New York City. A screening of the prequel movie will be preceded by “campy mystery and Twin Peaks influenced ridiculousness galore“, like…

  • Twin Peaks burlesque starring Franny Fluffer’s The Pink Room. See the Log Lady, Agent Cooper and more sexy characters work the stage!
  • Twin Peaks Costume Contest! Come dressed as your favorite character and win prizes courtesy of Nitehawk Cinema!
  • There will be themed cocktails (The White Lodge/Black Lodge, The Red Room, The Leland Palmer)
  • A new Twin Peaks episode performed live, from the “Lost Third Season”…improvised by comedic actors from the group, In These Woods!
  • Rare footage, outtakes, bizarre commercials, promos, hilarious David Lynch parodies and more Twin Peaks inspired madness on the big screen!
  • Scavenger Hunt for Laura Palmer’s Body– search for clues leading to the location of Laura’s plastic wrapped body hidden somewhere in the Nitehawk!
  • A lecture from Professor Johnny Von McNulty’s lecture series titled, A Series of Lectures. The topic: Twin Peaks. Professor Von McNulty is a contributing writer to Saturday Night Live and The Onion and is also a member of Upright Citizen’s Brigade’s Harold Team.
  • Cherry Stem Tying Contest (You gotta use your mouth!)
  • Chess-match-of-death against local chess wizard, Alexander Seth Marcus!
  • Coffee and Donuts!
  • Owls. Lots of owls and a lot more fun and surprises!

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me TV PartyDate: Friday, May 4th and Saturday, May 5th. Party starts at 10:00pm. The movie screening starts at midnight.
Tickets: $15 in advance via this link.
Venue: Nitehawk Cinema, 136 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11211.

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.

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WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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