WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

David Lynch Selects Bands, Books, Barista & Best-Loved Movies For Club Silencio

Easily the best place on Earth this week: Club Silencio in Paris. From October 21st 2011 until the 27th, David Lynch has been given carte blanche to curate just about everything that's happening in the club.

More news about Parisian nightclub, Club Silencio. If you are in the city of lights (oh yeah, and love) the next few days, you’re in luck! Really, there’s no better time to visit, as from October 21st 2011 until the 27th, David Lynch has been given “carte blanche” to curate just about everything that’s happening in the club. Add the fact that he designed most of its interior and you’ll realize that this is total Lynch walhalla.

  • He selected the following films:  Sunset Blvd. (Billy Wilder), Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock), Lolita (Stanley Kubrick), My Uncle (Jacques Tati), 8 ½ (Federico Fellini), Hour of the Wolf (Ingmar Bergman) and The Apartment (Billy Wilder).
  • Some of his current favorite bands were invited to perform: The Kills (October 21), Au Revoir Simone (22), Kitty, Daisy & Lewis (23), Gary Clark Jr. (24), Lykke Li (27); and David Lynch’s “Crazy Clown Time” album launch party will take place on October 26.
  • Silencio’s library will feature some of David Lynch’s favorite books: Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, The Art Spirit by Robert Henri, Name Above The Title by Frank Capra, and Anonymous Photographs by Robert Flynn Johnson.
  • Troels Poulsen, the 2005 World Champion Barista from Denmark, will serve you the perfect coffee. I bet he can do the Twin Peaks Cappuccino.
  • There will be a selection of wines from Lynch Bages (not his wine label, by the way).
  • A limited edition of the Wire Chair designed by the filmmaker and manufactured by Domeau & Pérès for Silencio will be exhibited in the window of Colette. The chair will be on sale exclusively at Colette.
Even though New York has some damn fine Twin Peaks events coming up, the best place on Earth this week is Club Silencio, 142 rue de Montmartre, Paris, France.
Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Markus Mertens says:

    Hi , have been to your club on30.11.11 , wonderful evening and excellent music , would like to know the name of the band performing that night . Thanks – kind regards Markus

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