The David Lynch Music Company has released a new track last night, a quirky clarinet improvisation of the One Armed Man Theme for 99¢.
As evident from this stripped-down recording, the clarinet solo that became the ‘One Armed Man Theme’ originated as an improvisational take over ‘Audrey’s Dance’ (a closer listen will reveal a floor of headphone bleed from the original basic track). The track serves as an excellent testament to the experimental atmosphere under which the show’s session musicians must have been allowed to operate. Exploration and improvisation seemed to be not only allowed, but encouraged; paving the way for loads of music that might not have otherwise manifested itself…
As was typical with a considerable amount of music from the series, the included track found itself both combined and along side of other passages of music. It is presented here, however, as it was found within the archive: as a solo component.
[wpaudio url=”” dl=”0″ text=”One Armed Man Theme (Solo Clarinet Improvisation)”]
Try this: Click play on both tracks (above and below) almost simultaneously to hear both songs blend together.
I love Audrey’s Dance