Julia Zejn and Frederic Leitzke, two self-proclaimed “Twin Peaks nerds from Berlin”, made a most captivating stop-motion homage to the best television series ever. Called A Large Group Of Insane Men, their video shows the genesis of a painting with lots of creepy heads, insects and, of course, Twin Peaks motives such as Laura Palmer, the Log Lady, Ronette Pulaski, Killer BOB, as well as some of the show’s memorable quotes.
While painter Julia was improvising and visually responding to Frederic’s cues (eg. “Paint some douglas firs“), the camera was set up to take a picture of the illustration in progress every 8 seconds. “It took us about 10 hours. We made it in two days; four hours on the first day, six hours on the second.” The final stop-motion movie contains around 3300 photos!
The duo plans to do more homages and display them in a gallery in Berlin some day.
Watch in full screen mode.