WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Kickstarting Twin Peaks

A Twin Peaks Kickstarter campaign by David Lynch and Mark Frost? Yes, please! Fans are ready and willing!
This post was published a while ago. Please keep its age in mind and if you find any errors, feel free to comment.

Twin Peaks Kickstarter projec

By now, you’ve probably heard of the Veronica Mars movie campaign on Kickstarter, which reached its $2 million goal in less than 24 hours and at least doubled it (at the time of writing). This blatant success leaves many Twin Peaks fans wondering what’s keeping David Lynch and Mark Frost from utilizing this or another crowdfunding platform for a Twin Peaks project, be it for the release of the long-desired deleted scenes from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me or, who knows, the story of Twin Peaks continued on television, the silver screen, the web, or in any other form?

Just to size up the potential of an official Twin Peaks “Kickstarter” campaign, Welcome to Twin Peaks polled its fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter. Here are the —by no means scientifically accurate— results:

When writing this, the tweet already received 152 retweets out of a total of 47,675 potential impressions. “Potential” means it’s the total number of followers of @ThatsOurWaldo and of all those who retweeted. The actual impressions would be a lot less, since people do not read everything that appears in their Twitter feeds, do they?

On Facebook, the post got 518 likes and 391 shares from the Welcome to Twin Peaks Facebook fans and their friends. It appeared in 52,304 news feeds, which translates into 0.75% shares and 1%  likes out of all potential impressions. Again, note the word “potential” here, and the majority of those who saw the image were unlikely to be Twin Peaks fans, but rather friends of fans.

So after just a single message on both Twitter and Facebook —disregarding possible duplicates on both networks— we have about 1,000 backers ready to support any official Twin Peaks Kickstarter project launched by David Lynch and Mark Frost. Now according to Dugpa’s interview with David Lynch’s sound mixer, John Neff, it would cost at least $100,000 to get the full mixes of the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me deleted scenes done in a commercial mixing studio. “That’s with us cutting it right to the bone, and David essentially not getting paid. He directed it, but doesn’t own it. So he’s not getting paid. The studio makes the money, but he won’t get a dime for doing this, and it will take a month, maybe more.

Seriously, how long do you think it would take for the Twin Peaks fan community to raise that budget plus “some” extra to pay for David’s work?

Exactly! So bring it on and you bet we’ll start kicking!

What kind of Twin Peaks crowdfunding campaign would you most likely support?

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.

What's your response to this?


  1. ejival says:

    Season Three. As easy as one, two, three …

  2. Let it rest in its brilliance and don’t ressurect and re-kill it with a forced third season. These things almost always go wrong. They should’ve let him do it the way he intended back then and there’d been a season 3. It’s too late now. Season 2 was already Twin Peaks’ death struggle and last breath.

  3. How’s Annie?

    How’s Mr. Palmer? Where is Julee Cruise?

    Did the Black Lodge just suck everyone into oblivion?

  4. I’m very much behind the idea of a Kickstarter to get FWWM deleted scenes completed. I don’t think a third season is feasible, though.

  5. ctrlaltcreate says:

    I love Twin Peaks, but I don’t think it should be resurrected. Not everything needs to be revived, re-booted, etc.

  6. numbskull says:

    Just a FWWM Blu-Ray, please. Season 3 would be interesting but probably not feasible anyway… just give us the deleted scenes. So where’s the Kickstarter?? I got $$…

  7. Jed says:

    I would absolutely kick in for BOTH season three (or something like a film continuation) AND for FWWM deleted scenes. Art’s worth supporting and this art is near to my heart.

    I find myself in polite disagreement with those who think that season 3 can’t or shouldn’t be done. I think Twin Peaks was made for the current cable and netflix-style climate, and I think that something truly special would result. I think that in some ways it could be even better. Yes, I just wrote that and you just read it. Even better. I think TP could reach heights it never would have been allowed to reach on network television, and Mark and David have learned from the missteps of the first two seasons. Twin Peaks wasn’t finished. In David’s own words, “That’s not the ending. That’s the ending that people were stuck with.”

    Regardless, I am eager – impatient even – to financially support one or both artistic endeavors. Obviously a season three (or new TP film) would be an outrageously successful Kickstarter smash. There’s not a doubt in my mind. I think we could handily raise the FWWM deleted scenes cash and hopefully far exceed the base required amount. I’m ready to spread the word to as many people as I can.

    Give us a chance to help out.

  8. timothyemerson says:

    Nah, let sleeping dogs lie I say. It died a legend. Let it remain a legend. Rather than remaking/rebooting/re-“imagining”/milking-every-last cent-and-creative-idea-out-of-it, let’s not do anything else, ever.

    Just hurry up with the Blu-ray release of the entire TV show and FWWM in one package. No perishable cardboard digipak craptastic packaging either. You can cram six discs into one plastic Blu-ray case, so just focus on the Blu-ray release and leave it at that. No one needs more space taken up in their cabinet/shelf with “collector” editions that are unnecessarily large.

    If you still really want to make some money, how about officially licenced 1:1 scale plush Log Lady logs? I’d buy five for me and family.

  9. mad says:

    Let’s go! Let’s go! What are we waiting for??!!

  10. Jed says:

    P.S. When I wrote “Mark and David have learned from the missteps of the first two seasons”, I really should have said that they learned from the missteps of the second season. I refer specifically to the rough patch after the 9th or 10th episode of S2, which slowly cleared up before the fantastic climax.

  11. Danny says:

    Twin Peaks back, please. I believe David could make it as intriguing as the season one and two – he’s a genius.

  12. George says:

    Its definitely worth it seeing the deleted episodes, and sure, if Lynch is willing to make up a third season, but I would rather support him creating another movie (Tv series.

  13. Doyourpalmsitch says:

    Season 3 OR tell us what happened to Coop? For the love of God – where’s Coop?! It’s been 25 years later roughly. And Laura did say, I’ll see you in 25 years.

  14. Daniello says:

    A season 3 would have to be very different from the two others and I’m not sure I would like that. Give us the deleted scenes and FWWM on Blu-ray, give us perhaps another Twin Peaks movie but let the actual TV series rest in peace.

  15. Maria Horne says:

    Would you desire the fate of LOST for Twin Peaks? I`d definitely not. I think everything should stay in its place. And its TIME. Why not keep wandering surrounded with red curtains of our deepest consciousness? The series ended right there and then where and when it had to. I consider the idea of resurrecting Twin Peaks as a continuing series a fail. Some pages of the Secret Diary had been torn out. And some records of The Autobiography will never be heard. This fact leaves us with tons of thoughts and guesses. This fact stirs our own imagination. I would love to see some extra material from the original series and that`s it. I desire nothing more. A great part of my soul lives in Twin Peaks. It`s used to the circumstances. Please leave it in peace. Please…

  16. M R K says:

    Why not create a TWIN PEAKS art grant that allows other artists to expand on the world of TWIN PEAKS & FIRE WALK WITH ME however they like? Or a TWIN PEAKS arts/music festival? If either of those ideas come to life, I would be so honored to contribute as a performing artist.
    A full reprisal of the show or another film might be unwise, but TWIN PEAKS is precious and should continue indefinitely. Count me in.

  17. Jed says:

    I posted a longer comment, but I suppose it’s lost.

    Long story short, I politely disagree with those who think Twin Peaks should not be continued. I think that it could be as good and in some way even better. I believe that the current climate for cable and netflix-style shows is ideal for Twin Peaks and that it could reach artistic heights it never would have been allowed to reach on network television.

    I’d be very eager to support and season three or film continuation, and I think countless others would as well. I have deep trust in Mark and David to be able to make engaging art, and I know they took lessons from the missteps of season 2.

    To quote David, “that’s not the ending. That’s the ending that people were stuck with.”

    As for the deleted scenes from FWWM, I am ready to donate right now.

  18. Lesley says:

    Twin Peaks is one of the best television shows ever made. David Lynch has also made many incredible, important films and actually even a few delightfully creepy TV commercials. He is undoubtedly one of the best directors of our generation.
    I can’t remember a single time that somebody made a sequel to a tv show of a film 2 decades later and it wasn’t incredibly disappointing. I’m sure someone on here would be able to provide an example of a case in which that is not true but even so – let’s be real – that *rarely* happens.
    I can’t imagine why we would start begging for a revival of something that would likely be disappointing (David Lynch is still a capable director but the show wouldn’t be the same – all the actors are much older now, everyone who worked on it before is in a different place in their lives now, etc) any more than I can imagine why we would start throwing money to the tune of **$100,000** into a kick starter that will resurrect footage and still not include enough money for the man who made it to see a dime.
    Bottom line:
    *Everyone loves Twin Peaks. Duh. It’s amazing.
    *Twin Peaks is the only work that David Lynch has made for television.
    *If everyone is going to band together and raise money and tweets and Facebook shares or whatever in a giant attempt to beg for something – why on Earth don’t we just ask David Lynch to make *another* tv show? Like, one that *he* would make *now*?
    Look at what happened to Star Wars.

  19. Lesley says:

    ** sequel to a tv show *or* a film **

  20. Jed says:


    when it comes to television David Lynch and Mark Frost have jointly produced Twin Peaks, On The Air, and American Chronicles. David also produced his own HBO series, Hotel Room. In addition, the bulk of David’s film Mulholland Drive was created as a television pilot for ABC.

  21. Ash says:

    I love Twin Peaks, it’s a great series. But I agree with some people on here – to kickstart a Season 3 would just not seem logical or probable with how Season Two actually ended. What? Coops is possessed for 20+ years. Yeaaaah.

    As for a newly edited version of Fire Walk With Me, I don’t think that’s very logical either since it wasn’t a popular movie. I would love to pledge to any Twin Peaks Campaign but seriously, please surprise me good!

  22. Joe Camel says:

    The original possession lasted for 19 didn’t it? Since the victim was 10.

  23. wrappedinplastic says:

    Definitely support. After all, didn’t Laura say she’d see Agent Cooper in 25 years?

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