It’s Easter Monday, so I figured I’d show you how to find all of the hidden easter eggs on the various Twin Peaks DVD releases.
Twin Peaks – The First Season (Special Edition)
Each episode in the box set has an easter egg (7 episodes over 4 discs). They are inbetween snippets of interviews with the director of each episode (directors Duwayne Dunham, Tina Rathborne, Tim Hunter, Lesli Linka Glatter and Caleb Deschanel, series director of photography Frank Byers, and series production designer Richard Hoover). Insert a DVD and access any episode. In the Episode menu, select “EPISODE FEATURES”. Once in the “EPISODE FEATURES” menu press UP on your DVD remote (Don’t select the UP ARROWS to the right of the menu. That’ll take you back to the main menu. Just press UP). A little circular flame will appear on the upper left corner of the screen. Press ENTER. You’ll see a snippet of an interview with that episode’s director. It’s inbetween stuff as they discuss the interview or set up a shot. Each episode has this easter egg (with each different director).
Now onto the 4th disc and the most interesting easter egg of the set. Go to the TIBET (Special Features) menu. Press UP to find the little circular flame. Press ENTER and that will take you to 14 pages of DVD credits. On the 9th Page, press UP and another flame will appear (Make sure the RIGHT arrow is highlighted before pressing UP). Press ENTER and you’ll see a “trailer” for a made-for-video film called “SPECTER’S ROCK” featuring Michael Anderson (The Dancing Midget). Source: DVD Talk.
You can also access the Specter’s Rock easter egg by playing back the Mark Frost interview and pressing the back button. Also on the 4th disc, title 30 shows an ad for the previous version of
Twin Peaks – Fire Walk with Me
Highlight and select the New Line Cinema logo to see the hidden DVD credits and corn. Source: Hidden DVD Easter Eggs.
I believe no hidden easter eggs have been found on the Twin Peaks – The Definitive Gold Box Edition (The Complete Series) and Twin Peaks – The Second Season
. Please let me know if you are aware of any.
Searching for Twin Peaks easter eggs hidden on other DVD movies, I found that the 1995 John Carpenter movie, In the Mouth of Madness, has the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me trailer on the 6th page of Jurgen Prochnow’s filmography in “Special Features”, then “Cast and Crew”. The trailer is also included in Kyle Maclachlan’s filmography on The Hidden
DVD, and on Dark City (New Line Platinum Series)
, there’s a scene from FWWM on the first page of Kiefer Sutherland’s filmography.
Wow, by scrolling down this far you’ve just found this post’s very own easter egg! Somebody on Facebook compared Twin Peaks with the gospel of Easter, or more precisely, Dale Cooper with Jesus Christ (!).
Now, consider the similarities between Cooper’s journey and that of Christ. Like Cooper, Christ willingly entered a place of great spiritual darkness, first coming down from Heaven to enter the world, and then journeying to Jerusalem where he knew the religious leaders had every intention of killing him. Like Cooper (and indeed, far far more so), Christ possessed tremendous virtue and strength of character, and would need all of it in the situation that awaited him. And like Cooper, Christ’s entry into the world, into Jerusalem and ultimately to the cross, were entirely for the benefit of someone he loved – not just one person, as with Annie in Cooper’s case, but all of God’s creation.
Christ succeeded, where Cooper failed, because Christ did not fear the forces of spiritual evil that sought to annihilate him. He understood that they could kill his physical body, but because of his faithfulness to God, they could not vanquish his spirit. Christ also understood that the spiritual power of God was interceding on his behalf, whereas, as mentioned above, Cooper entered the Black Lodge with no spiritual power to back him up apart from his own virtue.
You can read the entire article here.