No, David Lynch isn’t premiering a new project at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, nor is he attending in person*. But, as reported by The Hollywood Reporter, he will make an appearance this year albeit virtually via an avatar at the ‘The Art of Movie Music’ talk hosted by the David Lynch Foundation at the American Pavilion on May 21st. Also attending the panel will be ’60s music icon and David Lynch collaborator Donovan as well as rapper-actor Redman.
(*So maybe David Lynch IS busy working on something! There goes the rumor mill again…)
DLF teamed up with Irish entertainment and tech start-up Xavatar and Planet X Studios to create real-time animated versions or ‘Xavatars’ of David Lynch and Redman in the style of Xavatar’s soon-to-launch animated TV series The Sync Report (TSR).

Using facial and audio recognition your Xavatar follows your movements in real time and using AI, learns as it goes, perfecting the user’s mannerisms, and gestures. Your AI driven Xavatar will over time become autonomous, you will be able to operate your Xavatar with only your voice. Xavatars are also customizable universal “native” NFT embedded avatars that can be utilized from any device.
It’s not David Lynch’s first festival appearance as an avatar. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2020 Guanajuato International Film Festival during a 100% virtual show.

‘The Art of Movie Music’ will be hosted by Irish actor and musician Colin O’Donoghue, film producer Rose Ganguzza, and Xavatar CEO and founder Jason P. Rothberg. Special appearances are set to be made by TSR cast member Milfredo Seven as well as platinum Latin hip-hop recording artist Kemo the Blaxican of Delinquent Habits.
The panel is followed by a two-hour cocktail party and fundraiser for the David Lynch Foundation.