WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Song Première: Angel Highway – “Outside Twin Peaks”

Twin Peaks property master, Jeff Moore, has recorded a moody alternative rock song called "Outside Twin Peaks" with his band Angel Highway.

She’s a queen. The kind they all like to be […] I’m gonna meet her at the Roadhouse, just outside Twin Peaks.

Jeff Moore, property master on the entire second season of Twin Peaks, together with his band, Angel Highway, has recorded a moody alternative rock song inspired by the show called “Outside Twin Peaks“. The track was released today as the first single of the band’s upcoming album which will feature more Twin Peaks themed songs including one called “Glastonberry Grove”. A video for their first single is also in the works.

Purchase the song (or their entire album) on iTunes.

Preview Angel Highway – Outside Twin Peaks

[wpaudio url=”http://a647.phobos.apple.com/us/r30/Music4/v4/9f/94/42/9f944274-a2b0-d86a-d9cf-8a23b81de5b2/mzaf_1489550910087173800.plus.aac.p.m4a” dl=”0″ text=”Angel Highway – Outside Twin Peaks”]

Angel Highway is Jeff Moore, Roger Johnson and Bill Wheat.

UPDATE (September 2013):  Here’s the official video for Outside Twin Peaks!

Angel Highway - Outside Twin Peaks

Angel Highway - Outside Twin Peaks

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Dan says:

    Great song!!!

    • Angel Highway says:

      Thanks !!! We have an Ep coming soon and a Video for OSTP!!!

  2. Michele says:

    Sweeeeet! Love it. Most sincerely.

    East Coast Michele

  3. Angel Highway says:

    Michele ! thanks for your support! go to our email and send a Hello then we can get you set up for things still to come like, Glastonberry Grove, an uptempo song in the works ! we are at [email protected]. Spread the good word!

  4. Angel Highway says:

    ECM! Thanks !!

  5. piero says:

    Great tracks. Love them all. Good work!

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