Just over a week into 2016, it’s time for the annual roundup of the past year’s top Twin Peaks fan art as chosen by you!
Based on your Likes and Shares across the Welcome to Twin Peaks accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, here are your favorite Twin Peaks-inspired paintings, GIFs, illustrations and whatnot of 2015. Even a back tattoo made the lineup! Many other fantastic works of art didn’t make it to this list, but they can still be discovered on WTTP’s social media profiles.
As always, please keep on sharing your creations! Many works that premiere on Welcome to Twin Peaks get noticed by major blogs, so if you’re working on an epic Twin Peaks homage, don’t be afraid to reach out.
Please be patient while this page is loading… and enjoy!
“I’ll see you in the trees” by Tara Phillips
“Good Night, Sweet Log” by Tara Krebs
“Save Twin Peaks (Part 3)” by Mark Martucci Photo
“That gum you like” by Austin Shaddix
Dale Cooper in the Black Lodge by Grei Skuring
“Not What They Seem” by Barrett Biggers
Twin Peaks Tarot by Ben Mackey
Twin Peaks characters by Pachu M. Torres
“Twin Peaks Through The Looking Glass” by Toph Aldridge
Retro David Lynch film posters by Peter Stults
Twin Peaks tattoo by Hungarian tattoo artist Kelemen Zsolt
Current day Sheriff Harry S. Truman by Rinaldo Zoontjes
“True Coop” by KinderB
“Red Room Bubble Gum” by Blair J Campbell
Laura Palmer Halloween pumpkin by Amanda Spinosa
“Cooper and Bob” by Amanda Cancilla
Dale Cooper by Aniko Takacs
Cooper in the Lodge by Rinaldo Zoontjes
“Damn Good Coffee” by Sauls Creative
Audrey Horne by Ceyle
The Damn Fine Men of Twin Peaks pin-ups by Emma Munger
Bonus: Confused Travolta trapped inside “Le Black Lodge”
This is more of a meme than actually fan art, but it received so many thumbs ups it definitely deserves a mention. And by the way, will the person who created this GIF please stand up and take credit?