When you least expect it!
Nike is promoting their latest accessory, the Nike+ FuelBand activity tracker, with a pop culture supercut of action scenes from sports, music, film, television shows and viral YouTube videos. The commercial features Monty Python‘s Ministry of Silly Walks, MC Hammer‘s U Can’t Touch This, and sandwiched between a scene from the The Beastie Boys‘ Sabotage video and The Office (UK), there’s a split second shot of the Man From Another Place dancing in the Red Room.
Can you count, suckers?
Here’s a still of the Twin Peaks moment at 0:41.
Yes, Michael J. Anderson’s smooth dancing moves definitely count! But it seems Twin Peaks co-creator Mark Frost didn’t sign off on this. Some reactions on Twitter:
Twin Peaks reference in a Nike ad. Didn’t see that coming.
— Timothy Meaney (@timothymeaney) January 20, 2012
Um, I just saw twin peaks in a nike commercial. All of this is so wrong.
— Nansi B (@toasterb0t) January 19, 2012
No one did. What commercial? RT @JaredMcGrath @mfrost11 Who the hell authorized Nike to use Twin Peaks in their commercial?
— Mark Frost (@mfrost11) January 23, 2012
The best thing about this pretty cool new @Nike #Fuelband ad is the Twin Peaks man in the red room clip at :42
— Stuart Wexler (@jomolungma) January 19, 2012
Who had Jan 2012 in the office “When will Nike use Twin Peaks in a commercial?” pool?
— Chris Schmidt (@WhollySchmidt) January 19, 2012
@pfeffunit Only Nike could make a commercial with clips from BOTH Happy Feet and Twin Peaks.
— Ryan Tomorrow (@ryantomorrow) January 19, 2012
Even the dancing dwarf from Twin Peaks likes the brand new Nike+ Fuel Band! (@ 41 secs) youtu.be/MT50eLLxPco
— Karen Bonna Rainert (@Superkb) January 19, 2012
Frost is not so happy about this ):
The #Nike Fuel Band commercial is legit…features guest appearance from #TwinPeaks legend “Man from another Place” http://t.co/We16STn4