WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

Mark Frost’s “The Secret History Of Twin Peaks” Reading + Q&A In Portland, Oregon

Mark Frost reads and plays clips from The Secret History of Twin Peaks, followed by a short Q&A at Powell’s Books in Portland, OR, on October 27, 2016. Thanks to Brittyn Lindsey for the recording!

This is our way of giving back. And this book is really the first course of what I hope is a massive smorgasbord you’re gonna have in the next year or so when we come back with [Twin Peaks] on Showtime.

—Mark Frost

Founder and curator of Welcome to Twin Peaks since 2011. Bobsessed since March 1991.


  1. Rob B. says:

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to tell the Lodge Spirits who run this site that I really like the new format!

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WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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