Actor Michael J. Anderson, known as the Man From Another Place, said it best:
“Twin Peaks is not a fiction. Therefore, Twin Peaks will never end. Look around. Look within.“
Twin Peaks is not only a ’90s television show.
It’s not just North Bend and Snoqualmie, WA.
And it’s not limited to what David Lynch and Mark Frost created.
It transcends all that.
Twin Peaks lives on. In our minds. As a thought, a mood, a feeling.
And to prove that it is very much alive and out there, we’re inviting fans around the world to discover Twin Peaks in their own towns and cities.
Here’s how you can participate in the Welcome to Twin Peaks project we’re launching today:
- Take the album cover out of your Soundtrack from Twin Peaks album, or print it out if you don’t have the CD (download the image here).
- Take the cover/cutout on the road while humming “Dance Of The Dream Man” and try to blend the image into your surroundings. Even if you live on a beach.
- Found a great spot? Then take a photo (or multiple photos) and share it on our Facebook page, Twitter (use hashtag #welcometotwinpeaks) or Instagram (tag it with #welcometotwinpeaks) and don’t forget to mention your location (city + country).
Please note that filters are allowed, but preferably no photo manipulation. We’re looking for authentic photos!
UPDATE (3/26/2013): Here are a few entries we received so far. Please keep them coming!

I think people are mostly matching the road! Lets see if I can do better! 😉
I think you need to use other tag for instagram, don’t – #welcometotwinpeaks Because there are so many other pictures (that not connected with project) used this tag. And in this case so might be a very pretty picture in the search results on instagram. Thanks.
Thanks for your suggestion, Anton. When this project launched, nobody was using the #welcometotwinpeaks tag. That has changed, but it’s hardly a problem.
No “Instagram” and no “f” are needed here! Twin Peaks (!) is not to handle like pictures are.
btw. the Images are great… *lol*