This post was published a while ago. If you find any errors, feel free to comment.
The Welcome to Twin Peaks community has always responded enthusiastically whenever I share bootleg Twin Peaks and David Lynch-inspired action figures like the ones from Wonderbros and Readful Things, so this new group art show hosted by Earth To Kentucky should be right up (y)our alley.
For their exhibition called The Toys Are Not What They Seem: A Group Show Inspired by the works of David Lynch, the quirky art and toy shop that opened in September on the corner of Covington’s Ninth and Main Street has gathered the work of more than 25 artists who created 40+ toys inspired by David Lynch’s Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Dune, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Wild at Heart, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, and Inland Empire. Artists include Dano Brown, Buzzard Guts, Adam Cherry, Scott Cherry, Death by Toys, Figure Fettish, Ghoul of Gabba, Green Plastic Tunnels, Hella Radical Toys, Janky Toys, Junk Fed, Mallow Toys, Pez Banana, Plastik Cheez, Punk & Pop Toys, Ressin Blood, Edwin Salas, Sir Collect a Lot, Mark Todd, Toxic Fumes Toys, 1 Trick Pony, Valashard Toys, VHS Girl, Yoyodyne Toy Division and more…
If you want to see the bootleg toys in person, head down to 836 Main St, Covington, Kentucky before the show closes on June 20, 2021. Most of the items sold out instantly when the gallery opened on May 20th, but a few pieces are still available for sale via E2K’s online shop. You can browse the entire line-up at the bottom of this post, but please allow me to highlight some of my personal favorites first.
Oh, and check out the shout-out to the show from Kimmy Robertson!
She’s Filled With Secrets by Junk Fed
Wally Brando by Valashard Toys
Lost Highway by Death By Toys
Ghoul’s Lynch Mob #2 by Ghoul Of Gabba
Rabbits Playset by 1 Trick Pony & Hanno DOOM
Fake Garmonbozia by Figure Fettish
Eraserhead? by Valashard Toys
This is it right? I’ve never actually seen it.
Elephant Man 3: Elephant Man Goes To College by Scott Cherry
Dougie by The Block Watch
Bagged Josie Packard Action Figure by Figure Fettish
Rabbits (3 Figure Pack) by Yoyodyne Toy Division
The Toys Are Not What They Seem (Complete Gallery)