Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
At the very end, after Carrie/Laura screams there's an electricity cut in the house. Would that mean that the scream triggers a reality change because she is now aware that she's, indeed, Laura?
Yes, I think you are right. She was "waking up." I guess an additional clue to her awakening was the sound of Sarah calling "Laura," taken from S1 when she was actually telling Laura to wake from sleep.
There are electric sounds whenever someone crosses a dimension (to/from Black Lodge, White Lodge, etc.)
There are electric sounds whenever someone crosses a dimension (to/from Black Lodge, White Lodge, etc.)
The question is, which dimension are they entering they now? Or what would change?
I think they're moving from the smokescreen that Mother had created back into the real Twin Peaks. Also, random thought here. So much is based around electricity. When Coop replaces Dougie, I believe hes supposed to leave the original room, but the girl in the room flips the switch and switches the current, from AC to DC? Resulting in Coop coming out scrambled, unaware until he shocks himself back, correcting his current. Lots of people speculating about his "not fully Coop" behavior in part 18, could the electric current from the mother-esque power lines and the movement into the "alternate" dimension (where she was keeping Laura as Carrie) have scrambled Coops circuits again? Kinda out there, but I think it makes sense.