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“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

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Posted by: severelyatomicmagazine

The first time we see her texting coordinates, she mouthed numbers to herself as she typed in her phone, and then says "+2".

After tonight's episode, I now wonder if she sent Mr C slightly wrong coordinates…that would take him to the Twin Peaks area but not to the exact spot he's looking for.

Haven't really figured out how this connects  to the other coordinates leading Mr. C to a place where he would have been killed/sent back to the lodge.… 

So was Diane fooling Mr C too? That could explain the "+2", just like you said. I really thought he meant ALL the numbers, when he texted her "ALL". Like as if he had figured out that she didn't give him all.

I mean... Her reacton to that text was very weird. Like as if she's been caught. He was on to her. Or did the tulpa version of Diane start o malfunction? But when she went off to shoot Gordon & Co, I thought Mr C meant that they should carry out the rest of their plan, "all" of it.

Posted : 28/08/2017 10:31 am
Posts: 168
Estimable Member
Posted by: Eric from Sweden
Posted by: severelyatomicmagazine

The first time we see her texting coordinates, she mouthed numbers to herself as she typed in her phone, and then says "+2".

After tonight's episode, I now wonder if she sent Mr C slightly wrong coordinates…that would take him to the Twin Peaks area but not to the exact spot he's looking for.

Haven't really figured out how this connects  to the other coordinates leading Mr. C to a place where he would have been killed/sent back to the lodge.… 

So was Diane fooling Mr C too? That could explain the "+2", just like you said. I really thought he meant ALL the numbers, when he texted her "ALL". Like as if he had figured out that she didn't give him all.

I mean... Her reacton to that text was very weird. Like as if she's been caught. He was on to her. Or did the tulpa version of Diane start o malfunction? But when she went off to shoot Gordon & Co, I thought Mr C meant that they should carry out the rest of their plan, "all" of it.

Not sure about fooling, the last two numbers of the coordinates weren't clear on Ruth's arm. The "All" could mean, give me the last two numbers.

Both  Jeffries and Ray gave him the same coordinates in order to kill him instead. And he senses this. That's why he sends Richard on the rock (stone). And that's probably why he asks Diane to give him complete coordinates, because he thinks hers are the right ones.

Posted : 28/08/2017 12:38 pm
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

But why did she react the way she did? That was some kind of inner conflict going on. But she did send Mr C the right coordinates after the "ALL" text. Then she tells Gordon & Co that "I'm in the Sheriff Station. I sent him those coordinates. I'm in the Sheriff Station, because..."

So in the same time, she is telling them the truth. Like as if to come clean. I doubt it was part of Mr C's plan that she would tell them that she sent Mr C the coordinates.

And did she deriberately send him the wrong coordinates the first time?

Sure is a mystery, huh?

Posted : 28/08/2017 12:50 pm
Posts: 168
Estimable Member
Posted by: Eric from Sweden

But why did she react the way she did? That was some kind of inner conflict going on. But she did send Mr C the right coordinates after the "ALL" text. Then she tells Gordon & Co that "I'm in the Sheriff Station. I sent him those coordinates. I'm in the Sheriff Station, because..."

So in the same time, she is telling them the truth. Like as if to come clean. I doubt it was part of Mr C's plan that she would tell them that she sent Mr C the coordinates.

And did she deriberately send him the wrong coordinates the first time?

Sure is a mystery, huh?

I'm thinking if she was referring to the coordinates which lead to sheriff station. Naido is there.

Posted : 28/08/2017 3:16 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

just to add some more fuel to this giant mess of questions, Diane's first 🙂 text is received at 4:31, and the second is shown to arrive at 3:50.

Posted : 28/08/2017 5:59 pm
Posts: 356
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Posted by: L33TLi3kJeffk

just to add some more fuel to this giant mess of questions, Diane's first 🙂 text is received at 4:31, and the second is shown to arrive at 3:50.

The first text that we are shown arrives at 4:31 - we hear a tone when this arrives.  The second text we are shown arrived at 3:50 - we do not hear a tone when she looks at this text.

Simple enough explanation: she already had the 3:50 text when she got the 4:31 text. 


Posted : 28/08/2017 6:14 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

The ones he saw on the dead arm of Ruth Davenport 

Posted : 28/08/2017 6:34 pm
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Could tulpaDiane have been going back in time? She receives the 'ALL' at 16:31, looks on her mobile at 16:32, sends the coordinates 16:44, but when she looks at her phone again in the FBI hotel room upstairs the arrival time of the message suddenly is 15:50 and we do not see the outgoing message with the coordinates that followed as a reply any longer? And remember Mr. C texting 'Las Vegas?' at the convenience store petrol station long áfter Diane already replied on it (with FBI looking in?). Was Jeffries going back in time when he was in Philadelphia in 1989, convinced it was May when it was actually February?

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:44 am
Posts: 163
Estimable Member

He gets one set of co-ordinates from Ray which I presume was from the secretary - this is to somewhere in Twin Peaks if it is the same set of co-ordinates that Diane as from Ruth Davenport's body.

When Mr C meets Jeffries he asks who is Judy? and receives another set of co-ordinates to where Judy is that correspond to the Ruth Davenport co-ordinates.

That is 2 co-ordinates that we know he received before the drive to the stone.  After Richard is fried he texts Diane at 2.00 in the morning but the text says not sent.  Does he then send the text later on the next day?  Also he texted Diane about Las Vegas just before leaving the convenience store with Richard and so obviously the text Diane receives about Las Vegas is the same night as this and then receives the text about ALL the next afternoon.  She then sends the co-ordinates from Ruth Davenport's arm that leads to the sheriff's office.

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:48 am
Posts: 163
Estimable Member

He gets one set of co-ordinates from Ray which I presume was from the secretary - this is to somewhere in Twin Peaks if it is the same set of co-ordinates that Diane as from Ruth Davenport's body.

When Mr C meets Jeffries he asks who is Judy? and receives another set of co-ordinates to where Judy is that correspond to the Ruth Davenport co-ordinates.

That is 2 co-ordinates that we know he received before the drive to the stone.  After Richard is fried he texts Diane at 2.00 in the morning but the text says not sent.  Does he then send the text later on the next day?  Also he texted Diane about Las Vegas just before leaving the convenience store with Richard and so obviously the text Diane receives about Las Vegas is the same night as this and then receives the text about ALL the next afternoon.  She then sends the co-ordinates from Ruth Davenport's arm that leads to the sheriff's office.

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:49 am
Posts: 251
Reputable Member

There was probably poor or no cellphone connection at Richard Rock. Mr C's ALL text was most likely sent later by his phone when he was near a phone mast. 

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:12 am
Posts: 518
Honorable Member
Posted by: JaseToTheG

three sets and 2 matched .... who were the other 2 other than Diane?  Sorry I'm probably having a brain fart.

but it's clear Mr C didn't trust the 2 that matched since he used Richard as a guinea pig.  Soooooo ... 3rd coordinates are the sheriffs station in TP?

Hi Jase,

This is what I think is going on:

Recall that Diane entered the coordinates into her smartphone twice.  

Once was after she had read them from Albert's photo of Ruth's Davenport's  arm.  After long, careful examination of Ruth arm, the numbers there appear to me to be:  48 55.142 / 117 36.3956 (punctuation and spaces added).

While Diane was studying the photo she was mouthing the word "coordinates" and when entering them later, alone at the bar, she was actually spelling the word out loud.  At the end of the word she said "plus two."  Note that, in this instance, we did not see the numbers.  But what we did see, after she zoomed in enough on the map, was that this was the latitude and longitude for Twin Peaks.

The other time Diane enters the coordinates is after she receives the terrifically troubling texting-all-tulpas message from Mr. C: "🙂 ALL".  It is only this second instance in which we see the numbers she enters - 48 55.142 / 117 16.3956 

Now, without the punctuation and spaces:




See where the "plus two" comes in?

What wasn't shown, and what I think happened, is that immediately after determining the numbers led to Twin Peaks, she sent that information to Mr. C.  After all, she was his creation, and in his thrall, replacing the raped and ravaged Diane at the "old gas station" (read "Convenience Store").

On the other hand, we know Ray was trying to kill Mr. C under the auspices of Phillip Jefferies.  Since these two are the only other source of coordinates for Mr. C we know of, I believe it was these two that led him to the lets-rock-and-roast Richard rock.

Why did Diane send the ambush location after she received the  "🙂 ALL" message?  

Mr. C only had two sets of numbers.  Once he found out the first set was bogus, he knew the second set was legitimate.  I think the  "🙂 ALL" was a Manchurian-Candidate Queen-of-Hearts trigger that allowed all of his tulpas to regain the memories of their past lives (hence Diane's reaction).  (Interestingly enough, the Queen of Hearts just happens to be the card Audrey picked for herself at the One-Eyed Mr. Jackpots  =:-O)

And, immediately after getting the message what does the visibly-shaken Diane say? "I remember.  Oh, Coop [and here she means the real Coop],  I remember!"  She then sends Mr. C the ambush coordinates and plaintively prays, "I hope this works!" - trying in vain to send Mr. C to a shocking, Sparkle-producing slaughter.

But it is too late.

Mr. C is about to Return to Twin Peaks.

Just my plus-two-cents worth!  😉

PS:  To those who think there have been too many tulpas (or maybe just too much tulpa talk in toto) already, let me just say this: 

We already know Mr. C had two - Dougie and Diane.  I would argue that Phyllis Hastings was one of his as well.  Why else were his last words to her "You followed human nature perfectly."?  =:-O

How many more?  😉

- /< /\ /> -

Posted : 02/09/2017 3:54 pm
Posts: 546
Honorable Member
Posted by: Ric Bissell
Posted by: JaseToTheG

three sets and 2 matched .... who were the other 2 other than Diane?  Sorry I'm probably having a brain fart.

but it's clear Mr C didn't trust the 2 that matched since he used Richard as a guinea pig.  Soooooo ... 3rd coordinates are the sheriffs station in TP?

Hi Jase,

This is what I think is going on:

Recall that Diane entered the coordinates into her smartphone twice.  

Once was after she had read them from Albert's photo of Ruth's Davenport's  arm.  After long, careful examination of Ruth arm, the numbers there appear to me to be:  48 55.142 / 117 36.3956 (punctuation and spaces added).

While Diane was studying the photo she was mouthing the word "coordinates" and when entering them later, alone at the bar, she was actually spelling the word out loud.  At the end of the word she said "plus two."  Note that, in this instance, we did not see the numbers.  But what we did see, after she zoomed in enough on the map, was that this was the latitude and longitude for Twin Peaks.

The other time Diane enters the coordinates is after she receives the terrifically troubling texting-all-tulpas message from Mr. C: "🙂 ALL".  It is only this second instance in which we see the numbers she enters - 48 55.142 / 117 16.3956 

Now, without the punctuation and spaces:




See where the "plus two" comes in?

What wasn't shown, and what I think happened, is that immediately after determining the numbers led to Twin Peaks, she sent that information to Mr. C.  After all, she was his creation, and in his thrall, replacing the raped and ravaged Diane at the "old gas station" (read "Convenience Store").

On the other hand, we know Ray was trying to kill Mr. C under the auspices of Phillip Jefferies.  Since these two are the only other source of coordinates for Mr. C we know of, I believe it was these two that led him to the lets-rock-and-roast Richard rock.

Why did Diane send the ambush location after she received the  "🙂 ALL" message?  

Mr. C only had two sets of numbers.  Once he found out the first set was bogus, he knew the second set was legitimate.  I think the  "🙂 ALL" was a Manchurian-Candidate Queen-of-Hearts trigger that allowed all of his tulpas to regain the memories of their past lives (hence Diane's reaction).  (Interestingly enough, the Queen of Hearts just happens to be the card Audrey picked for herself at the One-Eyed Mr. Jackpots  =:-O)

And, immediately after getting the message what does the visibly-shaken Diane say? "I remember.  Oh, Coop [and here she means the real Coop],  I remember!"  She then sends Mr. C the ambush coordinates and plaintively prays, "I hope this works!" - trying in vain to send Mr. C to a shocking, Sparkle-producing slaughter.

But it is too late.

Mr. C is about to Return to Twin Peaks.

Just my plus-two-cents worth!  😉

PS:  To those who think there have been too many tulpas (or maybe just too much tulpa talk in toto) already, let me just say this: 

We already know Mr. C had two - Dougie and Diane.  I would argue that Phyllis Hastings was one of his as well.  Why else were his last words to her "You followed human nature perfectly."?  =:-O

How many more?  😉

- /< /\ /> -

I like this. It is at very least a valiant effort to make sense of things based on what we have seen, with the advantage of getting an explanation of the "plus 2" in there. But doesn't this presume that Diane already had the fake/trick coordinates prior to seeing Ruth's arm? How did she get those, if so? And we don't see her sending coordinates prior to Part 16... Still, I like the line of thinking.

Another weird aspect, though, would be the notion that the ALL message leads her to try and send the trick coordinates, though this does potentially fit with what we see. The question is how we are interpreting the ALL message and so on. At least part of its effect seems to be trying to kill the Blue Rose agents, so that would be in some tension here. I don't know.

I don't see any reason to think that anyone is a tulpa besides Dougie and Diane. Could be. Probably I am just a little annoyed at how many people seem to have gotten tulpa fever this past week.

N.B. I am pretty open to the idea that perhaps Annie was a tulpa.

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:37 pm
Posts: 518
Honorable Member
Posted by: Cæmeron Crain
Posted by: Ric Bissell

This is what I think is going on:

Recall that Diane entered the coordinates into her smartphone twice.  

Once was after she had read them from Albert's photo of Ruth's Davenport's  arm.  After long, careful examination of Ruth arm, the numbers there appear to me to be:  48 55.142 / 117 36.3956 (punctuation and spaces added).

While Diane was studying the photo she was mouthing the word "coordinates" and when entering them later, alone at the bar, she was actually spelling the word out loud.  At the end of the word she said "plus two."  Note that, in this instance, we did not see the numbers.  But what we did see, after she zoomed in enough on the map, was that this was the latitude and longitude for Twin Peaks.

The other time Diane enters the coordinates is after she receives the terrifically troubling texting-all-tulpas message from Mr. C: "🙂 ALL".  It is only this second instance in which we see the numbers she enters - 48 55.142 / 117 16.3956 

Now, without the punctuation and spaces:




See where the "plus two" comes in?

What wasn't shown, and what I think happened, is that immediately after determining the numbers led to Twin Peaks, she sent that information to Mr. C.  After all, she was his creation, and in his thrall, replacing the raped and ravaged Diane at the "old gas station" (read "Convenience Store").

On the other hand, we know Ray was trying to kill Mr. C under the auspices of Phillip Jefferies.  Since these two are the only other source of coordinates for Mr. C we know of, I believe it was these two that led him to the lets-rock-and-roast Richard rock.

Why did Diane send the ambush location after she received the  "🙂 ALL" message?  

Mr. C only had two sets of numbers.  Once he found out the first set was bogus, he knew the second set was legitimate.  I think the  "🙂 ALL" was a Manchurian-Candidate Queen-of-Hearts trigger that allowed all of his tulpas to regain the memories of their past lives (hence Diane's reaction).  (Interestingly enough, the Queen of Hearts just happens to be the card Audrey picked for herself at the One-Eyed Mr. Jackpots  =:-O)

And, immediately after getting the message what does the visibly-shaken Diane say? "I remember.  Oh, Coop [and here she means the real Coop],  I remember!"  She then sends Mr. C the ambush coordinates and plaintively prays, "I hope this works!" - trying in vain to send Mr. C to a shocking, Sparkle-producing slaughter.

But it is too late.

Mr. C is about to Return to Twin Peaks.

Just my plus-two-cents worth!  😉

PS:  To those who think there have been too many tulpas (or maybe just too much tulpa talk in toto) already, let me just say this: 

We already know Mr. C had two - Dougie and Diane.  I would argue that Phyllis Hastings was one of his as well.  Why else were his last words to her "You followed human nature perfectly."?  =:-O

How many more?  😉

I like this. It is at very least a valiant effort to make sense of things based on what we have seen, with the advantage of getting an explanation of the "plus 2" in there. But doesn't this presume that Diane already had the fake/trick coordinates prior to seeing Ruth's arm? How did she get those, if so? And we don't see her sending coordinates prior to Part 16... Still, I like the line of thinking.

Hi  Cæmeron,

Thanks for the "valiant effort" comment.  🙂

At the time Diane saw Ruth's arm, that's the only set of coordinates she knew about - the correct set. So, she dutifully reported them to Mr. C.

However, when she gets the "🙂 ALL" (and I would suggest watching this scene again) her whole body shakes with shock, and she says, "I remember, oh Coop, I remember" and immediately gives Mr. C the coordinates for the ambush.

Where has the real Diane been for the past twenty-one years?  Is she in a place where she could communicate with the real Cooper in the Red Room?  Is she in the Red Room with Coop, Laura, Leland and Phillip Gerard?  It seems fairly obvious that someone (or several someones) with a knowledge of Richard's Rock Electric Chair wanted Mr. C to end up there and be ended there.

If Diane was privy to those plans, she remembered it - and the coordinates at which they were to be carried out.  Too bad she missed it  by a platinum-dyed hair.  If all three sets matched in may have been Richard Horne watching Mr. C cooked to a crispy critter, instead of the other way around.

True, this is all just a guess - who the hell knows with Twin Peaks and Lynch!  😉

- /< /\ /> - 

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:54 pm
Posts: 85
Trusted Member
Posted by: Ric Bissell
Posted by: Cæmeron Crain
Posted by: Ric Bissell

This is what I think is going on:

Recall that Diane entered the coordinates into her smartphone twice.  

Once was after she had read them from Albert's photo of Ruth's Davenport's  arm.  After long, careful examination of Ruth arm, the numbers there appear to me to be:  48 55.142 / 117 36.3956 (punctuation and spaces added).

While Diane was studying the photo she was mouthing the word "coordinates" and when entering them later, alone at the bar, she was actually spelling the word out loud.  At the end of the word she said "plus two."  Note that, in this instance, we did not see the numbers.  But what we did see, after she zoomed in enough on the map, was that this was the latitude and longitude for Twin Peaks.

The other time Diane enters the coordinates is after she receives the terrifically troubling texting-all-tulpas message from Mr. C: "🙂 ALL".  It is only this second instance in which we see the numbers she enters - 48 55.142 / 117 16.3956 

Now, without the punctuation and spaces:




See where the "plus two" comes in?

What wasn't shown, and what I think happened, is that immediately after determining the numbers led to Twin Peaks, she sent that information to Mr. C.  After all, she was his creation, and in his thrall, replacing the raped and ravaged Diane at the "old gas station" (read "Convenience Store").

On the other hand, we know Ray was trying to kill Mr. C under the auspices of Phillip Jefferies.  Since these two are the only other source of coordinates for Mr. C we know of, I believe it was these two that led him to the lets-rock-and-roast Richard rock.

Why did Diane send the ambush location after she received the  "🙂 ALL" message?  

Mr. C only had two sets of numbers.  Once he found out the first set was bogus, he knew the second set was legitimate.  I think the  "🙂 ALL" was a Manchurian-Candidate Queen-of-Hearts trigger that allowed all of his tulpas to regain the memories of their past lives (hence Diane's reaction).  (Interestingly enough, the Queen of Hearts just happens to be the card Audrey picked for herself at the One-Eyed Mr. Jackpots  =:-O)

And, immediately after getting the message what does the visibly-shaken Diane say? "I remember.  Oh, Coop [and here she means the real Coop],  I remember!"  She then sends Mr. C the ambush coordinates and plaintively prays, "I hope this works!" - trying in vain to send Mr. C to a shocking, Sparkle-producing slaughter.

But it is too late.

Mr. C is about to Return to Twin Peaks.

Just my plus-two-cents worth!  😉

PS:  To those who think there have been too many tulpas (or maybe just too much tulpa talk in toto) already, let me just say this: 

We already know Mr. C had two - Dougie and Diane.  I would argue that Phyllis Hastings was one of his as well.  Why else were his last words to her "You followed human nature perfectly."?  =:-O

How many more?  😉

I like this. It is at very least a valiant effort to make sense of things based on what we have seen, with the advantage of getting an explanation of the "plus 2" in there. But doesn't this presume that Diane already had the fake/trick coordinates prior to seeing Ruth's arm? How did she get those, if so? And we don't see her sending coordinates prior to Part 16... Still, I like the line of thinking.

Hi  Cæmeron,

Thanks for the "valiant effort" comment.  🙂

At the time Diane saw Ruth's arm, that's the only set of coordinates she knew about - the correct set. So, she dutifully reported them to Mr. C.

However, when she gets the "🙂 ALL" (and I would suggest watching this scene again) her whole body shakes with shock, and she says, "I remember, oh Coop, I remember" and immediately gives Mr. C the coordinates for the ambush.

Where has the real Diane been for the past twenty-one years?  Is she in a place where she could communicate with the real Cooper in the Red Room?  Is she in the Red Room with Coop, Laura, Leland and Phillip Gerard?  It seems fairly obvious that someone (or several someones) with a knowledge of Richard's Rock Electric Chair wanted Mr. C to end up there and be ended there.

If Diane was privy to those plans, she remembered it - and the coordinates at which they were to be carried out.  Too bad she missed it  by a platinum-dyed hair.  If all three sets matched in may have been Richard Horne watching Mr. C cooked to a crispy critter, instead of the other way around.

True, this is all just a guess - who the hell knows with Twin Peaks and Lynch!  😉

- /< /\ /> - 

This is great.

Still help me out a bit with one thing...
She first sent the coordinates to Mr. C the day she saw em on the R. Davenport's pic right? And she then sent what she thought it was for the good of Mr. C (we do not know if the coordinates were doctored on the final picture showed to Diane for sure anyway), but er... I do not remember if she sent the coordinates to Mr.C or if she simply put them in "maps" and notices that Twin Peaks is the town those coordinates indicate (so maybe then they were not doctored at all, it would have been smarter to make em coincide with some other place).

Posted : 02/09/2017 6:19 pm
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