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The guy with the green glove!

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Posted by: René-Gilles Deberdt
(And I didn't get the 'Gregory' pun, despite understanding it based on context. Maybe because I speak French. I wouldn't have thought of Peck.)

The Cockney Rhyming slang uses a rhyming word to replace a word, think:

Apple and pears 'Stairs'

Nuclear Sub 'pub'

Boat race 'Face'

However, to make it even more difficult for you guys and gals, it's evolved to whereby the person speaking it will say the half the two-word phrase that doesn't rhyme (hence only 'Gregory' from Gregory Peck to replace 'neck').

It's a slightly more intelligent and altogether a difficult one to decipher. But as Sam says, not half as hard as Geordie. Champion.

Posted : 15/08/2017 8:05 am
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

Aye, bonny lad.  Champion.  Reet champion.  

Am gannin oot we nae curt in 6 foot o snedge, like.

We should do a phrase book for people coming over the the UK, region by region.

Posted : 15/08/2017 8:09 am
Ruskinowl reacted
Posts: 571
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Posted by: Subalpine Fir
Posted by: Lynn Watson

Just wait till he teams up with Sarah Palmer - that'll put the fear of death into the bad guys...

I'm going straight to bed and wishing this quote into my dream register.  It must come true.

I'm not certain which side Sarah Palmer would be on.  The hand in her face was black and white.  The spiritual mound was the black part.  Which side would dominate?  I don't know.

Posted : 15/08/2017 8:43 am
Ric Bissell reacted
Posts: 295
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Posted by: SamXTherapy

Aye, bonny lad.  Champion.  Reet champion.  

Am gannin oot we nae curt in 6 foot o snedge, like.

We should do a phrase book for people coming over the the UK, region by region.



You know, it was only fairly recently that I discovered that calling Woodlice 'Cheeselogs' was native to my area, people were amazed that we'd call it something seemingly devoid of logic. I just thought that was what they were named. I discovered that they're the most nicknamed insect, different everywhere you go. A simple Google search unleashed loads of names for the little louse.

Posted : 15/08/2017 9:06 am
Posts: 518
Honorable Member
Posted by: Lynn Watson

Just wait till he teams up with Sarah Palmer - that'll put the fear of death into the bad guys...

Hi Lynn,

But Sarah is a bad guy.  😉

- /< /\ /> -

Posted : 15/08/2017 9:33 am
Posts: 571
Honorable Member
Posted by: Ric Bissell
Posted by: Lynn Watson

Just wait till he teams up with Sarah Palmer - that'll put the fear of death into the bad guys...

Hi Lynn,

But Sarah is a bad guy.  😉

- /< /\ /> -

Sarah's character is so complex.  She appears to be both good and evil.  Maybe her strength will overcome whatever is inside her and she'll snap out of it.  I don't know.  Regardless, Grace Zabriskie deserves some awards for this performance.  She's a powerhouse. 

Posted : 15/08/2017 9:42 am
Posts: 2250
Noble Member
Posted by: Ruskinowl
Posted by: SamXTherapy

Aye, bonny lad.  Champion.  Reet champion.  

Am gannin oot we nae curt in 6 foot o snedge, like.

We should do a phrase book for people coming over the the UK, region by region.



You know, it was only fairly recently that I discovered that calling Woodlice 'Cheeselogs' was native to my area, people were amazed that we'd call it something seemingly devoid of logic. I just thought that was what they were named. I discovered that they're the most nicknamed insect, different everywhere you go. A simple Google search unleashed loads of names for the little louse.

There are a lot of things round here that are called "What the FUCK is THAT?!"  We live near a lake at one end, and a wetlands nature reserve at t'other, so we also get a lot of mosquitoes, also known here as "Bitey little bastards".

Phrasebook contributions:

Shite, man! Yuz lot er aal wankers!  Ootside wi the lot of yuz!

= Hello, everyone!  I am new here and hope to make new friends.

Ah divvent knaa wurrits caaled burral hov the hottest wun wot yuz dee.

= (When ordering a meal) I would like something tasty, please.

A good start, I reckon.


Posted : 15/08/2017 9:51 am
Posts: 207
Estimable Member
Posted by: Ruskinowl
Posted by: René-Gilles Deberdt
(And I didn't get the 'Gregory' pun, despite understanding it based on context. Maybe because I speak French. I wouldn't have thought of Peck.)

The Cockney Rhyming slang uses a rhyming word to replace a word, think:

Apple and pears 'Stairs'

Nuclear Sub 'pub'

Boat race 'Face'

However, to make it even more difficult for you guys and gals, it's evolved to whereby the person speaking it will say the half the two-word phrase that doesn't rhyme (hence only 'Gregory' from Gregory Peck to replace 'neck').

It's a slightly more intelligent and altogether a difficult one to decipher. But as Sam says, not half as hard as Geordie. Champion.

My wife is from LA and all her attempts at any English dialects sound like Dick van Dyke, though married to me for almost 22 years has helped toward some improvements. 🙂

The other thing green glove man said was along the lines of smashing his fist into his loaf.

Loaf of bread - head.

As stated above, it evolved to only saying the first of the two word combo, making it very difficult to understand.

I howled with laughter at Green Glove man's comment about job's worth. These people are everywhere.

As an aside I do wonder what is behind the door James seems almost certain to open.

Posted : 15/08/2017 8:26 pm
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

The other thing that came up for me with green glove man, me ole cock sparras is there is a scene in Wild at Heart with Crispin Glover where he has to hold a black glove down with a wooden stick. On the extras he's interviewed and says that David Lynch said he had to hold the glove down like his life depended on it.

Here's the scene -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfXH05oeL6c

Crispin Glover, ha, I just had an epiphany, Glover - Glove. Jeepers. Epiphanies are great aren't they? Only marginally better than the feeling of stupidity at not realising it sooner.


Posted : 15/08/2017 8:47 pm
Posts: 388
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Posted by: buttercup

He's gonna punch Mr. C's lights out!  Bam!

He's gonna arm wrestle Mister C's hand off!

Posted : 16/08/2017 1:35 am
Posts: 207
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Posted by: stwallskull

I wonder if James in the boiler room is going to somehow tie in the ending to the weird international edition of the Twin Peaks pilot. Like much of this show, it would make dream-sense.

I was expecting to see Bob talking about his death bag at any moment...

Posted : 16/08/2017 2:04 am
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

I've been cleaning out the gutters on our house. It's my destiny, apparently. Thankfully I didn't encounter a job's worth, but they didn't have them in green, but feel my homage is no less valid.

btw, I'm still laughing about job's worths...

Posted : 17/08/2017 12:50 am
buttercup and KLynched reacted
Posts: 181
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Posted by: Colin Basterfield

I've been cleaning out the gutters on our house. It's my destiny, apparently. Thankfully I didn't encounter a job's worth, but they didn't have them in green, but feel my homage is no less valid.

btw, I'm still laughing about job's worths...

Cool B&W floor too (even though it's not zigzagged)! 

Posted : 17/08/2017 1:29 am
Posts: 73
Trusted Member

When Freddie said that it hurt while trying to pull the glove off, I thought of Ike the Spike and assorted meat slivers.

He mentioned a "Sam"? Sam Stanley? Long shot.

Lots of people think Freddie will arm-wrestle Mr. C. It seems to me a bit too much in-your-face. (Bad pun.) I hope the significance of Freddie's glove will surprise us, as so many things in the series have by now.

I was genuinely scared for James in the end, just like I was scared for Hawk on Sarah's steps or Andy in the grove. This show makes us care for the characters so much.

Posted : 18/08/2017 8:15 am
buttercup reacted
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

Fight Club, I tell ye!

Posted : 18/08/2017 10:28 am
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