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James sang his song!

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Posted by: Karen
Posted by: Zack Sisson

I can't believe he agreed to do that song again after the 25 years of shit he got for doing it the first time.

Hearing a 50 year old man sound like a 12 year old girl made it even worse than when it aired originally.

He was only lip-syncing to the original recording.

Yes...that was clearly obvious.  

...but when they are filming it to make it look like a middle aged man is making those noises it is painfully awkward to view and listen to.

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:29 am
Posts: 76
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Posted by: Pine Cone

It's wonderful to hang out with you guys. I wanted to put some giant laughing emojis instead of just hitting "like."

Which led me to an interesting thought.... Twin Peaks emojis.

Are they out there? I can already think of a dozen or more. Feeling Lynchie. 

haha! yep. my first thought was ~ the forum crew are gonna go nuts ? 

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:34 am
Posts: 316
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I own an Epiphany like that I am going to burn it in honor of Ed.

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:47 am
Posts: 200
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I swear I haven't laughed so much many times in my life. This is superb trolling.

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:57 am
Lynn Watson, James M Sweeney, Jank Frones and 7 people reacted
Posts: 472
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Did anyone else find it weird that James is fitting in perfectly in this episode, which was basically showing how no one is following love, but whatever latest 'money man'(gold shovel) comes along?  This song says 'just you and I' to two girls(both Donna and Maddie), thus undermining its lyrics.  This was James' 'modus operandi', seduced a girl, some problem comes, dump them and seduce another one.  James was never really about love, he was supposed to have loved Laura, but as soon as she died he was over it and moved onto Donna that very night(burying her heart necklace, moving to Donna right away), while Bobby was the only one disturbed deeply.  We get the same with Big Ed and Norma, Bobby and Shelly(this time with Norma and Shelly on the 'profiting' end of the seduction rather than James) showing Big Ed right after the song, to show someone in love and what became of it(also Audrey here), a contrast versus Norma's/Shelly's/James'/Beverly's et al. 'temporary contract' relationships that do not allow love all the way, but always leave room for the next big 'money man', 'drug dealer', 'vamp', to basically 'buy' them.....James seems none to concerned, never did, not even about Laura, just self image and feeling(wanted that feeling he had with Laura to last forever, with no side consequences, no 'falling' in love, doesnt upset his self image, etc.)

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:58 am
Posts: 175
Estimable Member

I'm maybe one of the few people that actually liked the original scene of James, Donna and Maddie singing together.  I was like 18 or 19 at the time, and was into Lynch's music with Angelo Badalamenti (Industrial Symphony etc), and always thought it was amazing how a director who could film so much violence (Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart) could write such beautiful lyrics such as:

"The trees beside the sidewalk, are shadowing the light, of distant stars, and tenderly, the night surrounds us..."


"Love, don't go away, come back this way, come back and stay forever"

And of course,

"Just you, and I, together, forever, in love."

So when I first watched that scene 27 years ago, I was well aware it was a Lynch directed episode, and there was something so amazing about it.  James' high pitched voice, 2 beautiful women sitting beneath him singing with him, and of course, it was written by Lynch and Badalamenti.  I thought it was a beautiful moment, and remember, we were deep into the mystery of creamed corn and hospital food (imagine that!), so it was a nice diversion.  Until James and Donna left Maddie alone.  And then BOB came.  Into the Hayward living room, which was one of the locations in Twin Peaks that I felt safest, and of course, Lynch ruined that, beautifully.

So seeing James perfom his song again, was actually a beautiful touch by Lynch I think.  I've never understood how so many people hated that scene and that song.  Once Season 2 went off the rails in places, and James had his Evelyn Marsh storyline, well, that was disappointing.  But I'll never forget listening to that artificially high voice of James the first time.  And hearing it again brought back a lot of memories.

Posted : 07/08/2017 2:02 am
Posts: 337
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Posted by: Brian Snoke
  • Told you he was gonna sing it! LMAO ?

OMG I was laughing so hard, thought of you guys and your last thread on this.  I was dying.  You totally called it.

Posted : 07/08/2017 2:10 am
Lynn Watson, Brandy Fisher, 1stDragonarse and 2 people reacted
Posts: 201
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For me, that song nailed the lid on Maddie's coffin, sealed by Donna's narcissism and James' inability to refrain from poetically lusting for every woman who crossed his teen angst-y path. Hearing that lip sync of a lip sync was just salt in that wound. Poor Maddie. 

Posted : 07/08/2017 2:36 am
Lynn Watson, Brandy Fisher, 1stDragonarse and 4 people reacted
Posts: 21
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Posted by: Jack

I'm maybe one of the few people that actually liked the original scene of James, Donna and Maddie singing together.  I was like 18 or 19 at the time, and was into Lynch's music with Angelo Badalamenti (Industrial Symphony etc), and always thought it was amazing how a director who could film so much violence (Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart) could write such beautiful lyrics such as:

"The trees beside the sidewalk, are shadowing the light, of distant stars, and tenderly, the night surrounds us..."


"Love, don't go away, come back this way, come back and stay forever"

And of course,

"Just you, and I, together, forever, in love."

So when I first watched that scene 27 years ago, I was well aware it was a Lynch directed episode, and there was something so amazing about it.  James' high pitched voice, 2 beautiful women sitting beneath him singing with him, and of course, it was written by Lynch and Badalamenti.  I thought it was a beautiful moment, and remember, we were deep into the mystery of creamed corn and hospital food (imagine that!), so it was a nice diversion.  Until James and Donna left Maddie alone.  And then BOB came.  Into the Hayward living room, which was one of the locations in Twin Peaks that I felt safest, and of course, Lynch ruined that, beautifully.

So seeing James perfom his song again, was actually a beautiful touch by Lynch I think.  I've never understood how so many people hated that scene and that song.  Once Season 2 went off the rails in places, and James had his Evelyn Marsh storyline, well, that was disappointing.  But I'll never forget listening to that artificially high voice of James the first time.  And hearing it again brought back a lot of memories.

Well said! I loved it, too. Nakedly honest and triumphant in a way. Bravo, James.

Posted : 07/08/2017 2:54 am
Posts: 251
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I had a big smile on my face during the song. Go James! 

Posted : 07/08/2017 4:07 am
Posts: 204
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Anyway, why does the song always sounds so familiar? Ever since I first heard it, I have always felt that it's like a carbon copy of a much older song. In my mind, it sounds like a mixture of Billy Fury's "Maybe tomorrow" and Ritchie Valens "Donna" (mostly the falsetto voice). But maybe there is someone out there who has other suggestions of songs it reminds them of?



Posted : 07/08/2017 4:55 am
Pantstrovich reacted
Posts: 337
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The Falsetto makes me think of Rocky Horror Picture Show XD


Posted : 07/08/2017 5:00 am
Posts: 853
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Posted by: shrrrrrrrrrrk

For me, that song nailed the lid on Maddie's coffin, sealed by Donna's narcissism and James' inability to refrain from poetically lusting for every woman who crossed his teen angst-y path. Hearing that lip sync of a lip sync was just salt in that wound. Poor Maddie. 

Bob was after Maddie because she looked just like Laura AND was low-hanging fruit as the saying goes, an easy victim for him. Maddie was likely hanging around TP awhile after the funeral because she didn't really like her life back home.

Posted : 07/08/2017 5:29 am
Mr Jackpots reacted
Posts: 853
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Two mics and a guitar plugged into the guitar amp. "James is so DUMB." - Laura

Posted : 07/08/2017 5:33 am
Posts: 75
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Posted by: Fishinthepercolator

I swear I haven't laughed so much many times in my life. This is superb trolling.

That Jimmy Scott lookalike introducing him exactly like he did NIN in part 8, right before the craziest artistic fever dream in all television.

And it's James freaking Hurley. Followed up with Ed sipping soup and burning a bit of paper.

(Although, who knows (apart from the Germans)? Maybe non-Jimmy Scott is our cue to get ready for one hell of a part 14, analogous to part 8.)

After sleeping on this, I agree, that was a genuinely hilarious bit of trolling.

Posted : 07/08/2017 8:27 am
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