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Doppelganger is still Cooper

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cause he's got some character traits from his original self. Yes, he's the total opposite (shadow self) but core of his mind is the same. Remember the scene from season 2 when Harry wanted to officialy charge Ben Horne for Laura murder, Coop knew it's not him but let Sheriff Truman do it because that was his station, his town and his rules. We witnessed similar situation in last episode when Mr C didn't actually care about all this gang in Western Montana considering them as kindergarten. Yet he somehow got the respect for their rules so he accepts the arm wrestling proposition. Of course the chain of events was very predictable:) BTW I think this Renzo boss got killed only because of this punch to the back of the head that surprised and humiliated Bad Coop. Otherwise he would not have the interest in killing him, breaking the arm would be enough.

It all makes me think about the possible Cooper awakening. I really hope that this will happen before the last scene of series finale cause I want to see how he will deal with the moral responsibility for all the doppelganger's actions. Richard and Linda Two birds with one stone. I understand. Not the biggest revelation but I think this first scene is EXTREMELY important.

Posted : 10/08/2017 8:13 am
Posts: 204
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I agree. Cheap shot for cheap shot. Had he not tagged Mr. C in the back of the skull, Renzo wouldn't have been pounded in the front of his. 

Posted : 10/08/2017 8:20 am
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The identity problem...

Is a perfect copy the same individual, if the original dies?  If two things are identical in every respect, which is the "real" one?  Note the italics.  They're important because, it's at this point, some people say, "Yes, but what about age/carbon dating/datestamp etc ad nauseum.  In every respect, to the limit of testing.  Totally and utterly indistinguishable.

In this case, it can be argued there is an imperfect copy, or an altered copy.  But yes, they both have the same memories and experiences.  I have a feeling Mr C has drawn on inner aspects of Dale Cooper's personality and somehow augmented them, boosted them so they are to the fore.  

Therefore, Mr C isn't Dale Cooper, he/it is a less than perfect copy, albeit with memories and experiences intact, plus a whole lot more stuff and, of course, the reversed fingerprints.

Posted : 10/08/2017 8:24 am
Posts: 351
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 People are also altered by time and experiences. Mr. C has a quarter of a century of real-world experience during which the original Dale sat in a chair. Those experiences may have sharpened Mr. C in many ways and may have worn him down in others. What sitting in a chair has done for/to Dale is hard to say. 

Posted : 10/08/2017 8:53 am
Jocelyn Rowe and ella reacted
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Dale has the help of the lodge on his side, and he will need that to deal with Mr. C. 

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:09 am
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Exactly, the SPIRITUAL fingerprint is reversed. And Yes, identity problem is the core of Twin Peaks in my opinion. It makes me think who would be MY doppelganger? Or any of us? Are we perfect? No. But it looks like Agent Cooper is... Good, honest, decent. Very smart. However Mr C is smart too... So maybe the idea of doppelganger is about the spiritual qualities like good vs evil not about the traits like intelligence.

I am also thinking about Cooper being asleep and I am wondering why he is still in that state and nothing seem to work. Tbh I was never buying any coffee/pie/ badge/ agent theories and I'm not surprised that they did not wake him up. These are acquired qualities, Dale Cooper would be still himself if he liked burger with fries and was writer. But it's about essence, let's call it soul and the conscience and memories. That's why he is still asleep cause somebody else has it. That's what Mike meant when he said "One of you has to die". Two people can share the same looks, even fingerprints (in David Lynch world) but not memories or self conscience. Note how Dougie/ Coop is acting like a world's biggest toddler.  children this age do not have a self conscience or the sense of identity.

Yet he still somehow is able to defend himself, defend others, reveal the corruption and change people and their lives.

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:12 am
Jocelyn Rowe reacted
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I think both of the Coopers need to return to Twin Peaks before they can progress on from their current states. Perhaps they will meet there and merge or perhaps one will destroy the other. 

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:20 am
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Posted by: Aaron C. Wade

I agree. Cheap shot for cheap shot. Had he not tagged Mr. C in the back of the skull, Renzo wouldn't have been pounded in the front of his. 

Also the same weapon:)

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:22 am
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Posted by: Steve Moss

I think both of the Coopers need to return to Twin Peaks before they can progress on from their current states. Perhaps they will meet there and merge or perhaps one will destroy the other. 

One of you must die.  That seems clear to me.  Nothing about merging.

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:29 am
Posts: 178
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True. Doppelganger was never meant to exit the Black Lodge to the real world, it's not his place. But since he did...

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:38 am
Posts: 251
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Posted by: SamXTherapy
Posted by: Steve Moss

I think both of the Coopers need to return to Twin Peaks before they can progress on from their current states. Perhaps they will meet there and merge or perhaps one will destroy the other. 

One of you must die.  That seems clear to me.  Nothing about merging.

I don't think we have enough  definite information about the Lodge or the One Armed Man's plans. I don't know if I trust everything he says as fact. The One Armed Man might not be telling the whole truth to Cooper. It's possible that he may have his own agenda.  It's also possible that both Coopers may make their own choices with regards their future if and when they meet. 

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:38 am
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

Thinking about it a little more, I think I may have it.  Try this idea, see what you think...

Mr C isn't Dale Cooper, he's an aspect of Coop.  Consider just how different they are at the moment, not how Cooper is usually, but now, as the half asleep innocent.

Now think about Mr C.  Wide awake, no brakes, prone to outbursts of extreme violence.

It's as if there's something missing from both of them.  Mr C's dark, violent nature needs the leavening of DougieCoop's innocence and wide eyed acceptance.  DougieCoop's innocence needs a seasoning of darkness and violence.

Don't forget, that for all his nice, innocent boy scout attitude, Special Agent Dale Cooper is a serious hardass who faces danger and violence as a daily part of his job.  Without the capacity to see the bad stuff and to channel the action and violent potential to his furtherance of law enforcement, he's a little kid, adrift in the world.

Take out all the good, you get Mr C, take out all the bad, you get DougieCoop.


DougieCoop kills - or is brought into a situation where Mr C is killed - the two aspects merge and Special Agent Dale Cooper is back.

Roll credits.  End.

Posted : 10/08/2017 9:59 am
Freya, Damien Crowley, Monique Prior and 6 people reacted
Posts: 571
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Quoted SamXTherapy:

"Take out all the good, you get Mr C, take out all the bad, you get DougieCoop.


DougieCoop kills - or is brought into a situation where Mr C is killed - the two aspects merge and Special Agent Dale Cooper is back.

Roll credits.  End."


Posted : 10/08/2017 10:02 am
Posts: 251
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Posted by: SamXTherapy

Thinking about it a little more, I think I may have it.  Try this idea, see what you think...

Mr C isn't Dale Cooper, he's an aspect of Coop.  Consider just how different they are at the moment, not how Cooper is usually, but now, as the half asleep innocent.

Now think about Mr C.  Wide awake, no brakes, prone to outbursts of extreme violence.

It's as if there's something missing from both of them.  Mr C's dark, violent nature needs the leavening of DougieCoop's innocence and wide eyed acceptance.  DougieCoop's innocence needs a seasoning of darkness and violence.

Don't forget, that for all his nice, innocent boy scout attitude, Special Agent Dale Cooper is a serious hardass who faces danger and violence as a daily part of his job.  Without the capacity to see the bad stuff and to channel the action and violent potential to his furtherance of law enforcement, he's a little kid, adrift in the world.

Take out all the good, you get Mr C, take out all the bad, you get DougieCoop.


DougieCoop kills - or is brought into a situation where Mr C is killed - the two aspects merge and Special Agent Dale Cooper is back.

Roll credits.  End.

Sounds cool to me. Maybe Mr C does in fact need something after all. He needs the Dougie aspect. 


Posted : 10/08/2017 10:09 am
ella reacted
Posts: 251
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Mr C is searching for a far away place. Dougie on the other hand searches for nothing. All he responds to is in his immediate area. Mr C is actively on the look out for info to get him to his destination to another dimension.  While Dougie is only concerned with basic stimuli in his immediate vicinity, mostly when prompted by others and mostly food. 


Mr C is the Eye of Sauron.

Dougie is Bilbo (stoned on wacky baccy and with a case of the munchies)




Posted : 10/08/2017 10:10 am
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