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Hawk's Map...Pieter, I need you help

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Posted by: Lynn Watson

In The Secret Diary, Laura got a pony for her 12th birthday - it was named Troy and was described as 'cinnamon red'.

Hmmm....Laura did end up being a "trojan horse" for the Black Lodge.

Posted : 25/07/2017 7:21 pm
Lynn Watson reacted
Posts: 181
Estimable Member

Very creative MCS!


I am very intrigued by the "upside-down" horizontal crescent moon that appears over the eared blob you-don't-want-to-know-about-it thingy. It must be important as it also appears in Briggs' message, where it is located over Blue Pine Mountain (with full moon or sun over White Tail Mountain). 

In our "real" world the crescent moon becomes seasonally more horizontal. It is also more horizontal near the equator when it is more upright in mid northern latitudes. Technically it could appear with its "horns" downward if the sun is shining on it from above (i.e. daytime) but it's very rare to see that since the sun is brighter. Or else it's an eclipse? An inverted reality? I'm sure there must be mythological references too.

Any ideas?




Posted : 25/07/2017 7:37 pm
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Posted by: KlLynched

Very creative MCS!


I am very intrigued by the "upside-down" horizontal crescent moon that appears over the eared blob you-don't-want-to-know-about-it thingy. It must be important as it also appears in Briggs' message, where it is located over Blue Pine Mountain (with full moon or sun over White Tail Mountain). 

In our "real" world the crescent moon becomes seasonally more horizontal. It is also more horizontal near the equator when it is more upright in mid northern latitudes. Technically it could appear with its "horns" downward if the sun is shining on it from above (i.e. daytime) but it's very rare to see that since the sun is brighter. Or else it's an eclipse? An inverted reality? I'm sure there must be mythological references too.

Any ideas?




A Black Lodge being entering our world in full daylight would certainly be a shock....unless that's an upside-down canoe....I really don't know.

Posted : 25/07/2017 7:43 pm
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My last thought on the map....barring weird dreams tonight: Why did the falls move to the right of Blue Pine mountain....? Are we viewing everything on Hawk's map from the other side of the peaks?

Posted : 25/07/2017 10:55 pm
Posts: 488
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Inspired by Mark's map construction, I've decided that once the series finishes I'm going to embroider a version of it .  (well, once I stop the withdrawal twitching!)
I'm going to put it up on the wall and when anybody asks about it I'll have a whole story based in the mists of time & legend which explains what it depicts...  and once they've finished politely nodding, I can say:
'You didn't watch Twin Peaks, did you?'

Posted : 25/07/2017 11:07 pm
Posts: 181
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Posted by: Lynn Watson

Inspired by Mark's map construction, I've decided that once the series finishes I'm going to embroider a version of it .  

Wow, another Forum creative.

I have to confess that when Hawk got out the Ancient Map, I thought it was a bit hokey. In fact, the emphasis on Hawk's heritage this season in general has been decidedly a bit OTT. He had other interesting dimensions in 1&2, in addition to his heritage. I can't believe Lynch and Frost would have gone backwards so this is all very odd. Something is Very Yrev Wrong in Twin Peaks.


And back on the subject of the upside-down crescent moon or sun... Here's something to freak out those who like being freaked out. For a while now I've felt that things were going to get very weird again in Part 15. By accident, I found out that you folks up there in the Land of SA Dale Cooper & Co are in for a solar eclipse on August 21, the day after Part 15 (the day of the Part for the rest of us but I don't think we'll get to see the eclipse).

And what is it going to look like at around 2:53pm????!!!



Posted : 26/07/2017 5:33 pm
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I've managed to do the same with print-screens.


Posted : 28/07/2017 9:08 am
Posts: 968
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Posted by: Lucas Bracci

The map in big size :



An animal part ? 

This reminds me of Cole's drawing of the deer / moose thing in the previous episode. 

Posted : 28/07/2017 12:33 pm
Posts: 618
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Posted by: Myn0k
Posted by: Lucas Bracci

The map in big size :



An animal part ? 

This reminds me of Cole's drawing of the deer / moose thing in the previous episode. 





Or maybe this :


Posted : 28/07/2017 1:10 pm
Myn0k reacted
Posts: 200
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The map and the symbols on it definitely have Frost written all over it. I have to say I've always been pretty lost on these parts, while I usually have a better read on the the more Lynchian stuff. But it makes me wonder: has anyone noticed anything in this that might be mentioned in the book? Or even that reminds something mentioned in the book. For the record I haven't, but It's been a while since I read it and I feel that if there's any chance we might find any clues for the show in the book it's about this stuff (related to native americans, Twin Peaks history etc).

Posted : 28/07/2017 4:37 pm
Posts: 356
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Posted by: Fishinthepercolator

The map and the symbols on it definitely have Frost written all over it. I have to say I've always been pretty lost on these parts, while I usually have a better read on the the more Lynchian stuff. But it makes me wonder: has anyone noticed anything in this that might be mentioned in the book? Or even that reminds something mentioned in the book. For the record I haven't, but It's been a while since I read it and I feel that if there's any chance we might find any clues for the show in the book it's about this stuff (related to native americans, Twin Peaks history etc).

From the book that may support what is on the map and what Hawk said:

Thomas Jefferson's journal summarizes a letter from Meriwether Lewis that describes his trip to the falls.  He talks about silvery spheres from the sky, fire that burns but does not consume, colors, the mysterious force B. Franklin stumbled on, and an encounter with a "silent man".  Lewis also had the owl ring which was given to him by a chief called Twisted Hair.  

There were also UFO sightings near Twin Peaks - silvery disc shaped - 60-100 feet in diameter or "big as a f****** house".  General UFO descriptions: "circular or at least elliptical, flat on the bottom and slightly domed on the top." "Some reports describe two tabs, located at the rear..."

Multiple references of a gigantic owl. 

Posted : 28/07/2017 7:08 pm
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From the book that may support what is on the map and what Hawk said:

Thomas Jefferson's journal summarizes a letter from Meriwether Lewis that describes his trip to the falls.  He talks about silvery spheres from the sky, fire that burns but does not consume, colors, the mysterious force B. Franklin stumbled on, and an encounter with a "silent man".  Lewis also had the owl ring which was given to him by a chief called Twisted Hair.  

There were also UFO sightings near Twin Peaks - silvery disc shaped - 60-100 feet in diameter or "big as a f****** house".  General UFO descriptions: "circular or at least elliptical, flat on the bottom and slightly domed on the top." "Some reports describe two tabs, located at the rear..."

Multiple references of a gigantic owl. 

Thanks for the synopsis. I was hesitant to cross-reference TSHOTP due to DL's indication that it was MF's version of events.....I'm not sure DL has even read it..! If Hawk's map is any indication, it's going to get very busy on 10/1 and 10/2... we may see a full-scale lodge war that makes Part 8 look like a sitcom...

Posted : 28/07/2017 8:32 pm
Posts: 125
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Posted by: Mirella Derks

As a person new to the Forum I am first of all saying HALLOO-Oo-ooo... to all of you and also want to say thank you for letting me join.

Mark Chamberlain Stevens, that ShowtimeAnytime map you posted I changed a little bit in perspective and contrast. Maybe this can help to start building the map in more detail. 

greetings Mirella! and thanks Mark... great thread.

I seem to recall 'the Secret History' also mentioning giants a few times. I notice the figure (lower right under corn stalks) ... could that represent our ??????? floating up 😉 

Posted : 28/07/2017 9:11 pm
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Posted by: 1stDragonarse
Posted by: Mirella Derks

As a person new to the Forum I am first of all saying HALLOO-Oo-ooo... to all of you and also want to say thank you for letting me join.

Mark Chamberlain Stevens, that ShowtimeAnytime map you posted I changed a little bit in perspective and contrast. Maybe this can help to start building the map in more detail. 

greetings Mirella! and thanks Mark... great thread.

I seem to recall 'the Secret History' also mentioning giants a few times. I notice the figure (lower right under corn stalks) ... could that represent our ??????? floating up 😉 

You're quite welcome. I think the figure you mention is a running black wolf.

Posted : 28/07/2017 9:29 pm
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Posted : 28/07/2017 9:35 pm
Myn0k and Trina Jones reacted
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