Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Well, we don't want too many answers just yet. There's 8 more parts for that to happen.
Oh, I'm not wanting answers - just a couple of folk said they felt as if they had been spoon fed a bit. I've got more questions now...
I enjoyed the original series immensely! I keep waiting for the new series to get better, but it is all over the place. We have a castrated, ineffective Dale Cooper, a bunch of "fan service" showing original characters that don't further the plot, and a bunch of "strange for the sake of strange". There have been some interesting moments, Dale escaping the Black Lodge, the origin of "Bob", but there is a lot that is just tedious and boring. Michael Cera as The son of Andy and Lucy was horrible! I would like to see Dale regain himself, and go off to try to defeat his doppleganger! The Major Briggs story is interesting, as it connects to the main story. Things like the druggie girl scratching her armpit rash, and James Belushi being James Belushi are making me re-consider watching.
We are more than halfway through the story! I understand David Lynch's eccentricities, but we should have some sort of focus by now!
Not ready to quit at all. I liked the episode. What I would say is that when it finished, I almost shouted "aaggh!"at the TV. Because I wanted more. And that to me is a good sign of a good show.
The problem is, we are so used to series being made available in one go, rather then having to wait several weeks.
Trust in Lynch and Frost.
this show is way to awesome for your plebeian mind....go back to Game of Thrones and enjoy the corn ball dragons and sh't like that.
The hell you know the guy's into GoT? Maybe he hates it! I love Peaks, it's my favorite show, I like this season a lot, yet I think GoT has quite high standards for such a mainstream title (and I think others here are fans of both shows). No offense but this isn't the kind of statement that gives a display of an aristocratic mind.
this show is way to awesome for your plebeian mind....go back to Game of Thrones and enjoy the corn ball dragons and sh't like that.
The hell you know the guy's into GoT? Maybe he hates it! I love Peaks, it's my favorite show, I like this season a lot, yet I think GoT has quite high standards for such a mainstream title (and I think others here are fans of both shows). No offense but this isn't the kind of statement that gives a display of an aristocratic mind.
I gotta agree here. I know I personally love plenty of ridiculous trash and also enjoy more intelligent things like David Lynch's work. You don't have to eschew all other forms of entertainment in order to enjoy or even near fully understand things like Twin Peaks. It seems severely limiting to expect yourself to do so.
Not to mention the fact that it's completely fine that everyone has different tastes. I'd hate for us all to be the same. Existence would be extremely boring.
Where's my edit button gone? Why can't I edit that weird double quote? :/
Where's my edit button gone? Why can't I edit that weird double quote? :/
Oh, I thought it was just me - I had to report my double post earlier...
this show is a dead shark
Firstly, thank you for starting this thread. Agree, disagree or ignore, it seems pretty obvious we've enjoyed the chatter... 3 pages worth and its only Tuesday. I appreciate everyone's opinions and honestly attempt to read every thread here and spend most of the week keeping updated with the juicy ones.
Secondly, I look at this whole experience like we have ALL been invited to a dinner-theater-party hosted by Lynch. We all found our seats at the massive dinner table (built by Pieter) and had a few drinks... some drank coffee, some drank alcoholic beverages, some drank kool-aid; regardless, after a few rounds (parts/episodes) we all seemed quite stimulated and were ready for the next course, salad. Now this wasn't just any old salad. The chefs had spent 25 years building this salad. We had a choice of salad dressings... some chose their normal 'go-to' dressing, but most chose the house dressing (an old Frost family recipe). We all ate the salad. Some raved about the salad, some were not impressed but still appreciative of the chefs' efforts. Most could hardly wait for the next courses to be served. (my story continues to Part 8) The 8th course, creamed corn, of all things... wasn't expecting that. Some loved it, some liked it, some hated it, some barfed. Most enjoyed it but their appetites were not nearly sated. By the time courses 9 and 10 were to be served, I really, really wanted some 'steak & taters'... and just as if the chefs knew, my wish was granted. I've enjoyed this meal so far and look forward to the next several courses; my appetite has grown in fact... a nifty culinary trick if you ask me!
Lastly, I was taught to mind my manners when invited into someone's house. I'm sorry, truly sorry, if that is no longer the norm.
Oh for God's sake you lot! We've waited 25 years for this series, 25 years of tedious guff on the tube, and everyone is moaning that the pace is too slow and the plot needs to resolve. Relax a little, kick back, luxuriate in the fabulous stuff that is going on here, turn the lights off and the sound up. Watch it again, watch it a third time - there are endless little details to pick up on. That Rebecca del Rio song a bit cheesy? - hang on there were two songs playing there, same as in the RR scene a few episodes back. What's that all about? Cole opening the door to Laura Palmer? Christ! my nervous system nearly blew a fuse, was not expecting that.
I've seen hundreds of TV series over the last quarter century that picked up the pace, moved to a tidy conclusion, didn't have any imagery at all in the mise en scene. This is operating at a different level. Fix your eyes or die.
No way !
For now it did not hit the "LOST" level where the writers seem to make it up as they went along in the end.
Not expecting this will go that route.
This ep. acknowledged some story lines in a higher tempo and more linear maybe.
It answered some questions i had anyway. It felt like speeding things up a little.
I'm posting a few of my idiotic "toons", based on this episode, in the "Just for laughs" thread in the OT forum. Comments, threats, gifts of money, alcohol and the like are all accepted. ?
Agree on Jacoby "rants" not sure what this adds besides some political elements. (DL views?)
He does seem to have an great fan in Nadine.
But Jerry may have been/still is one of the bookhouse boys.
Going on a Jerry hunt could be interesting...
I'm feel like I was starting to lose interest after episode 8. But I think this episode started to link some of the pieces together.
When it comes to Twin Peaks The Return, I wasn't expecting a trip down memory lane, but I sure wasn't expecting the things we keep getting now either. I had hoped for something better. Way better. But at the same time, I'm slowly getting used to this new "version" of TP.
That said, I feel like I'm now more interested in season 2 of "Stranger Things", and season 9 of "Curb your enthusiasm". I don't think they will let me down the way TP The Return has.
Eric, shuddupp, you just don't get Lynch!
Annnnd heres "that guy".
Nooooooo. Entertained throughout. ALL of these episodes make 50 something-odd minutes feel like 10. Perhaps with the exception of episode 8, but that still deserves an accolade.
Having digested it now for a couple of nights, I think the reason it didn't resonate favorably at first were:
- initial Richard Horne attack is swift, brutal, and leaves us with a bad taste in our mouths. This was another "good person" struck down by evil with no immediate come-uppance to satiate us.
- second attack by Richard Horne is straight from our nightmares. Everyone's worst nightmare is being stuck there like Johnny Horne, bound and unable to fend off the home intrusion assault. And that notion of a violent, destructive force entering and defiling our home might as well be a metaphor for what Bob has done to men like Leland...after they "let him in" of course.
- "Hello Johnny, how are you today?" effective but also disturbing film making.
- I think subconsciously we are not comfortable with Diane being associated with evil Coop. We wanted her to be a good guy.
- For whatever reason it felt like this episode flew by in about a 1/2 hour. I'm thinking back a few episodes to contrast this with the infamous floor sweeping scene. That seemed like it popped up at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through an episode, went on forever, and there was still more story when we were done. This episode, in contrast, seemed like it was over in 1/2 hour and then we got 5+ minutes of (an admittedly beautiful) song. But we wanted MOAR.