Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
By the way, here it is: @34.5200181,-118.30318,3a,75y,316.7h,79.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4zYyzBnb99tXDBnwuiicXw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
This may be reaching, but according to the google street view (historical) it didn't take on that look until sometime between 2011 and 2016. Now.. If you look at the May 2016 street view image, it reflects EXACTLY the same gas prices as shown in the show.
By July of 2016, the prices have gone up a little. I have not been able to find a more recent date past 2016.
I don't think we're meant to take a date from petrol prices IMHO
What do we draw from the scene in th e original series where the giant says to Cooper "you forgot something " and then sends a golden orb into Coops body?
Any ideas?
Was just teading a facebook post about the Tremonds. ..
In TOS one day Donna knocks on the door to Mrs Tremond and grandson.
Next day she knocks on same door but a new lady lives there...never heard of Tremonds.
In TR Coop and Carrie knock on Palmers door but new lady owner, Tremond never heard of Palmers!
Mrs Alice Tremond talks to someone off screen. We presume her husband but could be grandson?
And this?
Was just teading a facebook post about the Tremonds. ..
In TOS one day Donna knocks on the door to Mrs Tremond and grandson.
Next day she knocks on same door but a new lady lives there...never heard of Tremonds.
In TR Coop and Carrie knock on Palmers door but new lady owner, Tremond never heard of Palmers!
Mrs Alice Tremond talks to someone off screen. We presume her husband but could be grandson?
And this?
Just that she doesn't say she has never heard of the Tremonds when Coop and Donna arrive, she says that she is Ms. Tremond, but has no mother or son living with her. So, the parallel seems to be a but more complex
I need to go watch that episode again. Does anybody recall the ep. #?
It's episode 16, or s02e09 (Arbitrary Law) - I just checked the wiki, so apologies if they somehow have it wrong
I feel like so much of it is slipping I am somehow I can't remember the official or unofficial version.......
Or I'm just getting old and its been some months since I have visited Twin Peaks. Perhaps I should resume the Mecca I started a while back.
Someone on one of the facebook pages just posted that in FWWM ending where we see Laura in a blue light and smiling and crying it is because she is watching a TV screen of her life/Twin Peaks show!
Also that according to them, Lynch has said that the clue to the whole thing is in FWWM!
Someone on one of the facebook pages just posted that in FWWM ending where we see Laura in a blue light and smiling and crying it is because she is watching a TV screen of her life/Twin Peaks show!
Also that according to them, Lynch has said that the clue to the whole thing is in FWWM!
Well, like anything, I'd like to see the evidence of either claim. I remember Lynch saying something to the effect of needing to be familiar with FWWM and much of TR being based on occurrences there. I don't recall ever hearing/reading Lynch saying that there was a clue to the WHOLE thing anywhere. But time and memory has passed. It's entirely possible. Ask them to share the quote. 🙂
Someone on one of the facebook pages just posted that in FWWM ending where we see Laura in a blue light and smiling and crying it is because she is watching a TV screen of her life/Twin Peaks show!
Also that according to them, Lynch has said that the clue to the whole thing is in FWWM!
Well, like anything, I'd like to see the evidence of either claim. I remember Lynch saying something to the effect of needing to be familiar with FWWM and much of TR being based on occurrences there. I don't recall ever hearing/reading Lynch saying that there was a clue to the WHOLE thing anywhere. But time and memory has passed. It's entirely possible. Ask them to share the quote. 🙂
Someone on one of the facebook pages just posted that in FWWM ending where we see Laura in a blue light and smiling and crying it is because she is watching a TV screen of her life/Twin Peaks show!
Also that according to them, Lynch has said that the clue to the whole thing is in FWWM!
The opening credits of FWWM is on a blue background.
At the end of the credits, the background is in fact a TV screen with no signal.
Immediately smashed (by a shovel ?) and we are hearing the screams of a young woman, probably Teresa Banks.
At the end of the movie, Laura (or Carrie ?) is watching a TV screen and crying at the same time.
Did the opening and the end of FWWM are connected ?
Well, well, well, just found something interesting.
The TV smashed is the same (and the little table under too) as the one at the Red Diamond City Motel when Teresa is wearing the Owl Cave ring.
And this motel is the same filming location in The Return where Jeffries is trapped in the tea kettle above the Convenience Store.
(when Leland is leaving the Red Diamond City Motel after seeing Laura in FWWM, we see the young boy, Pierre Tremond, jumping with the mask).
Further in FWWM, in a flashback, Just before it's been smashed by Leland Palmer, we can see the TV.
So it's the same TV model as the one in the motel.
But this TV is not in the motel, it's in the Chalfont trailer.
An interesting bit of trivia is that on the cast and crew call sheets, for the day that they filmed the Teresa Banks murder scene, the location for scene is specified as the Chalfont trailer and NOT Teresa Bank’s trailer. This makes absolute sense as the ring is found by Chester Desmond at the foot of the Chalfont trailer.
In the same motel scene in FWMM, take look now at the lampshade :
And now, this is the scene in The Return when Mr C. is in the room with Jeffries / tea kettle.
Look at the lampshade. Not 100% the same, but the shape is the same.
So David Lynch filmed in the same real motel (Mt. Si Motel, North Bend WA.) an important scene in 1991-1992.
And another yrev important scene in 2015.
And asked to the prop guys to put a special shaped lampshade in the background...