Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
"This is what I want." The mysterious Naido - found near Jack Rabbits Palace, where Mr. C's coordinates led him. Notice the placement of Coop's eyebrows - look familiar? Mr. C's ace of spades - is Naido really Judy?
That is a great find! ? and what a brilliant image too.
I'm not sure if Mr C was looking for Naido, though. When he entered the portal at Jack Rabbits Palace, it appears he wants to go to the Palmer's house and is tricked by the Fireman and Briggs to appear at the sherrif's station - exactly where Naido is.
Then again that image is very compelling, so who knows? My issue with Naido is I don't really know what purpose she serves: if she's Diane, disguised and hidden by Mr C so she can't alert people to her tulpa, then fair enough. But Andy's meeting with the Fireman suggests she's of more importance than that.
Something I cooked up:
Mr. C wants Judy/Naido but he doesn't know what form she has taken. He thinks he'll find her at the location near Jack Rabbit's Palace but she was found the day before by Truman, Briggs, Hawk, Andy. The plan is for Mr. C and Judy to reunite and bring about the end of the world - just as Frost alluded to in The Final Dossier. I imagine Judy and BOB have conquered/destroyed other worlds and now the battle is our own Earth. The Fireman is hip to this and creates The Laura orb - the essence of purity and good - to act as a deterrent to the pervasive evil that is about to be unleashed in our world. Like the Log Lady said, 'Electricity is humming. You hear it in the mountains and rivers. You see it dance among the seas and stars and glowing around the moon, but in these days, the glow is dying. What will be in the darkness that remains?' The Laura orb - the glow - is fading and soon there will be only darkness, Judy/BOB.
Naido appeared near Jack Rabbit's Palace hoping to be found By Mr. C (his coordinates) but Briggs sent the message to his son and the other "Good men" to intercept her and ultimately to trap Mr. C. Once Mr. C is killed and the BOB bubble is destroyed, Naido transforms into Diane, a familiar and love of Cooper, who continues his mission to save then find Laura and return 'the glow' to this world & ultimately destroy Judy, like Jeffries was doing before he evolved into a tea kettle. But Judy has fooled not only Coop but the Fireman. His message to Coop in Part 1 is an assignment to find Laura and return her/the light to Twin Peaks, and to our world. But since 'it is in our house now,' he doesn't foresee Judy still hiding within Diane, who knows what resides within her subconsciously when she sees her double outside the motel in Part 18.
Coop knows that when he 'crosses over' he'll be reunited with his shadow self, the remants of BOB. "Once we cross over it might all be different." Judy knows this, too. The sex scene in the motel room is the long planned union of BOB and JUDY, through the guises of Diane and Cooper (Richard and Linda). Diane/Linda disappears so Cooper/Richard will continue his journey to find Laura Palmer, hiding within Carrie Page. As Coop/Richard drives Laura/Carrie home, he is solemn. Subconsciously he knows what is happening, the end is near, but there's a struggle within Cooper/Richard, the good side is still virtuous while the evil side waits patiently. The destination is The Palmer house, which is a portal to the Convenience store, the hub of evil created post-Atomic blast. Sarah Palmer is host to The Jumping Man, a talisman, as Lynch described to the actor playing him, who will perform a ceremony within The Convenience Store once Laura arrives, destroying Laura and facilitating the end of all hope/light. But Cooper resists going inside and investigating. The spirits within the Palmer house await as Cooper ponders what year it is and the memory of Laura Palmer returns, showing her and us the audience the evil that awaits within The Palmer residence and the eventual end of the world.
Wow, that's a lot to think about!
It bothers me why naidos head turned into that evil looking blob before becoming Diane.
Wow, that's a lot to think about!
It bothers me why naidos head turned into that evil looking blob before becoming Diane.
Assuming Naido is Judy, maybe the blob is Judy's true form?
Wow, that's a lot to think about!
It bothers me why naidos head turned into that evil looking blob before becoming Diane.
Assuming Naido is Judy, maybe the blob is Judy's true form?
But it just went to the red room. Id Naido was Judy, then why be afraid of Mr C? And why show Coop the way back from the spaceship thingy?
Naido's role in Part 3 is still very murky. We don't know where the first portal (#15) would've taken Cooper. We do know that the #3 portal took him to Vegas, where Mr. C had hit men waiting to kill him. So it's very possible when Naido pulled the switch she was setting up Cooper.
As to why Naido seemed afraid of Mr. C's presence in the jail cell -- I'm not convinced this was the case. She was incarcerated by people she didn't know. It could very well be that she was acting out of fear more than the arrival of Mr. C.
The Red Room within Naido's face is only relevant to Cooper - he is the only one in the room who would know what it would look like. This could be Judy/Naido putting Cooper at ease by transforming to the familiar Diane but still remaining within her. Notice how everything changes in the Sheriff's Office once Cooper recognizes Naido - moments after they kiss, Cooper gets an uneasy feeling and the room goes dark. This is, I think, a visual that Cooper's mission ("Do you remember your doppelganger?") has ended and is new mission ("Is it the story of the little girl who lived down the lane?") begins. Naido/Judy was thwarted by Cooper and Freddie from reuniting with BOB, so she changes her plan by taking the form of Diane, who will accompany him on his next mission to find Laura, which is another plan I have worked out but too detailed to mention here.
Personally, I think Judy inhabits Sarah, not Naido/Diane. But I think Tom has raised some very interesting points/arguments here, and if anything he's raised the first reasonable explanation I've seen of why Diane sees herself outside of the motel.
...she changes her plan by taking the form of Diane, who will accompany him on his next mission to find Laura, which is another plan I have worked out but too detailed to mention here.
I look forward to reading this at some point hopefully in the near future ?
This is one of the most confusing theories I've read to date. Going to have to give this some serious thought. I really haven't given Naido another thought since she turned out to be Diane......
As Chris mentions above, I think one of the big clues that the Diane we see in part 18 is not who she claims to be is when she sees her double outside the motel. Just as there seemed to be an internal struggle within Mr. C/BOB (you're still with me?), there very well could be a struggle within Diane (if she is now host to Judy in part 18) and seeing her double is not only a reminder to herself but a visual clue for us the audience. Same thing for Sarah in Part 12 when she says, "Something happened to me."
A thought just occured to me: if Naido is Judy, and takes on Diane's form to gain Coop's trust, why would the Diane tulpa say she was in the sherrif's station? Naido hadn't changed into Diane at that point.
I think it's definitely related to Naido even though she has not yet taken on the guise of Diane. The tulpa Diane is struggling mightily with guilt and conflict in part 16. When we see her at the bar she mentions 'Cooper' with emotion before sending coordinates to Mr. C. She's been under his control for years probably. In the scene in the hotel room with Diane and the Blue Rose Task Force, Diane is still under Mr. C's spell. Does she have a moment of remorse, an epiphany? Or is she talking out loud to Mr. C? If Mr. C wants Judy/Naido, where is she? At the sheriff station, where Mr. C will find her. Thus: I, Judy, am at the Sheriff Station.
Confusing but we're also dealing with a narrative that constantly asks, "is it future or is it past?"
I think it's definitely related to Naido even though she has not yet taken on the guise of Diane. The tulpa Diane is struggling mightily with guilt and conflict in part 16. When we see her at the bar she mentions 'Cooper' with emotion before sending coordinates to Mr. C. She's been under his control for years probably. In the scene in the hotel room with Diane and the Blue Rose Task Force, Diane is still under Mr. C's spell. Does she have a moment of remorse, an epiphany? Or is she talking out loud to Mr. C? If Mr. C wants Judy/Naido, where is she? At the sheriff station, where Mr. C will find her. Thus: I, Judy, am at the Sheriff Station.
Confusing but we're also dealing with a narrative that constantly asks, "is it future or is it past?"
Let's not discount Diane's experience just because she is a tulpa. (Not that I think you are necessarily doing so - others have)
At the bar she says something like, "Cooper... I hope this works" (????)
I don't think she has been under Mr. C's *control* the whole time. I think this is more like her being triggered by certain things. "Around the dinner table the conversation is lively" means tell me about what is being said. The ALL text means tell them everything, or something like that...
I don't know. But part of what I think is interesting about this kind of theory about Naido is that it implies that we never see the "Real" Diane. And, I sort of like that.
Tulpa Diane is one of the most fascinating characters in season 3. I could never imagine her arc being what it was after the scene with Mr. C in part 7. But knowing the little bits of her back story, distrust of the FBI, etc. it's highly likely she only stuck around Buckhorn per Mr. C's orders. Now was she under total mind control that whole time? I don't think so, but I believe she was there to serve as Mr. C's eyes and ears.
As for the 🙂 ALL message, I've always felt it was a message to Diane to give Mr. C 'ALL' coordinates, but others speculate it was a message to kill them ALL. It could work either way, or both.