That arm is definitely bending back.
That arm is definitely bending back.
Nup, the hand is on the wrong arm, or the entire arm is on the wrong side.
Right. On both sides.
I guess that's the only way an arm would bend back without breaking?
"I am the arm and I sound like this...
Or something.
"I am the arm and I sound like this...
Or something.
"Sometimes my arms bend backwards".
Try bending your arm back and look at the hand. It cannot do that, no matter how you try. Trust me on this; I know a bit about anatomy and that hand is on the wrong arm. The entire arm would have to bend back and move to the other side of the body.
I guess you are right when it comes to human anatomy.
Yep - even I can't do that & I've got hypermobile joints. That's something else I noticed about Tammy - I think her thumbs must be hypermobile as she keeps having her thumbs stuck out at right angles...
--!!-- great find! And as per the conversation on this thread, the arm isn't bending backwards. The crook of the arm is as it should be - but it's the right arm's hand. - love this. Thanks.
Just noticed this when making my latest ridiculous TP toon.
---um, there's something else I hadn't noticed until seeing your screenshot. The Experiment has what seem to be small horns or ears at the top of her head. -- Couldn't that be something like Bad Cooper's Ace of Spades?
'Mother' nature vomiting/sick from the atomic blast, its 'left arm' binding back from human intervention of the A-bomb, giving 'experimental/man-made' birth to abomination of the excess of the frog-insect and woodsmen..............both perverse figures enjoying pain, a certain type of excess here, not excess as such, but excess hiding from the fact that there is 'no stars' and that our 'watch'/intervention/measuring is a 'weirding way' that interacts with and forms the no-stars/quantum flux, this is necessary to try, fail, try, etc. since can never permanently succeed, but only successively improve, since no stars/atoms; much better than the perversity(Laura, Leo, etc.) of trying to live in the fire/pain......enjoying pain as if there are stars and this is 'all there is', leads to barbarism out of weakness, hiding from the fact that old dreams are not guaranteed, but were killed by human intervention and that problem needs to be solved.....
Just noticed this when making my latest ridiculous TP toon.
---um, there's something else I hadn't noticed until seeing your screenshot. The Experiment has what seem to be small horns or ears at the top of her head. -- Couldn't that be something like Bad Cooper's Ace of Spades?
This was pointed out before. Check this part 8 thread to catch up:
Ace of spades card is the Experiment/Mother
You know, I'm such a doofus. A friend of mine who's a big twin peaks fan and also heavily into symbolism had to tell me that the experiment is called the experiment because of the Abomb experiment.
Semantically I just never linked the two. Sheesh.