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Has anyone read The Secret History of TP? there is a chapter dedicated to Alistair Crowley and his book the Moonchild....
In here he describes the fight between white magicians and black magicians from the white and black lodge, who try to impregnate a virgin to give birth to the moonchild... whoever wins means the child might be a saviour or an antichrist...
let's suppose Laura was sent to be the saviour moonchild but something went horribly wrong....Leland got possessed by Bob before she was born so she was born damned... therefore she couldn't fight against him when he kept showing up and 'spoiling her' .... maybe her faith was supposed to be greater than what happened to her...maybe she was supposed to save us but something went wrong. She died....
what if the purpose of the 3rd series is to save Laura? what if Coop needs to find a way to travel in time (time is a circle in TP everything returns, everything is connected...remember Annie?) and save Laura so she can save the world from Bob? How is she supposed to do that? is she the only one who can really kill Bob?
so we know that Bob and the black lodge's purpose was ruined when Laura died .... therefore they must still be looking to find a way to procreate an "antichrist".... Dr Hayward says that Bad Coop/Bob visit Audrey while she is in a coma at the end of the 3rd series (supposedly)...
Could he have gotten her pregnant? and if that child is Richard...would it make sense to say that Richard is the Antichrist? he sure looks and behaves bad enough.... so who is Red? is he the black lodge magician come to teach him how to destroy the world?
I am new to the forum and nobody I know share my love for Twin Peaks so I literally have nobody to talk to about it.... Please share your comments and beliefs. I would love to discuss this with someone
Very good theory MC, I think you may be on to something there. I read Secret History but it is so packed with information that it is hard to remember everything.
You know Michael P. I had this theory before the last episode but I didn't have any clues or signs it might be right.... I kept thinking...why is Laura so important? Have we forgotten about her already? Shouldn't she be the centre of everything as the Log Lady said? (this is Laura's story but it's the story of everyone)...
But when I saw the golden globe I knew it was her! I knew Laura was supposed to be "bigger" than just a teenage girl....
For my part, I do not believe that Christian mythology plays any part in TP, but if you put a lot of quotation marks around "antichrist", I tjink you may be on to something. Thre is a lot of thinking here that Richard is the child of Audry and bad Coop, and your theory would place this into some context beyond a desire to do something horrible (and bad Coop seems planful, if nothing else).
welcome to this community, moonchild. You have found your tribe!
hi MJ!!!.... Yes I mean "antichrist" as the son of pure evil/Bob's son not as in a Catholic sense...
Bad Coop definitely looks like he's looking for something.. I have a theory about portals in time and space...
There's something Douglas Milford says in the Secret History about aliens who can not only travel in time but in space too! What if the numbers were portals? Number 6 at the Fat Trout on the pole (the same one we see before Richard kills the kid) where Desmond 'strangely' disappears....
And number 7, outside the elevator in FWWM where Jeffries appears out of nowhere after going missing...
Could this be the portal where Good Coop needs to go? Hence, he is always caressing the number 7?
hi MJ!!!.... Yes I mean "antichrist" as the son of pure evil/Bob's son not as in a Catholic sense...
Bad Coop definitely looks like he's looking for something.. I have a theory about portals in time and space...
There's something Douglas Milford says in the Secret History about aliens who can not only travel in time but in space too! What if the numbers were portals? Number 6 at the Fat Trout on the pole (the same one we see before Richard kills the kid) where Desmond 'strangely' disappears....
And number 7, outside the elevator in FWWM where Jeffries appears out of nowhere after going missing...
Could this be the portal where Good Coop needs to go? Hence, he is always caressing the number 7?
Welcome MoonChild. Your theories are fantastic. Now that we've seen Part 8 we can state that TSHoTP surely is getting more and more importance during the events' developments.
yes @Pier Federico....and I believe there is a reason behind Frost releasing the book just before the S3 and also releasing the Missing Pieces...
JUDY also will definitely jump out at some point....remember Lynch wanted to make Bowie one of the main characters...and Bowie/Jeffries disappears in Argentina/SouthAmerican while looking for Judy....
I believe portal 7 to be the FBI Headquarters in 1989 after Teresa's death
Maybe 4-3-0 is another portal? more portals?
I am almost sure the 'code' bad coop is looking for is the place in space/time to enter to stop something from happening or make sure something happens again....
If you can find a copy of
Which was a Spanish film about the same Crowley story. I think the film was never officially released I got a copy of a bootleg of the Cannes screening copy. Becuase I am a Dead Can Dance fan this was a rarity to find. But when I was reading the secret history that section reminded of this film. And thinking of it some of the imagery similar. Now I have to rewatch many things to look at from this segment and reading the book. Like the theory but I am not sure there is a happy ending coming, I think Laura was bait to draw Bob out. She was pure and the pain and suffering that could be manifest by hurting that which was so pure was guaranteed to get Bob. I hope for the happy ending but after reading the Secret History I think we sold out to the greys and the evil we get is just beginning.
Good to read you, MoonChild.
I agree, you're on to something. There definitely is a them of "white magicians vs. black magicians" in TP. At one point in the series (in season 2, right before arresting Leland) Coop is clearly the magician.
Later on, we see Windom Earle is a magician as well. And there's always the fight for purity, to preserve or violate (Laura, Annie).
I also really like the idea of portals that connects different points in time, space, other dimensions and the human mind (through dreams).
Thank you Haxan
I love reading your posts too! I keep thinking about the ring a lot... I have a feeling that only the person with the ring can open the portals and move in between the..."dimensions"??
Desmond disappears when he finds it.... Laura enters the red room even though nobody actually brings her there... Dougie maybe used it to stay out of them... I can't explain better ... need to think of it more but I believe the ring is going to Be very important as we go on
Why, thank you : -)
Yeah, the ring is an interesting piece: we know it worked like a 'insulant' of sorts that protected Laura from being possessed by BOB, and we can infer that it opened some sort of...portal, passage, conduit in which Agent Desmond disappeared. Why was Dougie wearing it and what does that means in the grand scheme of things is puzzling me.
Maybe the ring is like an 'electical switch' off sort, considering how all these entities seems to be connected to electricity.
In FWWM, the line 'With this ring, I thee wed' (the Arm to BOB), however, comes shortly after the mention of 'intercourse between the two world' so, yeah: a portal or, at least, some sort of a key to a portal.
Having read Crowley in my youth nice to see some of the harder to find books are now online...,%20aleister%20-%20moonchild.pdf
I never knew this book had been gifted Diary of a Drug Fiend
Oddly the MoonChild name is in many pieces of art...The Never Ending Story.... King Crimson's first album I am sure I will find more.....
Really interesting theory! But what about Becky and these new teenage girls in Twin Peaks the new Renault was talking about? Maybe there'll be another character named Laura? Or another character who somehow IS Laura with another name? Who's supposed to play that role all over again for either the black or the white lodges...
I think you are on the right track with your Laura/Moonchild theory. In my opinion Laura is the "evil/dark" incarnation of the moonchild. I don't know yet how this all fits together but I think it has to do with the real history of Jack Parsons. Here a few excerpts from an online article:
(...)1941 -- Parsons started to have a sexual relationship with his wife's Helen's 17-year-old sister Sara (....) along with other Thelemites ended up moving into a large house together in Pasadena. Drugs flowed freely, as did sexual partners. (...) FBI receiving allegations that it played host to a cult involved in sexual orgies and black magic (...)
"In 1945, (...) L Ron Hubbard moved into the Pasadena lodge. Sara took an interest in Hubbard, which made Parsons jealous. He developed a deeper interest in witchcraft and the darker side of magic, becoming fascinated by poltergeists and ghostly apparitions."
"In a bid to find conjure up a new lover, he took part in extraordinary rituals (...), he decided to create his own girlfriend and summon an elemental,"
"When Parsons worked on his rocketry experiments in the desert he would recite a pagan poem to Pan"
"(...) Parsons became even more deeply entrenched in the occult(...) Just before a planned trip to Mexico in 1952, Parsons (...)While preparing the order, there was an explosion involving mercury in which Parsons suffered fatal wounds"
"In the poems, (...) Parsons uses imagery that is pretty far out (...) about a hidden world beyond the view of normal mortals"
"He saw both space and magic as ways of exploring these new frontiers -- one breaking free from Earth literally and metaphysically."
This article ties Parsons, Hubbard and Crowley (Thelemites, followers of his religion Thelema) together around the time of the atomic explosions. I don't know if Pasadena and White Sands have some connection but it is certainly odd. In addition they have a love triangle involving a young girl named Sara (Palmer???).
The way I saw it was that at the time of the Trinity experiment, Parson and Hubbard went in the desert and carried out the Babalon Ceremonial to release the Mother which together with the explosion release Bob and evil.... There's a paragraph about Parson being in the desert at the same time as the bomb going off in that period....
But I don't think this involves Sarah Palmer.... However, she surely is a red head....and the mother of the moonchild would have to be a redhead for some reasons....
In Twin Peaks we have some red heads....SarAh Palmer, Nadine, Ruth Davenport....Could that be something? Or am I stretching it?
How can Laura be the EVIL? nooooooooo I love Laura... I love her character, I always thought of her as this beautiful pure innocent flower touched by evil, damned to be unhappy even though she tried so hard to be good with all her heart....
I remember Dr Hayward face when he sees its her on that beach....the apple of TwinPeaks' eye....washed ashore naked and cold 🙁
I just cant think Lynch would have the heart to make her the bad one....