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moth frog creature

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Posted by: fignewtron

Current thoughts:

The frog creature is separate from the BOB Orb and the Laura Orb. Look closely at Mothers Puke. Many many eggs and only one BOB Orb. The eggs are spreading something new through humanity?


Extra thought: Charcoal men look burnt because they are entities that actually traversed the threshold of the nuclear blast to set foot on earth.


So three creatures came through the Trinity explosion: BOB Orb, Evil? Eggs?, and the Charcoal men.


I am spending waaaaaayyyyyy to much time thinking about episode eight. Can't get it out of my mind... My wife asked me a question about our lil doggies this evening and I responded "I told you the picture of the Trinity Blast behind Coles desk was important!"



We don't know where the hobos come from.  But the datas are :

They're lumberjacks.  

They're burnt.

There's an atom bomb explosion, but lumberjacks aren't usually around White Sands, New Mexico.


Posted : 28/06/2017 5:42 am
Posts: 195
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^ ^

As for now Angela i totally agree with what you say! And i'm doubting that the girl is Sarah Palmer. I'm thinking she is Linda now, but i really cannot decide and i change my theories of who the girl is all the time, every time i read or think of something else that i missed i reconsider.

Posted : 28/06/2017 5:46 am
Posts: 381
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Posted by: Angela Pavy
Posted by: Spyros

But the girl said its good luck when she found the coin, that can be a clue that the moth creature is good, but at the moment i doubt it.

It's true the girl said that, it can't be a coincidence.

And luck and Sarah Palmer don't really go together for me. I find Sarah Palmer might be one of the least lucky people in this show.

I also read somewhere that Sarah has always lived in Twin peaks but I'm not sure where this info came from.

It also seemed to me the "gottta light" man at the radio station was reciting his poem so the amphibug could get inside the girl's mouth... no?

Pieter Dom, our admin -who has insider's info- has posted that the girl has specific marks on her knees, and that an older character in a future episode may be revealed to have the same marks.  (They're not Owl Cave marks)

Posted : 28/06/2017 5:48 am
Angela Pavy reacted
Posts: 12
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What I meant in ref to Charcoal men/Lumberjacks is that they are creatures from the OTHER SIDE who came through the rift caused by the explosion. Thus the burn effect. Like a subclass of mother. A minion. They seem to have a more on/off corporeal presence. One moment a ghost in a cell then next they are more solid dancing and smeary Evil/Dopal Coops blood around.  I was not clear with my thoughts on this...


The Moth-Frog creature comes to earth in the form of an egg so it can grow/adapt to our plane of existence and have a more normal? physical form that conforms more to our physical laws. Versus Charcoal/Lumberjacks who are born on the OTHER SIDE and phase in and out of our physical plane... Hell I dunno... Ramble ramble... God I absolutely LOVE/HATE this episode... Mostly love...









Posted : 28/06/2017 6:37 am
elesea-honu, Bela Moschkovich, ella and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: Oyster Bells
Posted by: Angela Pavy
Posted by: Spyros

But the girl said its good luck when she found the coin, that can be a clue that the moth creature is good, but at the moment i doubt it.

It's true the girl said that, it can't be a coincidence.

And luck and Sarah Palmer don't really go together for me. I find Sarah Palmer might be one of the least lucky people in this show.

I also read somewhere that Sarah has always lived in Twin peaks but I'm not sure where this info came from.

It also seemed to me the "gottta light" man at the radio station was reciting his poem so the amphibug could get inside the girl's mouth... no?

Pieter Dom, our admin -who has insider's info- has posted that the girl has specific marks on her knees, and that an older character in a future episode may be revealed to have the same marks.  (They're not Owl Cave marks)

Wow can't wait to find out! 🙂

Posted : 28/06/2017 6:42 am
Posts: 195
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Yes i saw the marks too, thats why i'm leaning to Linda now. We havent seen Linda yet but we know a few things about her and her issue. Maybe that's her? or a character we have seen and know will appear to have these marks..?

Posted : 28/06/2017 6:48 am
Angela Pavy reacted
Posts: 91
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Someone on Reddit posted a very relevant image from page 14 of Twin Peaks: An Access Guide to the Town.

The amphibibug also reminds me of the Indonesian folk-art flying frogs, which are apparently considered symbols of transformation.


Posted : 28/06/2017 11:26 am
Roberto Bella, Lynn Watson, Caio Rocha and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: Spyros

Yes i saw the marks too, thats why i'm leaning to Linda now. We havent seen Linda yet but we know a few things about her and her issue. Maybe that's her? or a character we have seen and know will appear to have these marks..?

It wouls make sense to be Linda, she's in a wheelchair so we would see her knees. Also, the girl is a teen in 1956, which would make her the right age to enter the army and serve in some war later on.

Posted : 28/06/2017 11:38 am
Posts: 91
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From a webpage on Native American frog mythology:

Frogs play a variety of roles in Native American mythology from different tribes. In some tribes, frogs are considered medicine animals who have healing powers and the ability to bring rain. In others, they are associated with disease and bad luck. To the Anishinabe tribes, frogs represent transformation and growth. To Northwest Coast Native people, frogs are associated with springtime and renewal.




Posted : 28/06/2017 12:00 pm
Lynn Watson reacted
Posts: 204
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Maybe it's what Mr. C. is looking for?

Posted : 28/06/2017 10:53 pm
Lynn Watson reacted
Posts: 1
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I don't believe it is BOB. I think it is Laura. The gold sphere changed to an egg when it went through the saxophone looking gold tube inside the white lodge. Also, frogs symbolize good luck in different cultures and stories..even Native American. I do not believe it could be anything other than Laura's soul..maybe.

Posted : 30/06/2017 8:37 pm
Caio Rocha reacted
Posts: 13
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My thought: those could be "owls".

If you look at this picture of the moth frog, it's not such a stretch to the look of an owl.

And since we know that the owls are not what they seem...!

Posted : 06/07/2017 5:45 am
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

I keep thinking about the Jumping Man. I wonder if he's the frogmoth or simply related to it. The nose on his mask is a bit like the proboscis of a moth. The actor who played him in FWWM is set to appear this season.

Posted : 08/07/2017 9:58 am
Posts: 13
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Young Master Tremond is a monkey behind his mask - so there is some precedent!...

Posted : 08/07/2017 1:09 pm
Posts: 7
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My '91 "Access Guide to Twin Peaks", page 14, has short paragraph and NW Indian Art of flying frog, part of Chinook frog clan.

"They tell of a house, floating in the middle of a lake. On the house sits a woman, her knees, breasts, eyebrows and the backs of her hands covered with flying frogs."

 I thought of the old line "If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass so much" just now

Posted : 18/07/2017 6:46 am
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