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I just essentially said it was vague language. Demon is not.
"threaten me" - it doesn't. I'm entitled to discuss it & from many viewings of the show & film I remember more & notice more than some. I am JUST as entitled to my views as YOU are. YOU are the one making it personal again.
You are perfectly entitled to whatever you like. You are also entitled to be called out on your tone and to adjust it accordingly ; -)
I think that you're right on track with the comparison with Lovecraft. Lovecraft took some of the ideas of Theosophy when he created the Cthulhu Mythos. And I believe it was Frost who placed a lot of Theosophical material in TP. The Black and White Lodge concepts come directly from books like Madame Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine. Theosophy also played a big part in the magickal doctrine of Aleister Crowley. Crowley's magic system was quite evident in Frost's novel when he talks about the true attempt of L Ron Hubbard and early rocket genius Jack Parson when they tried to create a moonchild. And then I have to go back to Arthur C Clarke's famous quote that advanced science may be indistinguishable from magic to those who don't comprehend the science. There is a very strong SF content in the new series if you wish to interpret it that way. One more thing in my babbling. (Sorry I haven't had enough cups of strong Joe yet.) There's a theory that we interpret these extra-dimensional beings and occurances through the knowledge we have and the culture in which we live: demons, fairies, little people, aliens.
I think that you're right on track with the comparison with Lovecraft. Lovecraft took some of the ideas of Theosophy when he created the Cthulhu Mythos. And I believe it was Frost who placed a lot of Theosophical material in TP. The Black and White Lodge concepts come directly from books like Madame Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine. Theosophy also played a big part in the magickal doctrine of Aleister Crowley. Crowley's magic system was quite evident in Frost's novel when he talks about the true attempt of L Ron Hubbard and early rocket genius Jack Parson when they tried to create a moonchild. And then I have to go back to Arthur C Clarke's famous quote that advanced science may be indistinguishable from magic to those who don't comprehend the science. There is a very strong SF content in the new series if you wish to interpret it that way. One more thing in my babbling. (Sorry I haven't had enough cups of strong Joe yet.) There's a theory that we interpret these extra-dimensional beings and occurances through the knowledge we have and the culture in which we live: demons, fairies, little people, aliens.
Yes, your last sentence is exactly what I mean before, you just said it better (and despite the lacking of enough cups of Joe!!).
Also, thank your for your dissertation on Theosophy - I can only add that, if it's true that Frost brought most of the theosophical elements, Lynch rapresent the "other side" of a strong "lovecraftian connection": everytime I read about either madness or the dreamworld in H.P.L.'s work I can't help thinking of DL - as far as I'm concerned, Twin Peaks could actually be located on the Unknown Kadath and I wouldn't be one bit surprised 🙂