Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
We're told the body of Major Briggs is of somebody in their late 40s. But Major Briggs should have been in his 70s in 2014. We know from Bill Hastings's story that he met Major Briggs in "the Zone", which we can assume was somewhere within the Lodge universe. So if Major Briggs has been in the Lodge universe for 25 years and so has Cooper, why has Briggs not aged yet Cooper has?
Could it be that because Cooper's doppelgänger exists in the real world and is subject to aging, that Cooper's body in the Lodge is experiencing the same aging process? That is the only explanation I can think of at the moment.
The impressions I got was that Major Briggs was traveling through time. Which I assume he started doing shortly after the end of season 2. Where as Cooper actually spent 25 years inside the lodge.
Briggs said he had been "hibernating". Whatever that means.
He quit while he was a head.
I know, it's crap.
I'll get me coat. Again.
Actually, this brings up the whole scene at 2240 Sycamore in Part 11 where they find Ruth Davenport's body. Now that I rewatch it, it just goes nowhere outside of the coordinates on her arm. There seems to be the mother of all portals there. Larger than the one near Jackrabbit's Palace, at least visually. It seemingly goes to the Black Lodge. But after they leave nobody seems at all interested in it again. Briggs lost his head here but somehow it ended up with the Fireman. I'm looking forward to someone explaining Briggs' head floating everywhere someday.