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At the start of Episode 17 Lynch, as Cole, drops this huge dump of very pertinent information about Judy, etc in a monologue which if it had been revealed earlier would seriously effect watching the show. He then, as Cole, apologizes to Albert for doing this and assures him that even though he knows Albert understands, he's still sorry. Anyone else think this was Lynch specifically apologizing to the fans for doing this?
I'm not sure why he would have apologized to fans because it would have been his choice to present the information this way.
Even David Lynch can make bad choices. He wanted to use certain visual devices and show certain things and have them still be mysterious, like a good part of Episode 8, and that only works if he holds back the Jowday thing. Also, a lot of Cole's actions throughout the show become dubious once you know he knew about Jowday. Plus it only works this first time the Season 3 is shown because now everyone knows. Kinda of crappy thing to do.
So, he got lazy and then decided to add a line of dialogue apologizing for such? Could be.
I thought he was apologizing for Freddie Sykes.
In a general way, yes, I absolutely think that monologue is David Lynch looking at the camera and giving an "apology" to the fans - all season long there have been acknowledgements that this was tiring/frustrating/bewildering for fans. (Funniest was the woman honking the car in the traffic jam.)
But then of course, with that exposition put in, you're like, huh, that is all really a little bit silly. In fact the show's whole cosmology is a little bit silly, if it's said just like that. I think that was something else he was acknowledging by doing that.