Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
I must admit, I've got to watch everything again - with a notepad handy! - but I'm not sure I am buying this generally accepted point of the Judy/Sarah Palmer/Mother link. I was just listening to one of the podcasts which led me to a letter Joan Chen wrote to David Lynch (in character) and she mentions her sister being called Judy, as well as lots of fire. Maybe a coincidence. Link for anyone interested. Not sure what to make of it and apologies if old news to many!
I must admit, I've got to watch everything again - with a notepad handy! - but I'm not sure I am buying this generally accepted point of the Judy/Sarah Palmer/Mother link. I was just listening to one of the podcasts which led me to a letter Joan Chen wrote to David Lynch (in character) and she mentions her sister being called Judy, as well as lots of fire. Maybe a coincidence. Link for anyone interested. Not sure what to make of it and apologies if old news to many!
Not sure if you heard, but one of the original ideas was that Judy would be Josie's sister. I didn't get the feeling that was held over for the Return, but guess you can't count anything out.
I never did buy the idea. Anything regarding Sarah Palmer's possessor/co-traveller is conjecture, nothing more. All we know is there's something in there, but we don't even know what its intentions are, other than to kill potential rapists.
I honestly thought during The Return during the scenes at The Great Northern, where there was the strange humming kinda audio, slow long shots on the wooden walls, and at one point they tried to find the source of the noise...I thought that was going to bring Josie back in to things - as if she was in the wood of the whole hotel...but that didn't materialize...although the noise did feature a few times like when "Cooper" awoke from the coma I think...maybe I've been too engaged as a reader/wishful thinker 😉
I never did buy the idea. Anything regarding Sarah Palmer's possessor/co-traveller is conjecture, nothing more. All we know is there's something in there, but we don't even know what its intentions are, other than to kill potential rapists.
Yeah, giving us that Sarah = Mother just seems to diminish the role of Mother.
I wondered if Mother was following Dale and thus ended up on the box in New York. Maybe aware of the Fireman's plan. This would suggest that even if Sarah = Mother, the possession was very recent. We could always go back to the idea that Mother does not equal Experiment and thus they are 2 different beings.
I never did buy the idea. Anything regarding Sarah Palmer's possessor/co-traveller is conjecture, nothing more. All we know is there's something in there, but we don't even know what its intentions are, other than to kill potential rapists.
Yeah, giving us that Sarah = Mother just seems to diminish the role of Mother.
I wondered if Mother was following Dale and thus ended up on the box in New York. Maybe aware of the Fireman's plan. This would suggest that even if Sarah = Mother, the possession was very recent. We could always go back to the idea that Mother does not equal Experiment and thus they are 2 different beings.
Completely agree
Be careful agreeing with me, that can be habit forming and lead to madness and other more nefarious results.
Be careful agreeing with me, that can be habit forming and lead to madness and other more nefarious results.
🙂 Maybe I am already there!
Well. If Sarah = Mother. How can she knock the door in purple room...and if she can just leave a can anyone belive in happy end with destroying her 🙂 If she can leave, she can escape Sarah body. If she can't leave Sarah body...she cannot be in a box or knocking the door. If she can leave body, she cannot be destroyed by so simple explanations of Laura bomb theory 🙂
I don't buy it at all. Because many people just ignore fact, that Laura Orb was sent because Fireman saw Bob Orb in his screen. It is simple to create a theory and ignore what was in film. But...there was only this, hundreds of eggs and one Bob Orb. There wasn't any other reason for Fireman to fly up and create Laura Orb. And once again I will wrote this...if this one frog moth is this one in Sarah, there is still hundreds of it. So mission that relies on killing only one egg and sacrifice Laura, sound ridiculous.
I guess you could suggest that just as Dale passed beyond the box, Mother could have returned to it after getting her head busting moves on as she continued to follow him. I am like Sam though, I question the whole Sarah = Mother idea. You could also suggest that Fireman's "in our house" comment was either a message that Mother had access to any of the white lodge, waiting room, black lodge, other dimension, the current dimension, or Palmer house.
The other theory can say...this one from box is free. It don't need to come back to box. What was the goal of this whole experiment ? Maybe the goal is achieved. It left this box as a portal from one world to another.
So I can write "it is in our house now" can mean it left this box. There can be many theories fit to that 🙂
I must admit, I've got to watch everything again - with a notepad handy! - but I'm not sure I am buying this generally accepted point of the Judy/Sarah Palmer/Mother link. I was just listening to one of the podcasts which led me to a letter Joan Chen wrote to David Lynch (in character) and she mentions her sister being called Judy, as well as lots of fire. Maybe a coincidence. Link for anyone interested. Not sure what to make of it and apologies if old news to many!
Also not buying Sarah is Judy and I'm fed up with everyone substituting the word Mother for Judy. Absolutely NO EVIDENCE for this as mother is only said in the one purple room scene.
I think people every bad entity call now Judy 🙂 So something bad knocking the door and the audience screams "IT'S JUDY IT'S JUDY !!!"
I still did not get the answer who is Judy, from people who in near every thread spread theory about Laura bomb and happy end with Judy destroyed. They are deaf to the questions. It is so simpe to write "Laura scream and Judy is destroyed" like mantra without any details who is Judy AND why Fireman sent Laura Orb in reaction to Bob Orb, not in reaction to any Judy.
Something I posted in another thread too. "Judy" was first (I think?) mentioned in FWWM at the end with the scene with the monkey under the mask, seems to me that could be a hint/link to the whole Judy aspect of things? Good that it is still an open question to many of us. Also the "Punch and Judy" link to the (old fashioned?) British puppet show and the link to the family. So much to think about. Maybe we will learn more in the next book.
To me the evidence points to Judy being the thing/experiment that created Bob in episode 8 and thus the creator of all the evil in Twin Peaks. The thing that is in Sarah Palmer and that came through in New York to kill the couple having sex is the same thing or looks similar and connected to Judy in some way which people have called Mother. Sex is used as a way of attracting this Mother figure as in the couple having sex and Diane/Linda and Cooper/Richard having sex to attract Judy's presence into the alternative universe that they have driven into. The Chalfonts and Tremonds have occupied the Palmer's house in this universe that Judy seems in control of or trapped in by the Fireman. Cole says they are after an entity called Judy. Bad Cooper as also met Judy. To me all the evidence points to Judy being the experiment figure who created Bob in episode 8 and in possession of Sarah Palmer in the form of that figure that is called Mother. Whether the girl in episode 8 is Sarah and is possessed by Judy through the frog moth climbing inside her I am unsure of though I do think about the parallels between that scene and the Wizard of Oz that Judy Garland falls asleep in Kansas in black and white and then dreams about going to Oz. Maybe there is some type of connection there or not. Also Phillip Jeffries meeting a Judy in Buenos Aries may not tie up with Sarah Palmer being possessed by Judy and seems to do with a real person rather than an entity called Judy.